So, here I am. Moo3 still is vapor ware. I never bought SFC3. Nothing against Taldren, or the Nexgen setting, but after reading some reviews and remarks on this board, I knew it just would not cut it after SFC1/SFC2.(At least for me.) So in a personal gaming slump, nothing ST related out that interests me at the moment,(well Nemisis distracted me for 2 hours or so), I decided to swing back by to see if maybe, just maybe, GAW would be announced. Or maybe Taldren decided to do something non ST. (By the way, what ever happened to that game that Taldren supposedly purchased some kind of motion capture technology for? There was some tidbit atrlcle a while back about it. Some tyep of first person deal IIRC. Or did I remember the devolper wrong?) But just SFC3 stuff.....Bummer. So.....whats up Taldren, I know you guys have to pay off all that horrable Christmas debt.
Oh yeah, do the SFB purests still visit this site.....Have not seen any for a while.
Still hoping for a game to pull me out my gaming slump.