The lack of missions in this game is somewhat shocking, in my opinion. From the perspective of a newer player starting off in a Talon, for example, what is there to do on the dynaverse (online, or off - when flying the conquest mode) when one can not find a fleetmate? Scan planets until you puke, or pray that an enemy AI frigate will flutter down into your space. That is about it. Distress calls are 'iffy'. Get unlucky and find yourself facing two or three pirates, and its doom-city. Convoy attacks are decent enough... if you get them all, and in the case of the Talon, if it's not Borg.
Eventually, I am sure, outside parties will write some new missions, as they did with the first games. For now, though, I play the campaign for mission variety. Again, that's about it. Each of the other single player modes is lacking.
Perhaps a dynaverse2 veteran could pipe in with what types of missions were available, in that setting? I never played the first two (point 5) games online, and am curious for comparisons sake. Were the fantastic player written missions introduced into the campaign setting?