Topic: The ULTIMATE Fan Site  (Read 1756 times)

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« on: March 25, 2003, 06:37:54 pm »
I have a rather bold idea.

Surfing the web last night for Star Trek sites I came across a distinct unhappiness at the ST sites outthere in the big WWW. is far from fulfilling in trek matters, it tends to keep its content updated with new things from trek, all very well and good if you want to keep updated with such things, but what if you want to delve deeper into trek knowlegde.  Things like ship skimatics (sorry bout the spelling), or epidsode guides, character information, etc.  What if you wanted to know exactly what happened on a particular stardate?  In detail?  What about all the games that have come out over the years.  I want reviews on games before I go out and find them on Ebay.  Did you know there was a DS9 game for the Mega Drive, or a TNG game for the SNES.  I didn't, untill I found them on Ebay, two game that I would love to play, but I'm not buying them untill I know what I getting.  

I know that you could search other sites and within a few minutes you could come up with your answer.  But I want it under one roof, one address that one can goto to find any information under the sun.  A site that has been made with hundreds of Trekkies and Trekers from all around the world.  Points of View, articles, discussions etc.  A real Star Trek community that exists only as the sum of knowlegde of Star Trek Fans in the world.  Sure you could tell me to go find what I want on Star Trek message boards, or tell me a really indepth site that explains how anitmatter works.  But again I say I want it under one roof!  Something to bookmark in my favourites as one site, rather than having to set up an entire different folder for Star Trek Realatted sites.  For example, my favourites has a sub-folder called StarTrek, inside there I have links to over 15 different sites, and each one of those contains imformation that I may want to look up from time to time.

I guess what I'm saying is, we as a Star Trek communtiy need to have a site that we can call ours.  A site where what you read has been written by someone who actully cares about what there writing about.  So heres my proposal.  We form a site.  A team of webdesginers, design the site, every page sticking to the same formula, then we put out the feelers, any Star Trek fan who wants to add something to the site sends it in.  Epi guides, Charcter files anything, and everything related to startrek.  We build the ULTIMATE Star Trek data base.  We make it bigger and better than any CD-Rom you can buy.  And of course it will be better.  Because we're using the communtiy.  Have you ever seen an advert on message boards saying "The new star trek encyclopedia makers want YOUR input!"  NO.  And if you have then I guess I'm making a big fool of myself!!!!!!

Anyway.  If you want to be a part of it, then email me.  We'll make a list, start building and then get the content.  Sure it will take a long time, and maybe it will never be finished, but wouldn't you like to be part of something this big?  It would be great, I myself am certainitly looking forward to it!

So, If you think I'm making a fool of myself, then flame this thread all you want, I don't care.  What I care about is Star Trek, and preserving it on the great imformation super highway!

Send me an email, maybe you don't want to be part of it, maybe you just want to send a really cool trek picture, whatever.  Just think about it, please.


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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2003, 08:06:20 pm »

 But I want it under one roof, one address that one can goto to find any information under the sun.

Doesnt Google Fit this Description,

Best of luck, you have no idea what you have just proposed.

one piece of advice from a webdesigner, A WEBSITE CAN NEVER BE FINISHED.

Look at its an amazing resource for SFC, but it will never be finished, there will always be better ways of writing the code, extra features etc.etc


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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2003, 03:58:17 pm »
OK, I'm going to do something I have never done before, bump my on thread.  I'm sorry guys and girls but come on this is an oppertunity that you cannot miss!  You KNOW you wanna be a part of this!  Come on, I obviously can't do this alone, and the whole idea of it is to be a Fan site.  Come guys send me your input, I can accept bad stuff aswell, I can block email address! ;-)  So comeone, give it a try, you never know, you might just enjoy it!!!!!!!

Chris Jones

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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2003, 04:35:55 pm »
I can provide info on Starfleet Command Mods...

This is a good idea..


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« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2003, 06:37:54 pm »
I have a rather bold idea.

Surfing the web last night for Star Trek sites I came across a distinct unhappiness at the ST sites outthere in the big WWW. is far from fulfilling in trek matters, it tends to keep its content updated with new things from trek, all very well and good if you want to keep updated with such things, but what if you want to delve deeper into trek knowlegde.  Things like ship skimatics (sorry bout the spelling), or epidsode guides, character information, etc.  What if you wanted to know exactly what happened on a particular stardate?  In detail?  What about all the games that have come out over the years.  I want reviews on games before I go out and find them on Ebay.  Did you know there was a DS9 game for the Mega Drive, or a TNG game for the SNES.  I didn't, untill I found them on Ebay, two game that I would love to play, but I'm not buying them untill I know what I getting.  

I know that you could search other sites and within a few minutes you could come up with your answer.  But I want it under one roof, one address that one can goto to find any information under the sun.  A site that has been made with hundreds of Trekkies and Trekers from all around the world.  Points of View, articles, discussions etc.  A real Star Trek community that exists only as the sum of knowlegde of Star Trek Fans in the world.  Sure you could tell me to go find what I want on Star Trek message boards, or tell me a really indepth site that explains how anitmatter works.  But again I say I want it under one roof!  Something to bookmark in my favourites as one site, rather than having to set up an entire different folder for Star Trek Realatted sites.  For example, my favourites has a sub-folder called StarTrek, inside there I have links to over 15 different sites, and each one of those contains imformation that I may want to look up from time to time.

I guess what I'm saying is, we as a Star Trek communtiy need to have a site that we can call ours.  A site where what you read has been written by someone who actully cares about what there writing about.  So heres my proposal.  We form a site.  A team of webdesginers, design the site, every page sticking to the same formula, then we put out the feelers, any Star Trek fan who wants to add something to the site sends it in.  Epi guides, Charcter files anything, and everything related to startrek.  We build the ULTIMATE Star Trek data base.  We make it bigger and better than any CD-Rom you can buy.  And of course it will be better.  Because we're using the communtiy.  Have you ever seen an advert on message boards saying "The new star trek encyclopedia makers want YOUR input!"  NO.  And if you have then I guess I'm making a big fool of myself!!!!!!

Anyway.  If you want to be a part of it, then email me.  We'll make a list, start building and then get the content.  Sure it will take a long time, and maybe it will never be finished, but wouldn't you like to be part of something this big?  It would be great, I myself am certainitly looking forward to it!

So, If you think I'm making a fool of myself, then flame this thread all you want, I don't care.  What I care about is Star Trek, and preserving it on the great imformation super highway!

Send me an email, maybe you don't want to be part of it, maybe you just want to send a really cool trek picture, whatever.  Just think about it, please.


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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2003, 08:06:20 pm »

 But I want it under one roof, one address that one can goto to find any information under the sun.

Doesnt Google Fit this Description,

Best of luck, you have no idea what you have just proposed.

one piece of advice from a webdesigner, A WEBSITE CAN NEVER BE FINISHED.

Look at its an amazing resource for SFC, but it will never be finished, there will always be better ways of writing the code, extra features etc.etc


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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2003, 03:58:17 pm »
OK, I'm going to do something I have never done before, bump my on thread.  I'm sorry guys and girls but come on this is an oppertunity that you cannot miss!  You KNOW you wanna be a part of this!  Come on, I obviously can't do this alone, and the whole idea of it is to be a Fan site.  Come guys send me your input, I can accept bad stuff aswell, I can block email address! ;-)  So comeone, give it a try, you never know, you might just enjoy it!!!!!!!

Chris Jones

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Re: The ULTIMATE Fan Site
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2003, 04:35:55 pm »
I can provide info on Starfleet Command Mods...

This is a good idea..