Topic: SETI Update - Taldren is now in the top 200 of ALL groups in the WORLD  (Read 9200 times)

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The Postman

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Re: SETI Update - Taldren is now in the top 200 of ALL groups in the WORLD
« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2003, 05:55:41 am »
#186 and climbing    


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SETI Group has just passed the 300,000 Work Unit mark!!!

Too Cool!



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Query on using XP Pro and Seti. (latest version).

I was using Me and doing about 10-12hr turn-arounds on each WU. Then I upgraded to XP Pro and it dropped to around 8-10hrs per WU, but now for some reason it has started freaking out. It takes like 50+ hours for each WU and when I leave it on screen saver, it puts an endless number of seti icons in the taskbar tray, literally over 100 AND makes no progress.

It really is puzzling, nothing has changed in my system from the time I upgraded (upgraded seti at the same time)

Any ideas?

Getting close to 700 here and this is hacking me off.


Have a nice day!  

EDIT:: OOPS, IM already at 720, but other than that what I said above is true.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2003, 02:22:30 pm by AJTK »


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The problem is that Seti (SS - Screen saver) some times terminates and it will "autolaunch" a new process.  It doesn't do anything though.  I had this problem on XP when I would close SETI and the screen saver would kick-in when I had forgotten to manually run it again.

Best solution?

Switch to the commend line version !

You will see times dramatically cut.



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i looked into this and was sorta confused by it (maybe i didnt read that area properly). could you make some recommendations?


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Actually I was looking for an explanation of the meaning of the data displayed on the screensaver in layman's terms.  

From what I understand it doesn't mean anything.  It's just there for looks.  (and to slow down your WU crunching )



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The problem is that Seti (SS - Screen saver) some times terminates and it will "autolaunch" a new process.  It doesn't do anything though.  I had this problem on XP when I would close SETI and the screen saver would kick-in when I had forgotten to manually run it again.

Best solution?

Switch to the commend line version !

You will see times dramatically cut.


how do i set it to run in command line?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by grave »


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Can I run the command line version on XP Pro? I thought it would only run on Linux, etc. If so, that would rock.

Thanks for the response.

Have a nice day!  

Commander Xizor

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Yes, go to the SETI download page and look for the Win32 command line version.


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actually atjk I have a nifty little download that will auto install seti cmd line and run it as a service.

Here is what you need to do:

Download the from

Unzip contents to a temp directory

replace the file user_info.sah with the file of the same name from your current seti install.  (doesn't matter what version)

Edit the seti.reg file (right click on it and select edit) so that the following line:

"Application"="c:\\program files\\seti\\idle.exe -proxy"


"Application"="c:\\program files\\seti\\idle.exe"

Then save changes.

Finally run the install.bat file.

This will do the following:

Install seti command line as a WindowsXP service (you can access it under the services menu).

Tell it to run always when the machine is on.

It will download Work Units whenever it needs them (as long as it has an internet connection)

A good program to get with this is seti queue if you are not always on the internet.  If this is the case I can give you an easy setup for that.

Once all of this is done you can uninstall the screen saver version of seti.





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Thanks Raven! I appreciate the in-depth explanation greatly, most kind of you.


IKV Nemesis D7L

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Team Pages are fixed and Taldren is in 4th on the Small Company Teams

Small Company Teams
Last updated: Mon May 12 22:47:25 2003 UTC

Name Members Results received Total CPU time Average CPU time per work unit

1) Master Strategy Group 217 1061853 1337.875 years 11 hr 02 min 14.9 sec

2) El Reg 364 585144 748.615 years 11 hr 12 min 28.2 sec
3) Spot_E.T. 98 323620 402.343 years 10 hr 53 min 28.8 sec
4) Taldren 163 308244 268.264 years 7 hr 37 min 28.0 sec


Eriks agenda for us (rankings are current)

Target 1: 185) SETI@Estonia 423 294481 455.941 years13 hr 33 min 48.7 sec

Target 2: 173) Mexico Team 82 308903 411.636 years11 hr 40 min 36.0 sec

Target 3: 168) SETI@Taiwan 台灣團隊486312807 382.518 years10 hr 42 min 46.4 sec

Target 4:183) Sony 172 299853 421.251 years12 hr 18 min 24.8 sec

Target 5: 159) Halo 729 322247 478.411 years13 hr 00 min 18.6 sec

Target 6:140) 270 355565 479.327 years11 hr 48 min 33.9 sec

Current Rank :
174) Taldren 163 308244 268.264 years7 hr 37 min 28.0 sec

Target 1: Achieved  

Target 4: Achieved  

Target 2: Working on it.
173) Mexico Team 82 308903 411.636 years11 hr 40 min 36.0 sec

IKV Nemesis D7L

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1st 2nd and 4th Objectives achieved
« Reply #72 on: May 14, 2003, 05:20:28 pm »
Team Pages WERE fixed  but they broke again.  But we achieved the 2nd target today


Eriks agenda for us (rankings are deleted because wrong but WUs are right and current)

Target 1:  SETI@Estonia 423 295311 445.709 years13 hr 27 min 37.9 sec

Target 2:  Mexico Team 83 309995 401.293 years11 hr 43 min 52.0 sec

Target 3:  SETI@Taiwan 台灣團隊 489 313889 379.438 years10 hr 36 min 35.6 sec

Target 4:  Sony 172 300247 422.331 years12 hr 17 min 53.4 sec

Target 5:  Halo 728 321364 479.712 years13 hr 00 min 24.1 sec

Target 6: 271 357262 478.599 years11 hr 48 min 31.2 sec

Current Rank :
Taldren 163 311149 284.029 years7 hr 48 min 14.4 sec

Target 1: Achieved  

Target 2: Achieved

Target 4: Achieved  

Target 3: Working on it.

SETI@Taiwan 台灣團隊 489 313889 379.438 years10 hr 36 min 35.6 sec  

IKV Nemesis D7L

  • Guest
All objectives achieved. Thanks to Cyberkada's return
« Reply #73 on: August 10, 2003, 12:29:32 pm »
Eriks agenda for us (rankings are deleted because they are wrong but WUs are right and current)

Target 1:   SETI @ Estonia 452 357502 511.648 years 12 hr 32 min 13.5 sec Target 1: Achieved  

Target 2:  Mexico Team 100 406171 504.367 years 10 hr 52 min 40.1 sec Target 2: Achieved

Target 3:   SETI @ Taiwan 台灣團隊 615 433188 495.689 years10 hr 01 min 26.0 sec Target 3: Achieved

Target 4:  Sony 174  320982  Target 4: Achieved  

Target 5:   Halo 737 331066 486.376 years 12 hr 52 min 10.2 sec Target 5: Achieved  

Target 6: 268 371307 498.077 years 11 hr 45 min 02.9 sec Target 6: Achieved  

Current Rank :
Taldren168 451730 298.887 years 5 hr 47 min 45.8 sec
Ok Erik, whats next?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by IKV Nemesis D7L »


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The View from the top...
« Reply #74 on: August 10, 2003, 06:04:36 pm »
You may find this link of some interest.  It does take a short while to load though...

The view from the top:

Results are a little buggy at the moment (as happens from time to time, especailly when trying to list a lot of teams at once), but it should give you an idea of who's who at the top of the SETI food chain...

If there is interest in this, someone might want talk to the Seti At Work guys about setting up a Taldren team page.  The team I founded has one, and the team members visit there fairly regularly to see how we are doing.  
« Last Edit: August 10, 2003, 06:19:51 pm by EschelonOfJudgement »


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Re: SETI Update - Taldren is now in the top 200 of ALL groups in the WORLD
« Reply #75 on: August 12, 2003, 12:31:11 am »

Nice going!



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Re: All objectives achieved. Thanks to Cyberkada's return
« Reply #76 on: August 23, 2003, 09:21:42 am »
Bumpage cause we need new goals.  

Unless we've already gotten some and I missed them.

IKV Nemesis D7L

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SETI team passes 500,000 WUs and we STILL don't have any new objectives. :)
« Reply #77 on: September 04, 2003, 09:34:03 am »
Description   Taldren, "the Art and Science of Gaming". Creators of "StarFleet Command II : Empires at War" and "Orion Pirates".

Members   170
Results received   500270
Total CPU time   383.765 years
Founder   Kenneth Yeast