I would like to say thank you to everybody at Taldren and also to everybody in the SFC community for your kind words and support. As you probably already know, the patching program that KhoroMag initiated with Taldren was literally unheard of in the industry; and I have Khoros to thank for opening up that deal. Since I began the project of bug fixes for SFC2, a lot has changed in my life. Most notably was the birth of my son who is now just a tad over 2 years old. About a year ago, I switched jobs as well. The combination of these two events has really put quite a damper on my free time; and since all my patching work was done on my free time, well things have changed considerably. I would like to give some special thanks to some fine folks at Taldren I have had the pleasure of working with; albeit electronically:
Erik Bethke, for his open mind and forward vision, seeing an opportunity that most other CEO's would simply dismiss.
David Ferrell, for his unrelenting dedication to the SFC2 lineage, and for his borrowed personal time in making SFC2 and OP as perfect as it can be.
Kenneth Yeast, aka TheBeast, for his behind-the-scenes work on the server platforms that are astonishingly complex, yet undeniably artful.
Thank you guys for your dedication to a truly awesome game. I look forward to seeing what comes of your future projects. If you don't mind, I'd love to insert a selfless plug for a Shadowrun conversion from paper to electronic form; after all you guys are the masters of that. Something like that would undoubtedly suck me back into the fray... at least for a while!
Finally I would like to give the remainder of my thanks to my wife, who endured many, many, many hours by herself (mostly because she's not a gamer) while I relentlessly debugged SFC2.
- Mags