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Quote:Adm Hooch: Section 31 operatives recently obtained a copy of an ISC invoice for amphibian sex toys being sold to the Romulan Empire. This invoice contained several banned items that the ISC has previously denied importing to Romulus, and we believe points to the true motivations behind the supposedly ‘peace loving’ ISCs recent threat to veto the Alliance’s proposed UN resolution 14,041,000,000 and 1. Among the banned items listed on this invoice are several thousand ‘like new’ ISC phasor riffles (never fired, only dropped once). We would also note our extreme disappointment in being unable to uncover any evidence that the ISC was supplying military advisors to the Romulan Empire, which as you know means we can’t be sure whether or not the Romulans have been properly trained in surrendering tactics.”
Quote:why do those dirty frogs hate us so much
Quote:That's it!! Kroma turn off CNN right now!! You've ODed on it!Well, I guess I won't be sleeping tonight again. <shudder>