Topic: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?  (Read 2184 times)

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SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« on: March 27, 2003, 09:47:08 am »
First, feel free to keep posting to the poll thread here (and voting if you haven't yet):

SFCX OP Campaign Polls

Second, we really need more feedback on teams so we can build the map. Capt. Stumpy has some draft maps, but a lot will depend on which empires are allied. One popular option in the poll thread is FGHZ vs. KRLI. While I don't want to say it WON'T be chosen, I do caution that we are leaning toward separating the Mirak and Federation simply to try to get a more balanced campaign. I like the historical alliances, but I just don't see a good reason to set up the coalition for a fall.

That said, here are a couple of options I prefer (this is just my preference, and may not represent the views of the SFCX team members). I won't put a poll up with just these options, since that would be too limited and biased. Feel free to offer alternatives. Keep in mind we are looking at a smallish map with a central VC location and the empires spread around it.

FG vs. KRL vs. ZHI
FGI vs. KRL vs. ZH

As you can see, my preference is to keep the Fed/Gorn and Klingon/Romulan/Lyran alliances at the core. It's too bad there are only 8 empires, because I would really like a 3-way war with balanced sides. At present, the cartels don't appear to be stable enough to use one of them as a playable race.

Again, these are just my views. I encourage those who have a different preference to try to persuade me to change my choices. The more discussion (no flames!) we have on this quickly, the better we can evaluate the community's preference and go forward with our design.

Thanks all for your input.


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Re: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 10:37:18 am »
Any way you stack it the side with the Feds will have an advantage.

FGHI - 2 plasma chuckers
FGHZ - 2 Missile chuckers

I'd rather see the first option, with the ISC, and see the Feds have most of their drone ability taken.  Maybe they could keep G racks and slow drones, but since their allied with the ISC and Gorn, the F and L refits can make a bigger showing (CAF anyone?)

If ya did that I think it would also be a good idea to give the Lyrans a limited missile capability as well.  I dunno, maybe B racks on larger hulls?


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Re: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 12:17:09 pm »
We're almost definitely going to use FireSoul's OP Plus Shiplist, and therefore would not want to make further spec edits. Plus, I find such edits tend to cause a lot of flames when someone feels their race is handicapped too much, or another boosted too much. For this campaign, we don't need that hassle.

The goal I have is to find a set of alliances that gives all races a chance to compete for 2-3 weeks. This won't be about long-term territory munching. Hopefully PvP will be common and heated.

Another option I might like to see is a semi-free-for-all with 4 teams: F/G, K/L, Z/H, R/I or somesuch. The D2 may not be able to handle 4 teams (at least the Taldren missions have shown problems in the past), but it would at least give each empire an ally for drafting and leave some room for treaties and non-aggression pacts (and plenty of back-room intrigue).

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 12:23:39 pm »
When is it scheduled to run?


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Re: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2003, 12:25:25 pm »

We're almost definitely going to use FireSoul's OP Plus Shiplist, and therefore would not want to make further spec edits. Plus, I find such edits tend to cause a lot of flames when someone feels their race is handicapped too much, or another boosted too much. For this campaign, we don't need that hassle.

That works.. if they want to complain, they can flame me.

I did my best to try to balance things out:
 - all races now have a BCV or equivalent.
  Rom: R-TH   Gorn: G-BCS   Lyran:  L-BCHT   ISC:   I-BCV

 - all races now have a BBV or equivalent.
  Fed: F-BBV   Rom: R-K10RF, R-KCNF   Gorn: G-BBF   Lyran: L-BBT   ISC: I-BBV   Mirak: Z-BBV

- Rom and Gorn lacked a few carrier equivalents.
  Gorn: G-BCHF, etc. check the website.
  Rom: R-KCRF, etc. check the website.

..etc ....
.. the only unbalance I see that might occur are when PFs come out, the Gorns and Roms will have those pesky PFs with plasma Ds. This is ok, they should be on opposite sides and the PFs themselves don't appear until the 2280s. They might well get mauled by the other carrier capable races in the meanwhile.

-- Luc


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Re: SFCX OP "Reclamation" Campaign: Alliances?
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2003, 12:59:34 pm »

When is it scheduled to run?  

Probably be a short run mini-campaign. If we can fit it in between a bigger one that is being run by or GFL (or who ever) then cool otherwise it will have to wait for an appropriate time.

Not sure how many gaps are in the current EaW-centric schedule (or how big they are).