actually atjk I have a nifty little download that will auto install seti cmd line and run it as a service.
Here is what you need to do:
Download the from contents to a temp directory
replace the file user_info.sah with the file of the same name from your current seti install. (doesn't matter what version)
Edit the seti.reg file (right click on it and select edit) so that the following line:
"Application"="c:\\program files\\seti\\idle.exe -proxy"
"Application"="c:\\program files\\seti\\idle.exe"
Then save changes.
Finally run the install.bat file.
This will do the following:
Install seti command line as a WindowsXP service (you can access it under the services menu).
Tell it to run always when the machine is on.
It will download Work Units whenever it needs them (as long as it has an internet connection)
A good program to get with this is seti queue if you are not always on the internet. If this is the case I can give you an easy setup for that.
Once all of this is done you can uninstall the screen saver version of seti.