I know that this post will be attacked and mocked, but some things just need to be said.
First, allow me to say that I have played the patch for many weeks now under different names and all the races, from what I have seen the races that were most affected by the bugs seem to be fairly happy with the changes and to be honest I truly am glad for them. They have a game that allows them a better playing experience and that is good for the game as a whole.
(Sigh) Now for the bitter pill.
Federation players, YOU NEED TO PATCH and play as a Fed on the post patch servers and you need to do it now.
1. ATVI has a ?one patch? policy for one.
2. If this current patch is allowed to stand you will not like being a Fed if it becomes the one and only ?supported? patch you will ever see again.
3. Some of your greatest assets will not be there if this patch goes in as is.
4. Your pulse phasers are almost nerfed.
5. You will not see volley fire like you are used to with any of the photons.
6. Cloaked ship detection is very, very hard. Against AI?s it is doable, dealing with a human player alone you will most likely get stir fried before you see it coming.
7. If you all continue to play in your current la-la land of 1.00 instead of 1.01 you are going to hate this game in a big hurry and wonder how it happened.
It will have happened because you did not have your say and the Federation players will have themselves to blame.
Now please, those of you who fly Romulan, Borg and Klingon, I am not saying anything about your fixes, they are good, justified and over due. I just think that since the patch your ships truly over power Federation ships as a whole now.
My reasoning is this, when you are cloaking or un-cloaking is the only time a Federation ship has his chance to get his best shot in. Without Volley fire and the possibility to really bite hard a Fed will never get one. As a Fed under the patch by the time you detect a cloaked ship it?s too late, you are eating plasma, and running like a whipped dog for the border. If I try to warp prance you will pick my hull away, if I fight from range my photons miss too often to wear you down, and if I try to slug it out in a knife fight you will tear me to shreds in minutes.
With the Borg, the pulse phasers were our best weapons, now it plain sucks and is not worth the risk or the cost and Photons just don?t hit enough to pull it off.
What are the answers? To be honest I just don?t know right now.
Better photon hit rates? Maybe.
Blind fire? I doubt that can be done.
Make the Federation ship more nimble to allow for close in combat? Heck if I know. I am a gamer not a programmer.
In closing, I don?t want an advantage (honest) If just want a chance in a PvP fight. I really hope that you will see that and not assume the worse about my motives here. Be honest and look at this as a gamer, not as a Romulan, Borg, or Klingon player and ask yourself this.
?Could I fly in that Federation ship I am blowing to bits and beat another player in the ship I am flying??
Consider that before you make a reply telling me to get bent for my comments.