Topic: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued  (Read 2744 times)

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SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« on: March 25, 2003, 07:15:42 am »
For those interested in SFCX's OP projects, here's an update and continuation of the polls started in another thread.

First, the working title of the campaign is "Reclamation," based on an idea by Emerald Edge. Tempest is working up some stories and creative design. Capt. Stumpy is working on a draft map. The rest of the team is trading ideas and VC proposals back and forth. The SFCX team currently includes:

Capt. Stumpy
Castrin (primary admin and server host)
Emerald Edge

At this time, there is no scheduled start date for this campaign, but it is expected to run on the latest OP server kit under patch The following posts will reintroduce the poll questions below with some expansion (total responses from prior post in parentheses):

 * Taldren stock shiplist (2)
 * FireSoul's OP Plus Shiplist (21)

Victory Conditions?
 * Territory growth and planet capture VCs for points (16)
 * No VC points, but rather a simple invade and conquer the enemy campaign (6)

 * Allied teams, between 2 and 4 teams of empires (16)
 * Free-for-all with all empires against each other (5)

 * Taldren only (3)
 * Taldren plus Evil Dave (20)
 * Evil Dave only (1)


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2003, 07:18:39 am »

Taldren stock shiplist
FireSoul's OP Plus Shiplist



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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2003, 07:21:47 am »

Victory Conditions?
Center-map VC hexes (encourages PvP) and some other territory/capture VCs
No VC points, but rather a simple invade and conquer the enemy campaign



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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2003, 07:32:26 am »

Teams: F/G/H/I vs. K/R/Z/L
Teams: F/G/Z/H vs. K/R/L/I
Teams: F/G/Z/I vs. K/R/H/L
Teams: F/G/H vs. K/R/L vs. Z/I
Teams: F/G vs. K/R/L vs. Z/I/H
Teams: F/G/H vs. K/R vs. Z/L/I
Teams: Other

There are many more potential combinations, but these are some we've discussed. Choose "Other" if you want to make a case for another grouping. Pirates will probably not be playable, and would likely be allied to their home empire.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2003, 07:34:25 am »

Taldren only
Taldren plus Evil Dave
Evil Dave only



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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2003, 06:47:31 am »
Morning bump. Thanks for the feedback, and keep it coming!


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2003, 09:45:51 am »
Just wanted to drop by and let people know I'm starting on the map and really need your input ASAP.

It looks so far like people would like a center map VC environment, but what really is up in the air is teams, as it might effect placement of empire hexes regarding balance issues and VC access.

Looks like we are leaning toward a  traditional map layout, F&E style for this one.

Thanks for your help all.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2003, 12:24:46 pm »
Have you guys considered trying SghnDubh's Area of Operations (AO) rules instead of LOS? It seemed to work out really well on the TNZ server for sfc3, it should work well for an SFC2 EAW or OP server as well.



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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2003, 12:48:17 pm »
I think Mog suggested some type of controls, but we haven't really discussed using LOS or AO in any detail -- mainly because we're still early in the planning stage. Considering the scope of this campaign is supposed to be a bit lighter, we may not want to impose too many restrictions that need a lot of policing. Still, anything the community thinks would improve the fun is open for consideration. If anyone has a preference, please speak up.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2003, 03:43:05 pm »
Unless the neutral co-op problem has been dealt a blow, then the amount of neutral space should be very small, if present at all.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2003, 05:28:07 pm »
I'm hoping the new pack has bypassed most of the neutral coop problem, but we need a good chunk of neutral space and some allied bodies on  to test it (crosses fingers)



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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Poll Results and Polls Continued
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2003, 06:13:23 pm »
On badlands, there's a 100 DV hex: the WYN Radiation Zone.
It meets up between Lyran and Klingon, 2 races for this test....

.. however, I haven't been able to change the DV of a sector with a planetary assault, and I've only seen BATS assaults so far. Maybe I should pester hydrans for that?

-- Luc