I agree JD. Someone needs to try a campaign to see how well the GSA patch works in the unpatched D2 enviornment.
Question: Are you going to host a BIG server on OP before all the bugs are worked out? That would kinda ruin the campaign dont you think?
I'm not going to. I've already talkied with my team and made a decision on finding out the problem with the DV hexes. So here's the dea:
IF and thats a big if, the DV hexes are made to be workable, that means going up and down, in neutral Pirate space, then SG3 will go OP.
Tracey has been testing missions on the new server kit. So far its not working.
Now JD, heres my problem... Imagine you take over an enemy hex. If you cant reinforce that DV hex, then its gonna stay at 'flipped' status (whatever DV the server is set to change to when a hex flips) unless you log off, log on as a Pirate (assuming that the Pirate owns that hex) and then reinforce it that way. Of course this is silly, so on the past SG server, we had a NO HEX SNIPE rule. That rule meant that if you see a player work down a hex, you cant jump into the hex when its neutral and flip it ahead of the player that spent hours taking it down. The hex snipe issue was important because only due to a flip is a hex gonna get a good DV value.
so for those who dont know, basically, you go thru enemy space, work down a DV to 0 and then once its flippid, it jumps up to whatever % of its original value. But if someone of the other team flips it 1st, then you spent all your time running missions to take it down only to have the other team spend one mission to undo everything you have done.
RT3 had a hex snipe rule if I am not mistaken.
This simply isnt the way to run a server. The hex snipe issue is just too ridiculous to deal with. EAW works just fine. And OP should work like EAW. In EAW, you work a hex down to 0 and have to run missions to reinforce it up. OP you run ONE mission and it goes all the way up. Not fair imo.
Now like I have always been saying all along, if this DV issue is cleared up in OP, then thats where SG3 will be. That means all missions must work in neutral Pirate space to make the DV go up and down like it should.
If Tracey cant get it fixed, then SG3 will stay EAW side and you and your SFCX group can try to work it out.
Honestly, JD, I really hope OP DV gets fixed. OP has a lot that would work better for it if it did. But right now, that DV problem kills it. We will see. Till then, go ahead and run Badlands. Its a fun server. See what missions will work on it. I support that 100%. And maybe you can come up with a solution Tracey misses. If so, lets do SG3 on OP. Otherwise, please dont run a big server over top mine if that DV doesnt work... Just host them fun servers and keep tinkering with the missions and neutral pirate space till either you just cant fix it until the OP D2 patch comes out, or you have a reasonable number of missions that make it workable.
I can hold off dev onb SG3 for about another week. Then I have to make a decision on choosing one or the other. So we will see...