Topic: DOE, Romulan carriers  (Read 1858 times)

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DOE, Romulan carriers
« on: March 28, 2003, 06:10:40 pm »
I have aquired a SUK 2 days ago and I am having issues using its fighters (G3 )
Now, I should point out that I am basically a newbie when it comes to carriers and I hope that if there is any problem that it is retricted to the area between my keyboard and chair.

In the event that it is not, it may need to be looked into. Here is what I am experiencing:
As mentionned in testing, SUK does not have its Nuclear space mine
Fighters launch well but they almost never fire heavy weapons at the ennemies.
1.   I lauch them on "defend me" while well away from the ennemy ship, take time to arm my plasmas, tractor the ennemy and the fighters will overshoot and get shot down by point defense.
2.  Same approach with switch to "harrass" when within range 10, they will fly around, sometime overshooting and get shot down by point defense.
3. Same approach with "attack" when whitin range 10" they will overshoot directly and get shot down by point defense.
4. On convoy raid, they do not target the escort but go to the convoy on attack, they overshoot and slowly get shot down by point defense of the freighters (ph3) without using their plasmas.
5.  On planetary assault they go rogue and will not be recalled nor will they attack.
6. I have been able to have them shoot 2 plasmas per squad of 4 G3 only after I have cripple the ennemy DN to the point that it can not arm any weapons or move, I decided to wait and see. They finally fired at it (at least I now know thay can).

All in all, I have been less than sucessfull in using them.

Would it be possible that the fighters are severly impacted by the restricted FA arc and increasing to FH would help?

On a side note, I fully agree that the unit's BPV should reflict its normal loadout, I do not mind facing larger ships when fielding more BPV, the only problem is that I do not seem to be able to harness the BPV that would be introduced by my fighter squads so the heavier opposition makes for longer mission and replacment cost for the squad makes it less than worthwhile.
In frustration I sold my SUK.
I have enough for a VLV, I might try it later, If I have the same result with fighters then I will feel limited in ship selection as the carriers seem to be it on DOE.
My opposition fighters played by the AI seems able to fire very well those swarms of drones at me.

Hope it is only me as no one else has mentionned any thing yet.
I would be open to any suggestions on how to use them better (aside from just drawing ennemy fire).
« Last Edit: March 28, 2003, 06:12:31 pm by Remiak »


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Re: DOE, Romulan carriers
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2003, 06:40:22 pm »

4. On convoy raid, they do not target the escort but go to the convoy on attack...
5. On planetary assault they go rogue and will not be recalled nor will they attack.

These two conditions are normal. PF's do the same thing. The other stuff sounds fishy.


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Re: DOE, Romulan carriers
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2003, 06:49:34 pm »
Have no clue how to break up quotes so I responded with in, hope it helps you a little


I have aquired a SUK 2 days ago and I am having issues using its fighters (G3 )
Now, I should point out that I am basically a newbie when it comes to carriers and I hope that if there is any problem that it is retricted to the area between my keyboard and chair.

In the event that it is not, it may need to be looked into. Here is what I am experiencing:
As mentionned in testing, SUK does not have its Nuclear space mine
Fighters launch well but they almost never fire heavy weapons at the ennemies.
1.   I lauch them on "defend me" while well away from the ennemy ship, take time to arm my plasmas, tractor the ennemy and the fighters will overshoot and get shot down by point defense.

Fighters on Defend work some of the time but not all the time. They can stall out bog down be a pain in the arse.

2.  Same approach with switch to "harrass" when within range 10, they will fly around, sometime overshooting and get shot down by point defense..

Harrass your taking your chances that your fighters will stall out, and not do what you want them to do, its a crap shoot.

3. Same approach with "attack" when whitin range 10" they will overshoot directly and get shot down by point defense.

Welcome to the world of the Hydran, Max will be jumping on this as soon as he reads it and can far better explain, but if not search out some posts Max has done.

4. On convoy raid, they do not target the escort but go to the convoy on attack, they overshoot and slowly get shot down by point defense of the freighters (ph3) without using their plasmas.

Yup this is a problem fighters love frieghters, nothing you can do about it when you release them always been this way.

5.  On planetary assault they go rogue and will not be recalled nor will they attack.

Nope they will not close in on the planet, never have as far as Ive known, think it has to do with you can crash into the planet, unlike a SB which you can fly through, so fighters will not get close couse they cant manuver.

6. I have been able to have them shoot 2 plasmas per squad of 4 G3 only after I have cripple the ennemy DN to the point that it can not arm any weapons or move, I decided to wait and see. They finally fired at it (at least I now know thay can).

Not sure here, stock fighters when set on attack uassly do a good job, somtimes it might take them a while to launch there big stuff like SPS for Fed fighters.

All in all, I have been less than sucessfull in using them.

Actually your just figuring out what its like on the other side of the glass with Fighters Vs Pfs. It takes alot of practice to know when and how to use fighters, and to cope with the fighter bugs. Keep at it, using fighters are fun!

« Last Edit: March 28, 2003, 06:54:29 pm by Hondo_8 »


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Re: DOE, Romulan carriers
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2003, 04:54:44 pm »
Thanks for the reply Hondo,

I followed your advise and played a carrier until I lost it (a light cruiser Sparrow-HawkB with one G and 2 Fs facing 4 Gorn DNs one being the courrier)  tried but my fighters got destroyed and unlike when I was flying the heavy cruiser carriers (SUK, NHB, VLV) my mother ship could not handle the opposition once it lost its fighters.
Actually like a good Rommie, I have peaked a little on the other side of the fence, althought if ever asked formally I would deny it.
One could say that I might have played Klingons on server when there is no Roms, or Fed in the wildgeese or a number of races in OP.
The point is, althought I have some playing time spend in carriers I still consider myself unexperienced.
I am therefore open to considering that I am not using my fighters at their best, but it remains that from all the fighters I have played (Rom, Fed, Kligons,Hydrans,Mirak and Pirate) the Roms are by far the least "trigger happy".

I was hoping that other players (Gorn/Roms) would try the plasma armed fighters and comment on their experrience with them. As people gather more PPs maybe it will happend on this second week of DOE.

Thanks for your reply.      


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Re: DOE, Romulan carriers
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2003, 04:57:34 pm »
Remiak, I wish your fighters had never fired at my 3 ship fleet when the THV was around, hehehehehehehe, good to see you my friend...



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Re: DOE, Romulan carriers
« Reply #5 on: March 31, 2003, 05:38:23 pm »

There seems to be an issue with plasma fighters and the 2036 patch. Prior to this, plasma D was a viable fighter weapon, at least defensively. After the patch, they will not fire it at all, for any reason.

A similar issue seems to have cropped up with plas F armed fighters. While I've messed with them a bit, they seem to suffere from the same problems that the Hydrans Wasp fighters did with fusions before the patch.

The only way I've gotten them to fire in a reasonable way was to release them about 20-30 away from the enemy on Harrass, then get the enemy to WW and switch the fighters to attack. This works sometimes, though not always.

Also, sending them off to defend a wingman, then in to attack a target, has also worked in the past.

However, these results are not very reliable, they may work about 1/3 of the time, and you will still lose alot of fighters to PD before they shoot.

Best advice? Avoid rommie carriers, them's fighters is too damned expensive to throw away (which is what you do whenever you launch them, basically).