The ship is along the lines of the Saber and Akira...........a ship to fill the size void between them.
It gets it's look from the same thing that effects the appearance of the Saber.......armor, heavy armor in fact. The ship sacrifices shield power for high menuverability, heavy torp usage, and a reinforced SIF system to suppliment the reactive armor on the hull. The lack of windows on the dorsal hull is a result of this.........the main hull areas are the most heavilly armored, while the crew resides in the lower armored canards that run the length of the ventral hull.
This allows power to be diverted to other more critical systems for mission specifics, like the unique sensor cloaking system installed in this ship, a system that dampens the sensor signature of the ship, making it difficult to lock on weapons or use scanning devices to detect it. The system is useless at close ranges, as it does not bend light or dampen lighter emissions like common Klingon or Romulan devices.
The ship also employs the same hull nanobot regeneration system that is contained in the Soveriegn, though it is not quite as advanced as the Sov system. The Furious regeneration system works to maintain hull integrity in armored areas.