Prisoner Escort-Can YOU prevent 4 Orions from knocking down a 5 point shield and beaming over 24 marines onto a max-speed 17 (mid-20s if your tractoring and going 31) freighter? When you CANT take it back, without the mission hanging and never finishing? If you know how, please tell me?
Ambush-Lets think about this. Floor it, everything to speed, from the instant the mission starts. Youll close to a terrifying range 40! on your hapless opponent by the time he gets up to speed 31, running away. If the gods are kind, youll manage to trickle-charge a proxy or two and tickle his rear screen before he exits, costing you 100 PP AND the DV shift. Yay. Great Idea, Guys.
Other than that, I havent ran into any REALLY Egregious ones... the Courier Intercept can be a bit of a bear, when the courier decides to make max speed for the border (and he starts over 120 away, with multiple equal-to-you vessels between you and himself) but its not too terrible.
I am, however, curious to see what other missions people have found that might perhaps need some looking at before the next major server.