I had a very good time playing on DoE last night. I now feel comfortable giving the campaign a "thumbs up."
The missions are challenging and at times, even dangerous to one's ship's well-being.

The occurance of the big carriers seems to have been cut down a bit, though I haven't captained a carrier myself, yet. Doing so may cause those ridiculous behemoths to start showing up again.
A couple of my SOS compatriots and I had some rousing matches against our rivals, the GDA. We got the better of them this time, but they were, in some cases, overmatched and so that is to be expected. In every case, everyone fought honorably and had a good time. Quarter was granted when requested.
At the risk of seeing the pendulum swing to far the other way, the Alliance could use a few more players. Sometimes the sides were fairly even, but there was a significant amount of time last night where the odds were 2-1 in favor of the Romulans. It may actually all even out since whenever I log in during the day, it is the Alliance that has the 2-1 odds. Other's mileage may vary, of course.
VGG, so far! I want a SuperHawk-K really bad, but when you're only netting 100-200 pp per mission and missions are taking 10 minutes a piece, or more, 25K+ seems like a very long way away.