Topic: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details  (Read 14171 times)

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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #40 on: March 30, 2003, 02:46:05 pm »

The Federation distrusts the Korgath, but I don't think that's the problem. I ran a fleet action mission in the hex next to the planet I mentioned. Both hexes were Klingon/Korgath. I was able to reduce the defense for the fleet action and an appropriate message appeared in the news section.  I think there may be a problem with the planetary assault missions.  

Thanks Indy,  I'll look into it.

Was it the modified Taldren script (Met_9) or the fully custom assault (i.e. with orbiting bases, defsats, FRDs etc) ?  




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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #41 on: March 30, 2003, 02:52:23 pm »
Thank you Dave! The planets I attacked did not have any defense platforms, but they had a ton of marines (39) and Ph4. I assume this is the modifed Taldren script.



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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #42 on: March 30, 2003, 06:26:23 pm »
Some results:

Friendly cartel under enemy hex prevents you from hurting it.

Enemy cartel under your hex prevents you from boosting it.

Neutral cartel under a hex seems to have not adverse effects.

Neutral coop seems not to work with same-race players.

Neutral coop does seem to work with players from allied races. (Tempest as Rom and me as Klingon flipped a neutral hex to Klingon with a Data Recovery that I initiated -- I was also first to get data and cross border.)

ED version of Data Recovery still shows old script bug where AI tries to pilot a player ship that gets to the platform in a multiplayer mission. (Dave, is this a bug that's even squashable?) Solo mission doesn't have this bug.

So far, it looks like the ED missions tend to work with a blanket neutral cartel map (I'd put in minor cartel space out of the way just so server doesn't get confused by a race having no territory). Coop may be possible with allies, but not players of the same race.

Also, the current Badlands settings have ISC as enemy to Romulans and Gorn, yet Rom missions against AI hex near Gorn space were drafting ISC as allies and Gorn as enemies (Gorn are more of an enemy than ISC). Dave, is there any way for the scripts to properly handle multiple teams? They seem fine when dealing with non-cartel Orions, yet when an empire group tries a 3-way, the game gets confused. I don't know if this is a kit problem or a script problem.

More testing to come after dinner.


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #43 on: March 30, 2003, 06:54:00 pm »
It looks like Badlands is down again. It figures. Windy just logged on and I finally had a wingman when it crashed.

Does anyone have an idea when it will be back up?


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #44 on: March 30, 2003, 06:59:08 pm »
I'll look into the AI takeover problem in the data recovery - (hopefully) it should be squishable.

The fact that neutral coop works with allied races but not your own race is very interesting - I'll do some searching along those lines and see what I can come up with.

Three-way fights, on the other hand, are very difficult to handle correctly -- to the point where I'm not inclined to fight with it.   You can only specify tensions relative to the drafter, and if told to draft enemies of the main player, it doesn't care what other relationships should be present, only that they're enemies of the drafter.  

You can get around this by writing specific missions for specific alliances - e.g. write the mission scripts specifically for a F/G v L/K/R v M/H/I (or whatever) server, but those scripts would give completely bogus results for any other alliance.  (And I'm not ambitious enough to sculpt different mission packs for all the different common alliances )  

EDIT: BTW  the reason it usually works ok for non-cartel Orions is because those are (usually) scripted in as NPCs which don't report results of their own when the mission ends.

If anyone's got some bright ideas on this one I'd love to hear it, but for now I think three way (or four way) servers will have to live with some oddness when you draft enemies who also happen to be enemies of each other.


« Last Edit: March 30, 2003, 07:02:12 pm by NuclearWessels »


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #45 on: March 30, 2003, 07:02:38 pm »

Some results:

Friendly cartel under enemy hex prevents you from hurting it.

Enemy cartel under your hex prevents you from boosting it.

Neutral cartel under a hex seems to have not adverse effects.  

I get mostly similar results.

Its obvious that OP D2 is broken concerning the DV relationships with cartel pirate layers.

So in lieu of this, I request a new map with these modifications:

Standard F&E map, same size as before, with one Pirate cartel hex under each races HW to leave the rest of cartel space neutral.

All Hex values are 5 and go neutral at 0 and are maxed at 5, including the HW hex. Place all economy in the HW hex (will this work) and give instructions to not take economy hexes. All hex value changes are by increments of one.

And give us all 50,000 pp, set trade in to 100%, lower cost of supplies.

I would also like to suggest we seperate mission packs into A and B and take one set off the server so we can focus on the smaller mission packs better, then once all testing is done, try the other pack. Right now, its too difficult getting the same missions in order to keep track of testing properly.

Just some thoughts...



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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #46 on: March 30, 2003, 07:23:16 pm »
I restarted Badlands. It suffered an error. I haven't made any changes to Castrin's map or settings. Doing so over remote access would have been iffy with the delays in screen refreshes and whatnot. Regardless, it's his server and I'd rather he knew what was going on with it.


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #47 on: March 30, 2003, 07:28:40 pm »
Thanks Nomad!


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #48 on: March 30, 2003, 08:19:33 pm »
I was, strangely enough, having trouble LOSING missions just now. A Base Defense on a Romulan/cartel neutral hex didn't drop DV even after I died and self-destructed the base against the AI attackers. Another mission didn't drop DV on a self-destruct loss, either, but I don't remember which it was (it wasn't a standard patrol -- maybe recharge?). On the third try, in a Met_NW17Patrol, I managed to lose by hitting a rock after taking out some of my allies the same way. DV did drop that time. Then a Met_NW10Patrol loss by the same method also dropped DV.


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #49 on: March 30, 2003, 08:42:05 pm »
Is anyone collecting D2 server bugs?


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #50 on: March 30, 2003, 08:42:29 pm »
I found a few more problems. Windy an d I tried a base assault and a fleet assault in a base hex. We won both in a Klingon/Korgath hex with no impact on defence. We ran several courier misions with the same result in a hex with no base.

While the defense does not seem to work too well, the shiplist and missions are a blast! I love the courier mission! I just wish there were some easy way to identify the courier. I see the name and the starting location, but it is a GREAT mission. I love it.

As far as the shiplist is concerned, can we tweak the rarity factors? I run into K-TGA, K-TGAK and D-5 carriers all the time! I have never seen a D7 and only one D6 (D6M). I would think the carriers and tuggs would be rare and the D7 and D6 much more common.

Don't get me wrong, I love this server. I'd just like to make a few adjustments to make it more realistic.


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #51 on: March 30, 2003, 09:26:29 pm »
I would approve in tweaking "rarity" factors, but that's not in the shiplist itself.
.. can it be done via the server?

-- Luc


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #52 on: March 30, 2003, 09:44:05 pm »

I was, strangely enough, having trouble LOSING missions just now. A Base Defense on a Romulan/cartel neutral hex didn't drop DV even after I died and self-destructed the base against the AI attackers. Another mission didn't drop DV on a self-destruct loss, either, but I don't remember which it was (it wasn't a standard patrol -- maybe recharge?). On the third try, in a Met_NW17Patrol, I managed to lose by hitting a rock after taking out some of my allies the same way. DV did drop that time. Then a Met_NW10Patrol loss by the same method also dropped DV.  

Actually, the unchanged DV on losing a base mission may have been deliberate.  (Outdated, but deliberate )   I seem to recall, wayyyyyy back when the ED base missions were first created, that folks were frequently taking (and losing) missions in the hexes they first spawned in, hence decimating their own base hexes early in a campaign.  This is a real fuzzy-hazy-vague memory, but I think I may have actually set it to not report a DV loss for players losing against the AI in base defense missions - it's entirely possible I never updated that, but since the base defense is so much easier now people rarely lose so it hasn't been reported.  Anywho, I'll definitely check it out tomorrow.

As for the other mission, if it was one of the OP-only ones (Met numbers 20-31) then it's entirely possible there are DV issues - those scripts haven't had anywhere near the level of testing the Met 1-19 have.

Keep the info coming!



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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #53 on: March 30, 2003, 09:50:09 pm »

I found a few more problems. Windy an d I tried a base assault and a fleet assault in a base hex. We won both in a Klingon/Korgath hex with no impact on defence. We ran several courier misions with the same result in a hex with no base.

It makes sense that the same problem would exist in both - the courier mission is pretty much the base mission with the courier replacing the base.  I'll see if I can figure out what's going on.


While the defense does not seem to work too well, the shiplist and missions are a blast! I love the courier mission! I just wish there were some easy way to identify the courier. I see the name and the starting location, but it is a GREAT mission. I love it.

Glad to hear it - in the next pack there should be  a bit more variety in the number of escort ships the courier gets.  I'm hoping the "big game" mission goes over well too - you and a couple of other ships band together to go after a substantially larger enemy ship.



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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #54 on: March 30, 2003, 10:06:15 pm »
so.. when's that gonna be?
-- Luc


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #55 on: March 30, 2003, 10:37:23 pm »
More news:

Very difficult to get missions in your own hex.

Neutral hex mission variety is only 3x, courier intercept, convoy raid, holding action.

Friendlly hex missions I get patrols and some others missions that never appear on neutral hexes.

Noticed that Impedance varies on the map sometimes 1 and then .75. Wonder why?

Shipyard variety has a lot of Tugs and FF's. Finding a good ship is difficult. Also noticed that firesouls shiplist apparently doesnt phase out older ships further clogging the shipyards.

Several game bugs maybe... I had 6 marines on a klingon ship I was about to capture and my Hydran AI ally shot at it and killed it. IIRC, when you have marines on board a ship, the AI switched to disable weapons mode.

I think that I may have seen a system repair not completed as the mission ended.

There is also no coffee mug holder option for the command chair... WTF?

Saw Katcroup on the server and he didnt even say hi...


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #56 on: March 30, 2003, 11:39:57 pm »

How is your KE borked? Is it something in the shiplist?

-- Luc  

Sorry, Fire, I was unclear.  The 'it' I was referring to is the DV problem.  My KE works fine


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #57 on: March 31, 2003, 06:33:27 am »
Dave, I personally haven't had any problems with the Courier Intercept that I couldn't explain away. Then again, I only played it once solo (no problems) and once coop (Tempest ran up the middle and got smacked, the AI ally did the same, and I ran like a frightened mouse -- thus no win). We tried another time and failed to draft, probably because I was moving when Tempest got the mission offering. Nice mission.

About rarity of ships, that should be due to .gf settings. My guess is for normal Badlands play, Castrin doesn't want BCHes and DNs to appear that often, since the prices are set very low.

Dizzy, how much more testing do you think you need before you decide whether OP can handle SG3? If we need to get up a better testing environment, we'll have to do it quickly. Also, I'm generally not free for testing as much during the week. We could use more players. Are any SG3 players/RMs/etc. interested in helping out?


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2003, 10:22:46 am »
Server will be reset tonight with the following changes:

Starting PP up to 5000.
DN+ sized ships more frequent and cheaper.
Ship delivery will be instant.
New test map (thanks to Nomad).
Missions in friendly space turned on (was off).

There have been a few questions as to the map and why is it the way it is. Actually this is the Taldren MiddleMap(.mvm) with some modifications to some neutral areas. Beyond that it's stock. I used this map for a few reasons but mainly because for a "fun" non-campaign server there really wasn't a reason to remake the wheel so to say (i.e. I was lazy   ).

The server will be back up around 8pm.

Thanks to all that have come out and tested things or just came out to have fun.      


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Re: Badlands (OP) is Up! See inside for details
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2003, 10:29:51 am »

So in lieu of this, I request a new map with these modifications:

Standard F&E map, same size as before, with one Pirate cartel hex under each races HW to leave the rest of cartel space neutral.

All Hex values are 5 and go neutral at 0 and are maxed at 5, including the HW hex. Place all economy in the HW hex (will this work) and give instructions to not take economy hexes. All hex value changes are by increments of one.  

All good suggestions Diz.

The max econ for a hex is 255 (generally the max value of anything in a hex actually). Better would be all econ be concentraited on planets but spread out. In either case I see what your getting at.

I've also sent a message off to Nomad about the pirate cartels and removing them from the majority of the map.