Taldrenites > Starfleet Command CD Key Issues

CD key expiry dates?

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Waaaaait.  There's a SFC3 patcher folder?  Where?

hoping for OP+ badlands goodness,


the folder is usually created next to your SFC OP folder.. uninstall sometimes removes it off of system, sometimes not.. just somethig to check... it is a folder name booboo but it is actually the SFC OP Patch folder

You know, now that you mention it something else happens that's slightly odd, from the way you're telling me to do things.

I always enter the CD key after patching.  I do this because when I patch, it reasks for my CD key.  I thought it did that with the 2525, but I can't really remember now...

Is a non standard directory still a problem?  I played GSA fine a couple weeks ago or so with 2525, but the only times i've played D2 was waaaay back, and then I had OP in the default directory.

Anyway, I probably won't be playing much until i've finished all the tugs i've brought upon myself to do,


Well, if you installed OP in a non-standard directory, there is a problem with the installer. Specifically, it does not update the Working Directory paths on your Start Menu.

For Example:

Let's say you installed OP in the following directory:


If you go to the Start Menu and into the Taldren folder and Right Click on Starfleet Command Orion Pirates and select Properties, you will see the following:

Working Directory:        * Blank *

In the above example, you would edit Working Directory to say C:\GAMES\SFC2OP

Also, while you're there, you could change the target to STARFLEETOP.EXE to skip the intro movie which can cause keyboard problems in Win2K/XP

I know that if the working directory on the shortcut is wrong, the game will exhibit odd symptoms such as fighters not working and others. . .


Alright, now that badlands is up, i've been trying to find a nice, cozy OP niche, preferably near earth, and settle into seeing whether OP D2 is functioning or not.

Of course, as the title indicates, I haven't been terribly sucessful at logging on since patching to 2538.

I log on, no problem, I select badlands (the only server in town) and ask to join.  I get as far as "checking security" and then get dumped to the desktop.

This is, as I have had this happen once before, the "Type your CD key in correctly, stupid." error. No biggie, I thought, I'll just uninstall/reinstall, patch, add ED's missions, Firesoul's OP+ and type my CD key in correctly this time.

So I uninstalled OP, the SFC3 patcher (that's what seems to be responsible for 2538), and the SFC2 patcher (2525, several installs ago), delete the entire OP folder (in /games/sfcOP) and start over.  I look at my screen and the CD jewel case at least twenty times checking that everything's correct, clicking on enter only when I was positivly sure that I was typing the key in correctly.

Three installs later, i'm still being dumped to the desktop.  I am absolutely positive that what i've typed into the OP key insertion screen is what's on my jewelcase.

I'm using OP+ for 2538 (downloaded only yesterday) and ED's missions (3.0, downloaded yesterday).

The only things that strike me as odd in the last few installs is the patch results.  33 files were skipped because they were 'up do date' (which seems highly unlikely given that I had just uninstalled everything).  Other than than, I am largely clueless as to why OP has ceased to function in D2.  Back when there were servers on the 2525 patch, I COULD D2 when I so wished.

Anyway, is there any reason that I could be dropping for reasons other than a CD key 'problem'?  It seems unlikely, except for the patch...

Any help as to why this is happening would be appreciated,




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