Topic: HELP ME!!!!!  (Read 4698 times)

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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2003, 09:58:12 pm »

.. without looking at your computer, I don't know myself. Sorry.
Just speaking from my unix experience.. and knowledge that some windows drivers have the same abilities.

-- Luc


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: March 30, 2003, 10:19:10 pm »

I downloaded the newest ATI Radeon 7000 Drivers, got a few new options, but nothing to solve my problem.

I hate my computer, thanks for all your help though Luc, PLEASE CONTINUE TO HELP ME FOLKS!

I want to play this game so damn bad!  


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2003, 11:24:54 pm »
Ok, I dont know if this a developement atall, but I figured it would be worth posting.

I have a Compaq Presario CV535 Monitor.

You know how all monitors have options, width...height...Angle...etc

Well in the center of mine it says 800x600 EVEN THOUGH I have the desktop set to 1024x768, I dunno if that helps,I have installed and unistalled every driver I can find for the card and the monitor itself.

I give up completely, Im not upset at my monitor or my computer.  Im upset at the developers of the game. Why can't I play it at 800x600? I have never seen a game that doesn't give me the option to change the game resolution, this is really stupid. Im about to take them up on their warranty, I AM FAR FROM SATISFIED.  


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: March 30, 2003, 11:48:04 pm »
Have you ever run  your desktop at 1024x768 before?  What are your computer specs?  Does the monitor support 1024x768 resolution or just 800x600?  If it's a really old system, it may only support the lower resolution.  There may be a resolution setting that you actually have to change on the monitor itself although I have never encountered that myself.


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2003, 12:25:56 am »
I used to have a 14" old monitor. Because it couldn't handle 1024*768, whenever it ws put into this mode, it switched to 640*480. Maybe that's what is happening to you?

Second, your video card is more than capaple. If worrse comes to worse, you'll have to get a newer (preferably bigger)  monitor.  

Rob Cole

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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2003, 01:02:09 am »
Try this little tool form  Khoromag   

It should let you adjust the size of the game.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Rob Cole »


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: March 31, 2003, 07:09:20 am »
FutureCop, I think you may have touched on your own problem.  You said that you had your "Desktop" is set to 1024x768.  Well, under Windows Display Properties your option to change resolution is called "Screen Area" not "Desktop".  By changing an option called "Desktop" you are in effect creating a "Virtual Desktop" size which causes you to have to scroll to pan around the entire size of your desktop.

In order to properly change your system resolution you merely need to right click on your desktop and choose "Properties".  Next click the tab labeled "Settings".  You will then find an option called "Screen Area".  Set this to 1024x768.  If you also see an option for "Desktop" make sure that you also set this for 1024x768.  Both options MUST be set to the same value to turn off the virtual desktop panning.

Once your system resolution is set correctly, then run SFC3 at 1024x768 and all should be right with the world.  


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: April 01, 2003, 12:01:35 am »
Ok,  I dont have an option for DESKTOP - but yes I do have an option for Screen Area.

I am currently downloading that program, hopefully it will help. I will keep everyone apprised.

My computer is only a yr old, if that. Ancient in computer years I know, but I swear to god I had this thing running at 1024x768 at one point.

I know by this point Im a pain in the ass to everyone, but please bare with me. When this is said and done, you'll never hear from me again :-D Something to look forward to. Again thanks everyone for the help.  


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: April 01, 2003, 01:00:21 am »

My computer is only a yr old, if that. Ancient in computer years I know, but I swear to god I had this thing running at 1024x768 at one point.

Ancient? A year old? "Bah!" says I. My system is 3 yrs. old with a dual pentiumIII 533mhz setup and a GeForce2. Against today's standards, THAT is considered old if not ancient. In fact, I'm a little envious of your having a newer machine than mine. If only I could afford new parts and build a new setup.... (*sigh*)  

But at least I can still play newer games like  Freelancer, Operation: Flashpoint, and of course SFC3. Amazingly, I still don't even have to turn down the graphic settings on these games too much.  

I wish you well FutureCop on your SFC3 gaming endeavors and hope you find the solution to your problem.

CIV out.  

Rob Cole

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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: April 01, 2003, 02:08:15 am »
ack ignore me post I did not see you had the problem with SFC3 ezini will only work on EAW and OP.


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2003, 07:13:53 am »
I don't know how you got yourself into this mess, but... Leave the video card settings alone! It should have updated your display properties box to include all your ATI options. You should be able to go into Windows, select display proerties and set your screen parameter there. It will then ask you to look at it, show you and example for 15 secs or so, return to the current setting and then ask if you want the new setting. Select yes, and bingo! you shoiuld have your desktop sized to your monitor correctly at whatever density trips your trigger. The game will play fine. I run a 9000Pro and it is just beutyfullll!!!!  


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Re: HELP ME!!!!!
« Reply #31 on: April 01, 2003, 06:04:32 pm »
OK OK OK, The last and final post you will all see from me!!

I solved my problem, the brute force way.

After doing some thinking, I realized I had another 3D card stashed away in my closet for that rainy day or when my current card died, I could have it as a back up.

Because my Radeon 7000 was pissing me off, I just slid this card into place and re-connected my monitor. As of now I am typing this message at 1024x768!!

Muhahahahaha, only thing is that this card is not as powerful as I would like. Too bad, I liked my Radeon 7000

Looks like my back-up SPARE ATI Rage Pro 128 will have to do. Thanks everyone for your help, I am off to enjoy SFC3 for the FIRST TIME!