Topic: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?  (Read 2685 times)

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Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« on: March 28, 2003, 10:31:37 am »
Just curious, I 'discovered' his models when I downloaded the 'Smithsonian 3-pack' of Ghost's site.  From there, went to his site, and got the TOS Fed ships, and Klink, but....

Well, these ships are just AMAZING.  I mean, the texture work on them is heads and tails above all the other TOS ships I've seen...

Is there ANY chance we will see more of these?  I'd love to see the base TOS hulls finished off...a Romulan WB and KR, maybe?  Perhaps a Klingon F5?

Would be sweet!  


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2003, 11:51:18 am »
Well alrighty then.  I guess that pretty well sums up what you think about the others out there.


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2003, 02:24:21 pm »
Have you seen Anduril's and Lord Schtupp's work as well?


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2003, 03:22:05 pm »

Well alrighty then.  I guess that pretty well sums up what you think about the others out there.  

I always thought my work was just "Average" to SFC standards, because the models i make are mainly for Homeworld mods. hence lower poly counts, and low res texturing.  I appreciate the praise, but there are some great works out there by Anduril, Lord Schtupp, and Atrahasis That I think are far superior to mine.

Anduril different people have different taste. one may think schtupps models are great, others eh' not so great. same with myself, yourself or anyone else out there. Its all a matter of personal  preference.

To answer the second question... Yes i am in work on finishing the klingon/romulan trial and tribulation d-7 set, also an alternitave to the SFB style F-5, and C-8/9 dreadnought. ill post pics of the meshes later.    


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2003, 03:56:07 pm »
I didn't mean that as a knock on the other modellers out there - you'll note specifically I commented on the TEXTURE WORK being better than most of what is out there for TOS ships.

Granted, I love Lord Schtupp's meshes, but I don't like the textures of them, and some of the details seem 'off' from the TOS-TV series/Franz Joseph manuals.  Specifically, the CA/DD/Tug saucer bottoms seem a little too large, and I just don't like the red rings on the saucers (FWIW, I *DO* like the bulkier DD neck of Lord Schtupp's models).  Models sticking close to the Franz Joseph manual are my favorites, and I think Stress Puppy does that best.

At least, of those I've seen.

Err...I don't think I could find any of Anduril's TOS ships to compare, though?  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2003, 04:54:03 pm »

I didn't mean that as a knock on the other modellers out there - you'll note specifically I commented on the TEXTURE WORK being better than most of what is out there for TOS ships.

Granted, I love Lord Schtupp's meshes, but I don't like the textures of them, and some of the details seem 'off' from the TOS-TV series/Franz Joseph manuals.  Specifically, the CA/DD/Tug saucer bottoms seem a little too large, and I just don't like the red rings on the saucers (FWIW, I *DO* like the bulkier DD neck of Lord Schtupp's models).  Models sticking close to the Franz Joseph manual are my favorites, and I think Stress Puppy does that best.

At least, of those I've seen.

Err...I don't think I could find any of Anduril's TOS ships to compare, though?  

Great feedback ddrex, Thanks. I do take some liberties with the detail design but I try to be as accurate as possible with the basic hull shapes. Now then please note that though I consider FJ to be very close to the Almighty his three view of the Constitution is somewhat inaccuate in profile to the actual studio model. I went by the Allen Everhart plans that had been gennerally regarded as the most accurate set available at the time of the construction of my model though even his plans have some errors. I have just discovered a set of excellent AutoCAD plans done by Alan Simpson last autumn where he actually visited the studio model at the smithsonian and he took numerous mesurements etc. His plans are extremely accurate, and I intend someday to accurize my connie and its derevitves based on his drawings.

As far as textures go I do need to improve my weathering skills, and I think that is what make the Pups ships stand out from mine. I would like you to expound on the areas of where my textures are lacking (other than the red stripe thingy), and I'll see what I can gain from your comments. That would be cool...

Also apologies to Starforce, who sent me an Email regarding the accuracey of the grid lines on the primary hull of my Connie, and I failed to reply to him. His comment was that my grids did not match up the Franz' grids as drawn on his deck plans, and placement of right/left phaser batteries were therfore off. They do not match because, with 24 radial grid lines and 6 circular lines, the FJ plans are inaccurate in this regard. For this reference i went by the Greg Jien rebuild of the Enterprise for the DS9 episode Tribbles and Tribulations(?), and most importantly the restoration photos featured at the IDIC page. There it can be clearly seen that there are 7 radial grid lines (lightly penciled in, not really visable in the series footage) per quarter (4x7=28), not 6. So I have to disagree with starforce on that one. Anyway the upshot of all this is that the model can be only as accurate as the drawing Its built from, and the Alan Simpson plans agree with me on this one.

Good to see the Stress Pup post in the forums once again btw, howdy!



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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2003, 05:04:29 pm »
My take on the textureing bit.

as we all have differant levels of skill when it comes to textureing I think it works out nicely for me because with the ships looking differant, I can Use ghosts version for the unrefited version, The one at  stress puppys for a refited version and lord schtupps for a command version.

I kinda like it that way myself. Haveing them all look just alike would be dull.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Khalee »

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2003, 05:22:08 pm »
Well the only ship that I have with the command or "Fleet" stripes is the Star league DN. The DD's have alt textures available to them so you can find a nostripe texture if that suits your fancy. I know I have considerable housekeeping to do as far as my ship projects are concerned, but as soon as I am done with my current SFC project I can address these shortcomings as far as alt textures and unfinished ships are concerned.

I would like to hear any criticisms that anybody may have (other than Im too slow, I already know that!) regarding my models. I havent done other races as  I like to focus on the Feddies and offer the highest quality ships that I can in this somewhat narrow area.

Also note that my ships are about 25% higher poly than Andurils on average so if playability is a concern then I would go with his or stress pups ships rather than mine. As I have already noted, they have a better hand at the weathering and texture area so I suppose its a matter of taste.

'nuff said  

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2003, 06:48:50 pm »


I didn't mean that as a knock on the other modellers out there - you'll note specifically I commented on the TEXTURE WORK being better than most of what is out there for TOS ships.

Granted, I love Lord Schtupp's meshes, but I don't like the textures of them, and some of the details seem 'off' from the TOS-TV series/Franz Joseph manuals.  Specifically, the CA/DD/Tug saucer bottoms seem a little too large, and I just don't like the red rings on the saucers (FWIW, I *DO* like the bulkier DD neck of Lord Schtupp's models).  Models sticking close to the Franz Joseph manual are my favorites, and I think Stress Puppy does that best.

At least, of those I've seen.

Err...I don't think I could find any of Anduril's TOS ships to compare, though?  

Great feedback ddrex, Thanks. I do take some liberties with the detail design but I try to be as accurate as possible with the basic hull shapes. Now then please note that though I consider FJ to be very close to the Almighty his three view of the Constitution is somewhat inaccuate in profile to the actual studio model. I went by the Allen Everhart plans that had been gennerally regarded as the most accurate set available at the time of the construction of my model though even his plans have some errors. I have just discovered a set of excellent AutoCAD plans done by Alan Simpson last autumn where he actually visited the studio model at the smithsonian and he took numerous mesurements etc. His plans are extremely accurate, and I intend someday to accurize my connie and its derevitves based on his drawings.

As far as textures go I do need to improve my weathering skills, and I think that is what make the Pups ships stand out from mine. I would like you to expound on the areas of where my textures are lacking (other than the red stripe thingy), and I'll see what I can gain from your comments. That would be cool...

Also apologies to Starforce, who sent me an Email regarding the accuracey of the grid lines on the primary hull of my Connie, and I failed to reply to him. His comment was that my grids did not match up the Franz' grids as drawn on his deck plans, and placement of right/left phaser batteries were therfore off. They do not match because, with 24 radial grid lines and 6 circular lines, the FJ plans are inaccurate in this regard. For this reference i went by the Greg Jien rebuild of the Enterprise for the DS9 episode Tribbles and Tribulations(?), and most importantly the restoration photos featured at the IDIC page. There it can be clearly seen that there are 7 radial grid lines (lightly penciled in, not really visable in the series footage) per quarter (4x7=28), not 6. So I have to disagree with starforce on that one. Anyway the upshot of all this is that the model can be only as accurate as the drawing Its built from, and the Alan Simpson plans agree with me on this one.

Good to see the Stress Pup post in the forums once again btw, howdy!


Hi Lord Schtupp

Autocad plans? could you lead me to those.  I use Autocad to draw my schematics I'd be interested in seeing what
Alan Simpson has done.  I collect Trek blue print schematics in all formats.   Hope you guys have a great
weekend and I hope to see some great models released soon keep up the fantastic work all



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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2003, 06:53:49 pm »
Ive been outta the loop for a while due to my job, (16 hr workdays) but im back working civilized hours again

LS, my reference has always been the enterprise studio model, but as seen today in the smithsonian. i also used those same blueprints you mentioned to get the dimentions correct. As far as weathering, the textures i did are bashed, and based off nick porcinos work. some  textures are direct port overs used with his permission, tho i may re-do them myself because the effect isnt quite there, and photos of the smithsonian enterprise model display.  There are 28 radial grids on the saucer which during the 2000 restoration of the studio model the artist decided to make em really stand out vs leaving a "clean" grey ship like we saw on TV. I personally like the way the connie looks on that display  also one of the reasons why so many versions of the same ship exist is because we saw it on TV and on display in various states.the studio model was worked over 3 times during the series run. My focus has been on the 3rd seaon and post-TOS appearence of the ship b4 the phase 2/TMP refit.

LS, and Anduril both have mastered the "Clean" look as we saw it on the show. Which is good because of the variety of ships we have to chose from. theres even a few connie versions from the pilot episodes (the cage/where no man has gone before). both excellent models.  

Lord Schtupp

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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2003, 07:48:43 pm »

 Autocad plans? could you lead me to those. I use Autocad to draw my schematics I'd be interested in seeing what
Alan Simpson has done. I collect Trek blue print schematics in all formats.  

U bet BG..

Oh yea the name is Alan Sinclair, not Alan Simpson - DOH!

 Alan Sinclair NCC-1701 plans

I havent looked at the gif file, just the autocad dwgs, fortunatly they are on multiple layers. I think they are AutoCAD 2000...

DXFs are also available, so you can import into Illustrator or (ycch) CorelDRAW....

Let me know what you think of the accuracy of them.


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2003, 08:59:53 pm »

As far as textures go I do need to improve my weathering skills, and I think that is what make the Pups ships stand out from mine. I would like you to expound on the areas of where my textures are lacking (other than the red stripe thingy), and I'll see what I can gain from your comments. That would be cool...

n/p, you pretty much hit it on the head there.  Only real thing it the red circles and lines, and the 'weathering'.

I think part of that 'weathering', though, is the texture sharpness.  For example, looking at the bottom of your connie:

While essentially the same details are present in both models, Stress Puppy's seem more natural because the hull is so dark, they don't stand out as stark obviously-painted-on lines.

Obviously, the first thing that stands out in these models is how many more polygons yours are.  I mean, a LOT more.  The model hull looks much smoother, and very realistic.  Much kudos there.

I threw in the angle shot because I wanted to comment on the textures further, though - the darker base hull color also enables the grid lines to fade into the details, not stand out so much.

Next, draw attention to the DN model.  I think this one shows it more, but, the bridge section you put almost too MUCH detail into - the lighted section diminished to almost nothing.  This isn't quite as apparent on the CA, but it still at least looks less significant on your model.  Maybe just as a result of the less contrast with the hull?

I did kinda wanna ask about those funny yellow smears on the saucer of the CA...intentional?

And, lastly, the lighting (ref the DNs again).  It's good.  Very good.  Too good, I think.  I don't recall seeing the Enterprise with spotlights on it during any point in TOS - it was just not lit.  Whether that would be the case in reality or not, I dunno, but I prefer the un-spot-lighted models for TOS Trek ships.

And that's all the comments I have.

Your models are INCREDIBLE.  I'd LOVE to see an optional texture pack of them w/ Stress Puppy's textures - that'd be utter heaven.  Oh, except with your 'Space/Energy Matter Sync (acquisition)' textures - I think you did do a GREAT job on those - best job I think can be done without animating them!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by dderidex »


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2003, 09:05:21 pm »
By looking at your sig pic, i would sya that you play IL-2 D'Deridex.  


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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2003, 09:17:50 pm »
Errr....yeah.  Honestly, I don't do that much PC gaming, generaly my favs are:
* Sub Command
* Starfleet Command: Orion Pirates
* IL-2
* Falcon 4.0
* Occassionally a shooter - Tribes 2 or 'Americas Army'

And that's pretty much it.  That screen, btw, is from 'Forgotten Battles' - the sequel to it, which is TOTALLY AWESOME.

EDIT: Oh, I do get really into 'Morrowind' every now and then.  Sort of dive into it, play it for 12 hours straight 2 or 3 days in a row....then stop for a few months.  It's an awesome game, but easy to OD on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by dderidex »

Bernard Guignard

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Re: Any more Stress Puppy TOS WIPs?
« Reply #14 on: March 29, 2003, 06:17:03 am »
Thanks LS  I'll let you know.