Topic: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW  (Read 5325 times)

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SSCF Hooch

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Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« on: March 24, 2003, 09:13:06 pm »
I know that this post will be attacked and mocked, but some things just need to be said.

First, allow me to say that I have played the patch for many weeks now under different names and all the races, from what I have seen the races that were most affected by the bugs seem to be fairly happy with the changes and to be honest I truly am glad for them. They have a game that allows them a better playing experience and that is good for the game as a whole.

(Sigh) Now for the bitter pill.

Federation players, YOU NEED TO PATCH and play as a Fed on the post patch servers and you need to do it now.


1. ATVI has a ?one patch? policy for one.
2. If this current patch is allowed to stand you will not like being a Fed if it becomes the one and only ?supported? patch you will ever see again.
3. Some of your greatest assets will not be there if this patch goes in as is.
4. Your pulse phasers are almost nerfed.
5. You will not see volley fire like you are used to with any of the photons.
6. Cloaked ship detection is very, very hard. Against AI?s it is doable, dealing with a human player alone you will most likely get stir fried before you see it coming.
7. If you all continue to play in your current la-la land of 1.00 instead of 1.01 you are going to hate this game in a big hurry and wonder how it happened.

It will have happened because you did not have your say and the Federation players will have themselves to blame.

Now please, those of you who fly Romulan, Borg and Klingon, I am not saying anything about your fixes, they are good, justified and over due. I just think that since the patch your ships truly over power Federation ships as a whole now.

My reasoning is this, when you are cloaking or un-cloaking is the only time a Federation ship has his chance to get his best shot in. Without Volley fire and the possibility to really bite hard a Fed will never get one. As a Fed under the patch by the time you detect a cloaked ship it?s too late, you are eating plasma, and running like a whipped dog for the border. If I try to warp prance you will pick my hull away, if I fight from range my photons miss too often to wear you down, and if I try to slug it out in a knife fight you will tear me to shreds in minutes.

With the Borg, the pulse phasers were our best weapons, now it plain sucks and is not worth the risk or the cost and Photons just don?t hit enough to pull it off.

What are the answers? To be honest I just don?t know right now.
Better photon hit rates? Maybe.
Blind fire? I doubt that can be done.
Make the Federation ship more nimble to allow for close in combat? Heck if I know. I am a gamer not a programmer.

In closing, I don?t want an advantage (honest) If just want a chance in a PvP fight. I really hope that you will see that and not assume the worse about my motives here. Be honest and look at this as a gamer, not as a Romulan, Borg, or Klingon player and ask yourself this.

?Could I fly in that Federation ship I am blowing to bits and beat another player in the ship I am flying??

Consider that before you make a reply telling me to get bent for my comments.

Brad Bowermaster

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2003, 10:04:07 pm »

1. ATVI has a ?one patch? policy for one.

IIRC, Dan Hagerty squashed that as just a rumor, and Activision has no such policy

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2003, 10:10:58 pm »


1. ATVI has a ?one patch? policy for one.

IIRC, Dan Hagerty squashed that as just a rumor, and Activision has no such policy  

Be that as it may, they still need to patch. I will edit my post.


Captain KoraH

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2003, 10:51:21 pm »
I think you're probably right, but it's been so long since I've played on a non-moded server that I can't really remember how it was. Mod servers are the way of the future for SFC3, sooner or later they will be the only servers to play on. With the limited scope of the basic game, there's just no longevity.  


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2003, 02:10:17 am »
  Speaking of mod servers, Korah, how will your next one look? Same mod, more reliability? Different mod?

And, far more importantly, when?



SSCF Hooch

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2003, 07:41:38 am »

Credo Narth

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2003, 08:17:32 am »
Disagree. The Feds before were so strong the game was boring, but now they're a lot harder to play. Don't forget that in Star Trek Canon-land, the Galaxy and the Nebula were completely outclassed by pretty much anyone who could put a ship in space. The warbird is supposed to be significantly more powerful, and the Dominion battleship way tougher. I won't even start on the Borg cube, still too weak, in my opinion.

I think it would be more accurate to give the Nebula and the Galaxy the turning rate the Sovereign currently has, and give the Sovereign the Galaxy's turn rate. The Sovereign is supposed to be Star Fleet's answer to the Warbird, cube and Jem Hadar BB, it's smaller than the Galaxy but with significantly better systems, weapons etc.

As far as I can see, the Feds have the advantage through more ships and better economy. The others have the advantage through better ships. So in order to win, the feds ultimately lose more ships, but win more battles. This means you're going to have to suck down the sight of your ship going in several different directions simltaneously before becoming a pretty firework display for your enemies.

And don't flame me back... I play Fed myself.

SSCF Hooch

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2003, 08:55:17 am »

Disagree. The Feds before were so strong the game was boring, but now they're a lot harder to play. Don't forget that in Star Trek Canon-land, the Galaxy and the Nebula were completely outclassed by pretty much anyone who could put a ship in space. The warbird is supposed to be significantly more powerful, and the Dominion battleship way tougher. I won't even start on the Borg cube, still too weak, in my opinion.

I think it would be more accurate to give the Nebula and the Galaxy the turning rate the Sovereign currently has, and give the Sovereign the Galaxy's turn rate. The Sovereign is supposed to be Star Fleet's answer to the Warbird, cube and Jem Hadar BB, it's smaller than the Galaxy but with significantly better systems, weapons etc.

As far as I can see, the Feds have the advantage through more ships and better economy. The others have the advantage through better ships. So in order to win, the feds ultimately lose more ships, but win more battles. This means you're going to have to suck down the sight of your ship going in several different directions simltaneously before becoming a pretty firework display for your enemies.

And don't flame me back... I play Fed myself.  

Not a flame back, I am suggesting this as a gamer not as a Fed player. Lots of players with advantages and disadvantages to each race makes for a "live long and prosper" game. Thanks for the commet though.

Now if they get rid of the death tax for ship loss I could see your point better for the Federation losing more ships.



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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2003, 09:09:03 am »
I play almost exclusivly Klingon.

  • Rommies were pretty easy to kill.  Especially if I could get behind them.
  • Feds I would usually lose to, esepcially if they had pulse phasers in their forward arcs.
  • Borg were pretty easy to take out their warp core, then just pick away at their hull till they die or get bored and leave.

Post Patch:
  • Rommies are much tougher, I now usually get creamed by them.  Their cloak seems to work much better than my Klingon cloak.
  • Feds are about even par, one -vs- one, it is probably about 50/50 split whether I can win or not.
  • Borg are much tougher, just about can't beat them down as fast as they recover.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Firestorm »


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2003, 10:05:36 am »
Well, before the patch I played almost exclusively Klingon & Rom. I found the Feds were tougher  in the CL and CA ships but about the same in other classes. Cloaks were useless so I never used mine. I got very good in going toe to toe with feds.  Borgs were and still are the worst to fight as a klingon. The regeneration rate is too high. The best I could usually achieve against a Borg player in like class was to make him retreat. Unless he was foolish enough to lose his warp core then get tractored.  Roms were a joke before the patch. Killed everyone I fought.

Since the patch I have played fed alot more. I believe the reason many fed players are unhappy with this patch is they have gotten lazy and weak from playing opponents that were too weak to challenge them. When enemy cloaks didnt work and thier weapons worked great they had a distinct advantage.The enemy was not fairly matched. Like a college team playing a junior high team. The patch fixed it.  Cloakers who have been training in a harsh place(pre-patch) are now the strongest players(post-patch).

I have played mostly fed post patch, my tactics are different from most "experienced" fed players. I win the vast majority of my battles even if out numbered. I believe all that time in cloakers has made me a better fed player. I know the weakness of the other races better and never grew complacent with the advantage feds had. I believe feds players must retrain themselves to fight differently.   The days of the old "easy" tactics are gone. You will have to be more creative, more careful, and more willing to fight a fair fight. It isnt the game anymore. It is "Pilot error"



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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2003, 11:15:25 am »

Disagree. The Feds before were so strong the game was boring, but now they're a lot harder to play. Don't forget that in Star Trek Canon-land, the Galaxy and the Nebula were completely outclassed by pretty much anyone who could put a ship in space. The warbird is supposed to be significantly more powerful, and the Dominion battleship way tougher. I won't even start on the Borg cube, still too weak, in my opinion.

I think it would be more accurate to give the Nebula and the Galaxy the turning rate the Sovereign currently has, and give the Sovereign the Galaxy's turn rate. The Sovereign is supposed to be Star Fleet's answer to the Warbird, cube and Jem Hadar BB, it's smaller than the Galaxy but with significantly better systems, weapons etc.

As far as I can see, the Feds have the advantage through more ships and better economy. The others have the advantage through better ships. So in order to win, the feds ultimately lose more ships, but win more battles. This means you're going to have to suck down the sight of your ship going in several different directions simltaneously before becoming a pretty firework display for your enemies.

And don't flame me back... I play Fed myself.  

Actually, canonically the Galaxy was outSIZED by the Warbird...but the Galaxy actually matched the warbird in firepower, maybe a little bit weaker, but a good captain could kill a warbird in a Galaxy.  The Borg cube, canonically, should be able to take out about 50 fed ships, mostly CL-CA-BCH range (we saw a few Akiras in first contact), but then a player who got a Borg Cube would be INVINCIBLE as getting 50 ships just to fight a cube would turn the game into lag heaven- half the players would crash on the loading screen.

The Jem Hadar BB should be nasty, nasty, and NASTY.  Definitely should outgun the warbird and Dominion BB.

BTW i'm a fed player, and i'm patched with no problemo.  I can still kill Roms.  Its SKILL thats needed, not big guns.


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2003, 12:13:37 pm »

Disagree. The Feds before were so strong the game was boring, but now they're a lot harder to play. Don't forget that in Star Trek Canon-land, the Galaxy and the Nebula were completely outclassed by pretty much anyone who could put a ship in space. The warbird is supposed to be significantly more powerful, and the Dominion battleship way tougher. I won't even start on the Borg cube, still too weak, in my opinion.

I think it would be more accurate to give the Nebula and the Galaxy the turning rate the Sovereign currently has, and give the Sovereign the Galaxy's turn rate. The Sovereign is supposed to be Star Fleet's answer to the Warbird, cube and Jem Hadar BB, it's smaller than the Galaxy but with significantly better systems, weapons etc.

As far as I can see, the Feds have the advantage through more ships and better economy. The others have the advantage through better ships. So in order to win, the feds ultimately lose more ships, but win more battles. This means you're going to have to suck down the sight of your ship going in several different directions simltaneously before becoming a pretty firework display for your enemies.

And don't flame me back... I play Fed myself.  

  Unfortunately none of this matter in the game. With the current PP setup. No one will willing go up against a cube. The possiblility of losing your ship and the time and effort needed to get back in a big ship is just too much. Especaily to those that actually have a life.

« Last Edit: March 25, 2003, 12:23:41 pm by Wiz33 »


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2003, 01:04:17 pm »

"The French are our closest allies, they are always there when they need us"

Spring, 1778
 France enters the Revolutionary War after Gates wins a Saratoga.  France then proceeds to bankrupt its nation by completely financing the armies of Washington with pay, arms and munitions.  In addition, the French Navy is ordered to deliver these supplies to America, land  a few thousand French soldiers and secure the seas from the feared Royal Navy of many victories.  The cost of financing the Revolutionay War sparked eventually spark a financial crisis that culminate in 1792 when the  cost would be French King Louis XVI's head.

Spring, 1781
French Army commander in the US territories, le Comte de Rochambeau, refuses Washington's and Marquis de Lafayette's dubious plan to attack British Forces in New York head-on saying "French soldiers fight very badly" when they are about to be massacred.  Instead, Rochambeau offers up a new ambitious plan that calls for a risky joint land/naval operations to surprise British General Cornwallis at Yorktown and blockade him by sea and land. The Comte de Grasse with 35-40 Sail of the Line actually pays his sailors out of his own pocket and proceed to secretly sail from the Carribean to Cheasapeake Bay.

Autumn, 1781
In perhaps what is the French Navy's finest hour ever, le Comte de Grasse 35 SOL defeats British Admiral Grave 30-32 SOLs in the Battle of Cheasepeake Bay thereby ensuring that the siege of Yorktown continues.

October, 1781
The British forces surrender at Yorktown. At first, the British refused to look at the Americans and would only acknowledge the French soldiers. Tthe British General's aide-de-camp tried to surrender to Rochambeau but he politely told him to surrender to the Americans.  With this victory the success of the US Revolutionary War is assured.

The French may be royal irrational PIAs now, but it would be unwise for Americans to forget why the French are US oldest ally and the only Western country that the US have never declared war on.   It did not happen by accident.  

Anyone that says France has never been there for the US, definitely has no clue on how the US came into to being in the first place.  

To be blunt:   No France  => No United States.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Karnak »


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #13 on: March 25, 2003, 01:06:38 pm »

Disagree. The Feds before were so strong the game was boring, but now they're a lot harder to play. Don't forget that in Star Trek Canon-land, the Galaxy and the Nebula were completely outclassed by pretty much anyone who could put a ship in space. The warbird is supposed to be significantly more powerful, and the Dominion battleship way tougher. I won't even start on the Borg cube, still too weak, in my opinion.

I think it would be more accurate to give the Nebula and the Galaxy the turning rate the Sovereign currently has, and give the Sovereign the Galaxy's turn rate.  

I totally disagree, the galaxy and nebula were not out classed by every ship in space, quite the opposite.  The galaxy and nebula have been refitted by the time this game takes place.  Each ship has a new uprated warp core, with more power and a faster top speed.  

The galaxys advatages as a warship really come into play with its ability to separate.  The secondary hull section becomes very manuverable and is a smaller target to hit.  The saucer is quite capable of defending itself, it has the two primary phaers banks(with huge arcs) and a rear torpedo launcher.  Taking on a Galaxy, could actually become a two on one battle.  (I know that this is impossible in this game.)

The nebula is with its advatages as well.  The cannon standard nebula has 8 type X phaser banks and two torpedo launchers, one forward and aft.  The weapons pod(which has become the standard pod) adds 5 torpedo launchers,(with smaller launcher capacities) extra torpedos, and three extra phaser banks and sheild generator( to protect this obvious target).  Because of its smaller size it is also more manuverable that the galaxy (docked configuration).

The galaxys advatage over the nebula is that is larger and can take on a wider range of missions.  The nebula can match the galaxy's abilities in a specific mission if the proper missions pod is installed.

The sovereign was not designed to replave these two classes of ships, rather supplement them.  It is not a lot newer, acutally the protype was being finished up around the time to the battleof wolf 359.   The sovereign is  smaller and cannot go without resuplly for as long.  It is mostly meant to deal with defense issues along with exploration.

IT's weapons sytems are more advanced than the galaxy, nebula, but as a result has suffered from power shortages and a lower top speed than expected.  In Nemesis, they downrated the top speed  to warp 9.7, compared to the galaxy/nebula 9.9.  That is why the Scimitar was able to catch the Enterprise-E in the movie.

Why do people think that the cannon Galaxy/Nebula are weak?  



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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #14 on: March 25, 2003, 01:18:03 pm »
I fly Klingon, my best ship is a Vor'cha.   The ship I fear most is the Nebula.  It seems to be most manourvable and punches hard.


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #15 on: March 25, 2003, 02:08:36 pm »
Come on Hooch,

Feds used to be an absolute snooze.  You've still got safety in numbers, and Quantum Torpedoes and better shielding.

Not to mention that there are very effective techniques for making the lives of Klingons and Romulans alike an absolute misery.

But of course such information is classified.  You shall have to figure it out yourself.



SSCF Hooch

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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #16 on: March 25, 2003, 05:05:46 pm »

Anyone that says France has never been there for the US, definitely has no clue on how the US came into to being in the first place.  

To be blunt:   No France  => No United States.

As "they" are so quick to state these days, that was then this is now. Besides, the French king at the time wanted to be a pain in the king of England's fanny anyway. They did not do it out of love for us or them.

Karnak I know you love me and all, but please speak to the thread, rather than looking for a reason to tweak my nose. "We" are at peace right now, you and I. I would prefer to keep it that way.



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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2003, 07:17:44 pm »
  You couldn't give the sov the gal's turning rate; turning rate is as a product of weight/thruster, and the fact is that people put more guns on a sov. Arm the sov identically to the gal, and it IS more maneuvrable, if you have more thrusters. Its your choice, people. I would just say that the Sov has too much weapon mass, it misleads players. You must not exceed 2/3 of your weapons mass, and completely forget overpowering anything. Also, use weaker shields. It may SEEM stupid, but the difference between 7-9 is negligible, but the power drain is INCREDIBLE. Make sure you have thrusters 10, then build engines around that.

Don't be afraid to underarm! it will still work. I've occasinally played fed, and this is how you must do it.



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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #18 on: March 26, 2003, 07:09:16 pm »
Another thing most poeple seem to forget is that Gene Rodenberry's vision for the Galaxy class, as per the original writer's guide was that VERY few ships out there should outclass the Enterprise. The reason given is a good one. The Federation is composed of many member worlds providing research for economy and defense. The Galaxy class was supposed to be very powerful. That's probably psrt of the reason the first season was comprised of a God-like being, weak Ferengi, and alien parasites trying to outwit Starfleet. It's also the reason the Borg were introduced in the second season, as a way for Q to show the Feds how there were other, mightier races in the Galaxy. If you analyze the whole cannon you will see that overall Starfleet ships are very powerful and highly regarded, perhaps ultimately only surpassed by their crews. Keep in ming however that most references point that during the TNG time period Starfleet is actually concentrating in smaller vessels, with the explorer type ships filling a multi-role function. The exception to this would be the DOminion war when lots of these ships were rushed unfinished to the frontline.

It seems overall the Galaxy and the Rom Warbird were equally powerful in the series.

The nebula class seems to be powerful enough although clearly inferior to the Galaxy. However it was powerfull enough to survive a Cardie attack with shields down and still win the battle, as per the case of the U.S.S. Phoenix.

And about the Borg. Clearly the Federation has advanced against Borg technology since their first encounter. Remember, during the first Borg invasion Starfleet ships were impotent against the Borg. By the time of First Contact by the time the Enterprise got there the cube has sustained heavy damage. Actually, the Enterprise had more problem in close combat againt the Borg than in ship tp ship contact.  


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Re: Federation Players: YOU NEED TO PATCH...NOW
« Reply #19 on: March 26, 2003, 07:19:19 pm »

This is canon:

This is cannon: