I'm going to chime in here and point out that we may be imagining a problem where none exists.
There have always been competing servers, with of course the SFC2.net/EAW ones being the big boys in most cases, certainly recently. I'm still a little puzzled at the concern over the SFCX OP servers. I think Castrin has pointed out the server philosophy of the ToW campaign, Badlands etc. Badlands, I believe used to run consistently, at the same time as the biggest of the EAW servers without noticebly effecting it's numbers. I expect that the primary users of Badlands have always been OP fans and a home for Castrin's Fleet Members. There have always been servers like this on both EAW and OP.
When the SFCX members began discussing the idea of ToW, we envisioned the idea of introducing the mini-campaign, campaigns that run on small maps for days, at most two weeks. This idea was proposed with the coordination of the SFC2.net servers in mind from the start and at least in my case was a reaction to the perpetual delay of proposed servers, and kicked back launch dates. The idea was to insert these mini-campaigns between the larger servers run periods. All this would require is a bit more flexibility in scheduling and with proper communication between the admins can easily be done. As long as we generate an atmosphere of cooperation and mutual respect.
If I'm off base here, any SFCX member please pipe in but our future campaigns were designed to coordinate with SFC2.net, NOT and I repeat NOT compete with them. Regardless of how many people in the D2 community claim that our intention was to divide the community, I can only assure you this was not the case. I, and I believe the other SFCX members have a clear conscience on this issue and I think our track record proves it. Want some examples? Shutting down RT3 completely to stress test the new SFC2.net server comes to mind. (BTW in that case the SFC2.net server went live before the end of RT3, even in the face of objections from us, not that it matters anymore). And frankly, to me it seems that some people have made up their minds before we've put up anything but a test server.
To be blunt, this seems to me an attempt to herd cats, and in one case, an attempt to discredit SFCX on the basis of a stupid personal grudge. SFCX always was, and will remain commited to cooperation with ALL MEMBERS within the D2 Community and looks forward to working with the other admins to provide the best D2 playing experience possible. I think our track record shows it and I think if you put aside some of these concerns for the time being, and allow us to prove it, you will find that this is true.
My advise is for everyone to chill out and see how this plays out before jumping to conclusions about what will happen BEFORE it has happened.
SFCX Founding Member