thanks for your comments all :-) there are some forums that you can view without registering ;-) there are some that require registering because i belive they are of special interest. I also belive everyone has a right to choose where they post, i choose to post my ships in one area as i would like all the conversation to be in one place. Theres various benefits, one being that you can see what others have said, and what i may of said in response and think more about it *shrugs* i am sorry if it annoys you.
This is my first real textured ship. I quite like it, there are some noteable differences as i wanted it to have a distinct style to it that was obvioulsy behind the TMP and TOS versions, the registery is NCC 107, so its not that far into the starfleet, also it has STARFLEET and not UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS on the side, so its still a Starfleet ship :-)
I thought about makign it the SS ZEUS instead of USS...but i didnt thinkt hat mattered much.
So what do people think to it :-)