Topic: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour  (Read 3852 times)

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DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« on: March 29, 2003, 01:15:01 pm »
Section 31
Western Front

The Romulan Empire after recieving milatary supplies from the Klingion Empire, including Starships, and a detachment of KBF, KAT, and KOTH pilots too aid the Romulan Empire in the invasion of Federation and her Gorn brethern. The Gorn detachment has been on the front lines fighting a fierce fight, though to no avail. The Romulan numbers are overwhelming, unorginized as they are, there Captians seem to be flying on there own and little damage has yet to be done. It is feared that a powerfull leader will emerge from the Ranks of the Romulan to orginize the there fleet in a more effective unit.

The Federation has a sever lack of Captains to command her Starships. A few Brave souls have been spotted working to secure the borders. Seems the Federation Council, is still in diseray from th intial Romulan invasion of last week and is still preparing a defense and counter attack. The Gorn Nation though mighty indeed does not have the resources to repel the Romulan invasion of Federation space.  Sct. 31 Op reports from sector 4-14 of the area report the staging of an invasion corridor being prepared.

Already a Federation planet has been taken over by the Romulan Empire and last reports from the planets speak of Romulan attempts to turn the planet into one huge ice cap too build a pengiun colony! This can not be allowed. Captains rally to your ships, this is indeed a dark hour for the Federation, Who shall have the Balls of Steel to rally the Blue Horde and send the Romulans back to the Pre-warp days!


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2003, 01:44:48 pm »
Would that mean I get my warbird back?


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2003, 02:40:12 pm »
You can say that again Hondo. Every time I've logged on, there has always been someone from the SOS as well. Havent heard much from them on the forums lately, I thought they might have moved back to SFC3. But no, they're all hiding out on DOE I think. The Romulans have taken all the neutral space along both the Federation and Gorn borders, and are now encroaching into Gorn space space as well as Fed. I heard an alarming story earlier, that one of our poor hapless Gorn pilots strayed too close to the Romulan march into Gorn space. Whilst GDA-Kel defended his homeland bravely, I think It was SOS-Athena (???) who cleaned him up in a matter of minutes. May his soul rest in peace on Gh'dar.
The Federation/Gorn Alliance is under seige. We need more pilots more than ever. These Romulans do appear to look organised to me.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2003, 01:32:53 am »
Where are all the Fedson DOE?

<pinches self after realizing what she said>

The SOS fleet was formed so that we could match up numbers with the Federation on at least 1 Dyna 3 server, and we come to Dyna 2 and what do we see, hardly any Federation pilots.  This is no good either,  so you Federation captains out their come and defend your space before we conquer it all and force you to all to be subjected to Romulan Barbers

If you don't show soon we may have to take drastic actions...don't ask,.. you don't want to know.....

To those brave Feds and Gorn who have been on salute, I know how it is to be drastically out numbered, so take heart and know that I feel for you and none of my fleetmates nor I will gloat over any victory vs an ourmanned but valient team.

Jem, Sir X, U.Pendragon, KAT Croup, I salute you in particular since you are the Federation pilots I see on most often.  I just want you to know that your heroism does not go unnoticed by the SOS fleet.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2003, 02:00:08 am »
I can't speak for everyone else, but I can for myself...

Mandantory missions in allied space take all the fun out of this server.

This isn't a 2 on 1 server, its a 1v1v1.  We can't cooperate with each other.  Any attempt fails as you will draw a mandantory [Agent Recovery] over and over again.  So even though we are allied, we are helpless to help each other out.

And to see masses and masses of Romulans doesn't help out either.  All the Federation players are helpless but to watch in horror as they see the Romulans overrun the Gorn on the other side of the map.  If the mandantory mission bug were to disappear, I'm sure Alliance numbers would recover.  Most of the missions are very hard to accomplish alone.

I'm probably not going to log back on until this is fixed...its just too frustrating.

Rob Cole

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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2003, 02:06:13 am »
100% correct.

Mandatory missions in allied space just plain sucks.
I just joined the server today and lost 4 ships already(I aint no n00b either).
Something needs to be done.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2003, 04:58:46 am »

I'd recommend turrning  off your mandatory missions server settings and use LOS rules.  You can borrow ISC Inv.'s LOS rules if you like. Fluf's knows about them too cuz he used them in the LItterbox servers.

You could also just pull the Agent Recovery mission out of your DOE.mct file.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2003, 05:43:17 am »
It's not like he's using the mandantory mission settings.  During the Agent Recovery mission complitation, NuclearWessels forgot to remove the flag that affected mandantories.  Therefore, its always mandantory.

I brought this to his attention, and he's fixed the bug and its been recompiled.  Why are still using the old, bugged mission?

It would seem to be more benifical for everyone if this were fixed...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by DarkElf »


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2003, 05:49:12 am »


I'd recommend turrning  off your mandatory missions server settings and use LOS rules.  You can borrow ISC Inv.'s LOS rules if you like. Fluf's knows about them too cuz he used them in the LItterbox servers.

You could also just pull the Agent Recovery mission out of your DOE.mct file.

The .mct file is only read in when the server campaign is first initialised. Thereafter, the missions are recorded in the database. The only way to scrub the mission is to replace it with another mission of the same name. Experience from AOTK has shown, however, that the 'new' mission will not be offered during the campaign anyway.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2003, 06:03:34 am »
I take you are not using SQL. .  

There we just regenerate the CampaignInfo table on a server bounce.  I do it all the time in ISC Inv. beta testing of new missions.

Well, then I would bounce the server with the setting "HasMustPlayMissions=0) in the file and use LOS rules.  Obviously, this mandatory mission bug in Allied space is a show stopper for the Feds, at least.

Or, how about  putting the fixed mission in...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »

Herr Burt

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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2003, 06:07:52 am »
If Dave has a corrected version of his script that uses the madatroy missions settings (which are currently set to give mandatories only in enemy space) I could swap the missions out.

You'd need another download after I did.

-Herr Burt



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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2003, 06:58:21 am »
If you're going to do another download, let me know, and I'll send the revised versions of the patrols as well...  


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2003, 08:23:28 am »

You'd need another download after I did.

-Herr Burt


Trying to keep up with the J'inns'es I see.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2003, 10:03:40 am »

If you're going to do another download, let me know, and I'll send the revised versions of the patrols as well...    

If you've made some changes, I'd humbly recommend you get rid of whatever sub-routine that causes you to lose 700+ prestige points just because your CA wingman fails to connect and gets dropped even after you've busted your butt and won the mission, anyway.

Merit-based prestige awards are fine, but not if you are going to be penalized by bad connections leading to player drops.



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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #14 on: March 31, 2003, 10:10:47 am »


If you're going to do another download, let me know, and I'll send the revised versions of the patrols as well...    

If you've made some changes, I'd humbly recommend you get rid of whatever sub-routine that causes you to lose 700+ prestige points just because your CA wingman fails to connect and gets dropped even after you've busted your butt and won the mission, anyway.

Merit-based prestige awards are fine, but not if you are going to be penalized by bad connections leading to player drops.


I only wrote the patrol missions.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2003, 01:12:24 pm »



If you're going to do another download, let me know, and I'll send the revised versions of the patrols as well...    

If you've made some changes, I'd humbly recommend you get rid of whatever sub-routine that causes you to lose 700+ prestige points just because your CA wingman fails to connect and gets dropped even after you've busted your butt and won the mission, anyway.

Merit-based prestige awards are fine, but not if you are going to be penalized by bad connections leading to player drops.


I only wrote the patrol missions.  

Then you are the appropriate party, since I was actually talking about this occuring in patrols.  I should have noted that, of course.  I paid attention to who the author of the patrol was.  I can't remember specifically which type it was, but if I had to guess, it was an "allied" patrol.

For what it's worth, I don't think this is an isolated occurance because I have heard similar stories from other players.



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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2003, 01:59:43 pm »
The only prestige loss from a forfeit in the patrols is 50 pp at most equivalent to loosing the mission. Are you sure you have the right mission?


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2003, 01:18:18 am »
I get it now, thanks for explaining that J'inn, I was lookingfor somewhere in the mission script that had a forfeit penalty and I couldnt find it anywhere. Glad its not in the script then.


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Re: DOE: The Federation's Darkest Hour
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2003, 12:16:48 pm »

Tsk.   I see Tracey G is unfamiliar with  EAW Bug No. 94678.7.

To wit:

If you forfeit a mandatory mission you get a penalty.  The amount of the PP penalty is set by the server admin.  I don't think it has anything to do with the mission scripts themselves.  

However,  there is a bug,  No. 94678.7 to be exact, which at times reads a failed draft as a forfeit.   Meaning, you get smacked with the forfeit penalty even though you did not actaully forfeit a mandatory mission.

Here's the rub:

If the PP penalty is low, people can afford to engage "Forfeit Speed" and forfeit their merry way across enemy space in order to conduct a deep strike raid without honor.

So you want the penalty to be high enough to give people pause.

But . . . . .   then you get people getting screwed when  94678.7 hits them.  

So picking a forfeit penalty when you set up a server really is a touchy subject.


I am gonna stick with the server default of -100 pp forfeit penatly for ISC Inv.  The LOS rules are designed to take care of the deep strikers.