Where are all the Fedson DOE?
<pinches self after realizing what she said>
The SOS fleet was formed so that we could match up numbers with the Federation on at least 1 Dyna 3 server, and we come to Dyna 2 and what do we see, hardly any Federation pilots. This is no good either, so you Federation captains out their come and defend your space before we conquer it all and force you to all to be subjected to Romulan Barbers

If you don't show soon we may have to take drastic actions...don't ask,.. you don't want to know.....
To those brave Feds and Gorn who have been on salute, I know how it is to be drastically out numbered, so take heart and know that I feel for you and none of my fleetmates nor I will gloat over any victory vs an ourmanned but valient team.
Jem, Sir X, U.Pendragon, KAT Croup, I salute you in particular since you are the Federation pilots I see on most often. I just want you to know that your heroism does not go unnoticed by the SOS fleet.