Ok, one thing, very minor. But if you are going to approach modelers with this idea, you may get a better response if you spell the word 'modeler' correctly. Its not Moddelors, its not modellers, its Modelers. Otherwise, it gives the impression that you don't really care since you can't address them correctly.
My view is this. Modelers should have a say over what someone does with their work. The point is, no matter if its copyright material or not, the labor we put into it is not. That is what we are asking respect for. The labor we put into it. We make a model that may take anywhere from 2-3 hours to 2-3 weeks, sometimes months. Excuse us if some of us ask that we be asked before someone takes at the most an hour to modify our days of hardship and slaps their name on it, or that we don't allow anyone to touch it at all. That is our right.
Most of the people in the community are open to kitbashing, we just want to be asked. Why, not because we are egotistical power mongers. Simply so we are informed. We are interested in what people do with our work and how they did it. There are several reasons, but mostly, its COURTESY. It seems a lot of the communities have lost this concept in favor of a more selfish one.
Funny how Korah calls the modeler's behaviors selfish. It seems the selfish behavior can work in several ways. The community has become somewhat selfish, its always gimme gimme gimme, some say thank you and complement, but most download and are content. Then when models get shown but not released, an outcry of being teased and insistant whining for release ensues. No concern for the modeler or why it wasn't released. No respect towards the modeler's wishes that hey, maybe he finished it and it wasn't up to his best work.
An example of the selfishness by some is one I've given before. We banned a member from BCU for porting models without asking permission. A member started a thread stating he has been a part of the community for ~6 months and how we were killing the community by bannig this person. The member that started the thread only had 3 posts. Three posts in 6 months. Seems he really cared about the community, he couldn't even find the time to post compliments to the people he LEEECHED off of. Yes, no offense, but there are some downright LEECHES in all communities.