Topic: The end to my day...  (Read 4249 times)

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The end to my day...
« on: March 25, 2003, 09:44:11 pm »
The end of the day? a story by KAT M?Ress.

My day at work started out like most normal days. I get up, get ready for work, eat breakfast, kiss the wife, and head out the door. Once I get to work, things go downhill from there. Like I said, most normal days.

Today was no exception. Physically it was good. Nice day for a walk, installing machines in a building with a gorgeous view of Lake Ontario, CN Tower and the docks filled with Cruise boats being readied for the summer tours.

Logistically it was a nightmare. Someone gave me the wrong directions to the building, I wound up in the ?wrong? dock (ewww!), the machines to be installed were two hours late, and the info for the configuration never showed up.

But that?s all another story.

The real excitement started when I got home. The wife (Redfur) and I had stopped at her parents for dinner before we came home. We entered the garage, opened the door, piled everything in and shut it behind us.

You know when you?ve lived in a home for a while, it develops an atmosphere. An atmosphere that says ?home? to you. One that makes you feel comfortable and warm. This house that we?ve lived in for just under a year has developed this already. What can I say, it spoke to us, that?s why we bought it.

It wasn?t there tonight. As soon as I stepped in the mudroom door, I knew something was wrong. I stopped dead in my tracks. Redfur bumped in to me.

?What?s wrong?? she says.

?Not sure. Listen.?

And we both cocked our heads in an effort to listen more intently. That?s when I saw something. My flowers (I'm the one with the green thumb) had made a mess all over the landing on the stairs. Problem is, flowers don?t throw their leaves 3 feet away. Something had done this. But what?

That?s when we heard it. A noise from upstairs, that sounded like something running across the floor. Fear started to set in. The pets were upstairs and something was in the house with them. Visions of two mangled bunnies and one pudgy ferret started to filter into my conscience. What kind of beast had gotten in to our house? How did it get in? Worry about that later, just get it out now.

We ran up the stairs to the bedroom door behind which their separate cages resided. The door was half closed. I got right up to it, with Redfur right behind me desperately trying look over my shoulder ( which is damn near impossible as I?m 6 feet and she is only 5 feet tall).

What we saw was unbelievable. One sleeping ferret and two mesmerized bunnies watching the starling fly about the room alarmed by our sudden entrance.

A bird. A f***ing bird. Somehow a bird had got into our house!

Redfur and I exchange puzzled looks. The bird stops briefly, looks at us and says ?Crawk!? and flies away again.

Great. How does one go about getting an unwanted bird out of ones house?

First off, I wave out Redfur and close the door. Tell her to go downstairs and unlock the front door. Meanwhile I close all the doors upstairs (so the bird can?t escape anywhere else). Then I grab a large fluffy pink towel (belongs to the ferret as bedding) and proceed with ?Operation Birdie Rescue?. I get back to the room just as Redfur arrives after unlocking the front door and moving a few other things out of the way. We step in.

Birdie is sitting on the ceiling fan. Since the fan is turned off, this is fairly comfortable for him.

?Here birdie, birdie, birdie.? I call softly as Redfur closes the door behind me. Birdie takes one look and ZOOM! Right into the closet.

Great. That?s all I need. A whole slew of ?bird coming out of the closet? comments.

Well all the other pets? food was in there, so that?s probably why the bird he went in there. So I head over carefully stepping over cages as I go, Redfur offering encouragement of ?be careful?. I open the door and Birdie flies out. I swear he was going for the eyes!

He flies around the room, crawking, with me in hot pursuit dancing and jumping over cages, boxes and Redfur (trying to stay calm, telling me to be careful). All the while the bunnies are watching with intense curiousity (they?ve never seen a bird this close) and the ferret kept sleeping.

Finally, Birdie landed IN the bunnies cage (more food). So I throw the towel over the cage, covering the door. Birdie is trapped. Or so I thought. The minute I move the towel, Birdie takes flight. Grab towel, rinse and repeat.

By now Redfur is getting rather excited, the bunnies are still watching (not moving) and the ferret is still sleeping (don?t ask me how).

Birdie lands IN the cage, again. Throw towel, trap Birdie.

Dumb bird won?t fool me again. So instead of moving the towel, I insert my hands, pushing the towel into the cage. It works. Birdie is trapped in the corner. I move my hands further in and around pinning him right in the corner (without touching him). I very carfully close my fingers around him, using the towel as padding (and protection from that beak), and gently begin to extract him from the cage.

Problem, he?s got a grip on the cage. So using my other hand I softly unpluck his claws from the metal. Whereupon he sticks his head THROUGH the cage looks at me and says ?CRAWK!? I?m sure that doesn?t translate nicely.

Once all his claws are unhitched, I gently pull his head out and quickly wrap him up. Redfur opens the door and I run downstairs and out the front door and open the towel. Birdie immediately takes flight with a ?CRAWK!?, which I?m sure is Bird for <expletive deleted>.

We head back upstairs after closing the front door and lo and behold the ferret is awake!

?Hmph. Some predator you are.? and she proceeds to poop on the floor. Guess who forgot to close the bedroom door.

So the bird is rescued and everyone is happy right?


Now that the excitement is over, we take stock of what happened. He must have gotten in through the furnace exhaust vent. Being a new house we haven?t got a mesh up to prevent this yet. We also discover that Birdie has gone through the house and sampled all my plants. African violets, Amaryllises, Begonias, Miniature trees and Ivies have all been ?tasted?, nested, or spilt. One Ivy HAD standing water in it (I watered last night), but not anymore. I believe Birdie also took a bath in the bunnies water bowl.

After a couple of minutes of cleaning, I realize that my sock is sticking to the floor. Guess what?

Well, even birds in trouble have to answer the call of nature. What?s worse is the trail I left around the house. So I takeoff offended sock...

?only to find another ?message?.

The messages continued, throughout the kitchen, up the stairs, into the bedroom. But above all, was the long thin drippy yellow one on the wall. Under the kitchen window. Behind the Amaryllis and Miniature Jade tree. Apparently the window surprised him.

Surprised him, a lot.

After another half an hour ?Operation Cleanup? was complete. By now it?s too late to login and I?ve only got enough time to relate my story and go to bed.

Morale of this story: Cover the accesses into your house with mesh and watch your step!


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2003, 12:25:17 am »
I thought NIGHT OF THE STARLING was supposed to be the sequel for DOE


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KATChuutRitt »


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The Aftermath...
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2003, 07:25:04 am »
Woke up this morning to find another "message".

Apparently Birdie found his way into the bedroom and left one by the bed.

Finding more throughout the house as we look further. Those carpet patterns are excellent for hiding such things.

Didn't think that small a bird could contain that much s***.


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2003, 07:49:24 am »
Sounds just like my escapades recently...

Not long ago, I came home to find my cat lying on the dining room floor staring intently at something on or near the ceiling of the living room.  That he was doing that wasn't odd to me, but what was odd was that he didn't react to me at all.  Usually, he runs and hides, or tries to escape outside.  So, I head into the dining room, set my keys on the table, hang my coat on a chair, and look where my cat is looking.  You guessed it, there was a bird sitting on the molding above the main windows in the living room.  It made no sound and just sat there.  As soon as I moved into the living room, it took off and began flying frantically from the molding to the ceiling fan in the dining room.  It wouldn't let me get anywhere near it, so I figured I'd have no chance in capturing it at all.  I certainly didn't want to try and hit it with anything either - the bird was excited enough, and so far seemed to have been nice enough to not add his touch to the furniture and the like..  I end up calling Animal Control.  What a bunch of lazy bastids..  Three times they called me back to make sure that the bird wasn't a bat.  On the last call, I said:

"Hmm, let me see...  Feathers, pointy beak ... Yep, I THINK THAT MEANS IT'S A FRIKKIN' BIRD, MORON!"  

After an hour (or so) one guy shows up with a net and manages to coax the bird outside.  Surprisingly, no little presents were left by my guest, save a few feathers.  Oh, but it doesn't quite end there.  

Just a few days ago, I wake up, do the normal things you do after waking up, and get ready to leave for my uncle's.  My mom is waiting outside, so I'm hurrying to get out there.  I forget to change over my laundry, so I go back in.  Before I get to the section of my basement where I have the washer/dryer, I hear a flapping noise.  Yep, it's that damn bird again!  I still swear it was the same one.  Same color, same size, and it didn't make one single chirp.  I took care of the wash, while keeping a close eye on it of course, and headed back out to my mom in the car.  I say:

"Hey, remember when that bird was in the house not long ago?"


"Well, it's back ... in the basement.  You get to deal with it this time."  heheh

We go back in, and find no more bird.  I show my mom a broken ceiling tile as my evidence that the bird was in fact in the house.  After a ton of searching and listening, there's no sign of the bird anywhere, so we give up.  I go off to work later that night.  When I get back, my mom tells me that she heard some noise in the basement not long after I left for work.  Turns out the bird decided to come out and play when it was just my mom at home.  She waited at the top of the basement stairs to figure out where it was (she's deathly afraid of everything..) and finally sees it land on the floor in front of the outside door.  She quickly runs out of the front door, comes around to the door to the basement, and swings it open.  Thankfully, the bird hops out and flies away.  I was hoping that this time the bird would be kind enough to not leave anything for us to find, like last time, but I guess he decided that I should bleach one of my shirts.  Bastid!  lol

I discovered that it was, also, an open vent that allowed the bird in.  Took care of that one real quick...  


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2003, 09:37:02 am »

Sounds just like my escapades recently...

Not long ago, I came home to find my cat lying on the dining room floor staring intently at something on or near the ceiling of the living room.  That he was doing that wasn't odd to me, but what was odd was that he didn't react to me at all.  Usually, he runs and hides, or tries to escape outside.  




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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2003, 10:12:20 am »

The end of the day? a story by KAT M?Ress.  


Then I grab a large fluffy pink towel (belongs to the ferret as bedding)

Oh, of course the fluffy pink towel belongs to the pet who can't deny ownership.  I believe you.

Hey, wasn't M'Ress the name of that female feline character on Star Trek: The Animated Series?  I think we can all see the issues at work here.  (Not that there is anything wrong with that....)

-S'Cipio the Observant


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2003, 07:48:44 pm »

Hey, wasn't M'Ress the name of that female feline character on Star Trek: The Animated Series?

Well it's about time someone noticed. It's only been two years.  

For being so observant, I promise not to kill you, Skippy, on DOE.  

And just to make matters perfectly clear, my pink towel and Kroma's pink tutu have absolutely NOTHING in common! (Seriously it's belongs to the ferret. We bought them at a discount store for her bedding.)

In other subject matters Scipio, Herr Bert or whatever, has J'inn approached you about a certain getaway in June? If you are interested, that would be great but we may have to kidnap J'inn to get him there too.



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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2003, 08:15:41 pm »


Hey, wasn't M'Ress the name of that female feline character on Star Trek: The Animated Series?

Well it's about time someone noticed. It's only been two years.  

For being so observant, I promise not to kill you, Skippy, on DOE.  

And just to make matters perfectly clear, my pink towel and Kroma's pink tutu have absolutely NOTHING in common! (Seriously it's belongs to the ferret. We bought them at a discount store for her bedding.)

In other subject matters Scipio, Herr Bert or whatever, has J'inn approached you about a certain getaway in June? If you are interested, that would be great but we may have to kidnap J'inn to get him there too.


Very true.  However, KOTH/KAT has a strict policy of "do not ask."

Hmmm ... hey M'Ress, guess you "got the bird" in the end.
  (lower 1st digit, raise third ...    )

Question tho Scip ... why are you so interested?  Enquiring minds want to know.  

Side note Scip.  If you can link up w/ me on June 27th, I can drive us up to PA for the tourney.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Green »


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2003, 08:49:46 pm »
Well KOTH really does not have a policy not to ask, but in this case, it seemed we all decided NOT to ask simultaneously.  Never ind the dolls M'Ress comes around with sometimes, or the dresses, just lying around.

No, I don't want to know!


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2003, 10:58:27 pm »

And just to make matters perfectly clear, my pink towel and Kroma's pink tutu have absolutely NOTHING in common!

Hey don't worry your secret is safe with me Goosy Pie.


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #10 on: March 27, 2003, 01:18:23 am »
OH NO!!!   I'm having very bad memories.    I think I still suffer from Post Traumatic Squirrel Syndrome.  

Ain't wildlife fun.


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #11 on: March 27, 2003, 12:57:09 pm »

Well KOTH really does not have a policy not to ask, but in this case, it seemed we all decided NOT to ask simultaneously.  Never ind the dolls M'Ress comes around with sometimes, or the dresses, just lying around.

Those aren't mine and you can't proove it! The dresses belong to Redfur. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Kroma, just keep that fl;ying head scissors manuever away from me.

J'inn, if we have to get Skippy, Green, McCloud and maybe Chuut to kidnap you for the weekend...

We will!

On a serious note, if you are over worked, this would be an excellent oppurtunity to blow off some steam and have a weekend to yourself. I'm pushing for this now, so you can have plenty of time to work out the details.



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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2003, 01:57:42 pm »
 "GOOSE, now theres a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is........."

  <peril sensitive sunglasses  



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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2003, 02:29:29 pm »

 "GOOSE, now theres a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is........."

  <peril sensitive sunglasses  


  One too many run ins with a Vogon Constructor Fleet...  


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2003, 02:48:50 pm »


 "GOOSE, now theres a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is........."

  <peril sensitive sunglasses  


  One too many run ins with a Vogon Constructor Fleet...    

Or a Pan Glalctic Gargle Blaster.


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Re: The end to my day...
« Reply #15 on: March 27, 2003, 05:26:12 pm »



 "GOOSE, now theres a hoopy frood who really knows where his towel is........."

  <peril sensitive sunglasses  


  One too many run ins with a Vogon Constructor Fleet...    

Or a Pan Glalctic Gargle Blaster.  

 Ok, I admit, it was the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster..................  or maybe my Infamous "Gumby"  (recepie to follow)
2 shots 151 (I like to use everclear)
1 shot triple sec
1 shot Melon Liquer
1 shot Blue Curaco
1 shot of OJ (for opaqueness)
Lots of Ice in an at least 22oz glass
fill rest of way with Mt. Dew!

Or, because we all know it's his fault........................  mighta been the  J'inn Entonyx