Topic: Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.  (Read 5747 times)

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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #20 on: March 25, 2003, 08:15:31 am »
Is DoE down again?  

I finally got some time to log in and see what the dilly was and it's not on the list.  *sigh*  heheh...just lucky, I guess!



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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #21 on: March 25, 2003, 09:18:11 am »
I entered the campaign last night but wasn't able to play a mission because for some reason my screen froze up and I spent all night trying to figure out what the cause was.  I saw what my starting ship was (SKA).  Is that any good?  I was thinking about buying an SPA before my computer locked up on me.

When I logged on in the early evening, there were two other Romulans on and about 10-12 Gorn and Federation players.  I hope some more of my team starts showing up or it will be a short war!    


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #22 on: March 25, 2003, 10:07:43 am »

I entered the campaign last night but wasn't able to play a mission because for some reason my screen froze up and I spent all night trying to figure out what the cause was.  I saw what my starting ship was (SKA).  Is that any good?  I was thinking about buying an SPA before my computer locked up on me.

When I logged on in the early evening, there were two other Romulans on and about 10-12 Gorn and Federation players.  I hope some more of my team starts showing up or it will be a short war!    

I was on for about 2 hours (from 23h00 to 01h00 EST) and the Roms where outnumbering the rest 3 to 1.

By the way, I deny that I was playing DOE. I deny that the Romulan Advanced Logic Enhancer chip
(Romulan ALE for short) installed on Herr Butt's system is causing any problem. It is working within
specified parameters.

SPQR Losiack
Correspondant for the Internal Romulan Information Service
The IRIS sees all


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #23 on: March 25, 2003, 04:15:34 pm »
On the Intercept Courier Mission, I've played it solo twice and both times I captured the courier and destroyed its escorts, this netted 300 pp and 200 bonus pp. In both cases my AI help both survived.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #24 on: March 25, 2003, 05:30:26 pm »
 Well, I for one find myself getting pounded a little less often than i was.  I guess that means im learning.  Too bad you cannot direct the ai that appears in a mission with ya.  I think i might come out a little better.  For instance, i find myself doing well against one of three opponents, and it appears my ai friends are doing the same.  Then moments later as I turn my foe into plasma coated space dust, I turn to pitch in with my AI brethren.  By the time i get into the fray, I see two frendly ships exploding and two very angry CL's turning towards me.  Thinking the better of this I 180 and start to run for the border.  Unfortunately these opponents have apparently fared better than i thought and more often than not I am unable to outrun them even under a yellow alert condition.  Oh well, you live you learn.   Also....  You die you learn.  



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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #25 on: March 25, 2003, 06:39:49 pm »

A note about bonus prestige. Its calculated as a 'reward' for what you do during the mission ie destroying ships etc. Its also weighted by the total BPV ....  

(Edited down to save space)

Tracey, the formula looks good and makes a good degree of sense.  But there were 3 of us playing in different hulls and obviously doing different damage, taking different damage, and firing the kill shot.   However, we all ended up with exactly the same total PP.

Is it possible that the math formula you noted is correct, but the PP awarded is based only on one player, the host?  If so then if I'm not hosting I'll be asking the host to sit back and relax until I've neutralized the AI and then let them come in for the coup d' etat.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2003, 08:48:37 pm »


A note about bonus prestige. Its calculated as a 'reward' for what you do during the mission ie destroying ships etc. Its also weighted by the total BPV ....  

(Edited down to save space)

Tracey, the formula looks good and makes a good degree of sense.  But there were 3 of us playing in different hulls and obviously doing different damage, taking different damage, and firing the kill shot.   However, we all ended up with exactly the same total PP.

Is it possible that the math formula you noted is correct, but the PP awarded is based only on one player, the host?  If so then if I'm not hosting I'll be asking the host to sit back and relax until I've neutralized the AI and then let them come in for the coup d' etat.  

If an enemy is killed, for example, then everyone on your team gets the credit for it. Usually, the only real differences you'll find in prestige as awarded differently to different players on the same team, will be if you loose your ship, and your friends don't.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #27 on: March 25, 2003, 09:02:04 pm »
If people are interested, I can post the section of code from the mission scripts so that people can see exactly for themselves how its awarded.


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« Reply #28 on: March 25, 2003, 09:14:05 pm »

FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!   PLEASE TAKE THE AGENT MISSION OUT.   THEN BURN IT!!   SHOOT IT!   AND BURN IT AGAIN!!!    It's causing mandatories in home space that is driving everyone nuts.

Also,  a PP penalty for loosing is just plain evil.  Add to the penalty the cost of repairing your beat up ship and it just gets evilier.
With SFC2's small player base, is this much evil wise??

Remove the forfeit penalty while you are at it.


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« Reply #29 on: March 25, 2003, 11:46:24 pm »

With SFC2's small player base, is this much evil wise??

 Hmmmmm....  I dunno, I think i actually like scf2 more than 3 because its more challenging and involving.  Chalk one up for that smaller player base.......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Gumby »


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« Reply #30 on: March 26, 2003, 01:33:39 am »
So far I have been lucky on the server after getting my head handed to me the first night.  I have settled into an SKL, been running patrols in nebula vs gorn and getting CL mostly, one was a cruiser with 2 S torps and 2 F torps.  That has been the toughest so far.  Took awhile to beat it but not undoable.  

As for the courier missions, I have succeeded twice in this mission of the 3 times I have run it.  All times vs gorn.  Was AI assisted in all missions by relatively good ships although the SKE doesnt do much vs gorn.  I have run only two coop mission that have been disasterous.  This makes me wonder if going it alone is better that cooping with someone who outclasses you.  This is just me, but so far I have found it better to stay away from the heavier ships.  The WER seems like a death trap to me.

While the server is certainly unique, it is getting a little repetitve being in the same ship, running the same missions.  I guess that is true of any campaign after a while.  Perhaps if I were getting my butt shredded by photons I would feel differently.  I guess it's time to get out of the nebula and give the feds a shot.

I have seen commando ships pop up a lot more than I would expect, the NCT (fed) and COM+ (gorn).  While these ships are welcome to some degree (easy to kill), they dont really seem to fit into the missions nor do they seem to be using their transporters to attack anything.  Perhaps someone can tell me if this is normal as I have not run these missions in the past nor have any experience facing AI commando ships.  


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« Reply #31 on: March 26, 2003, 10:10:24 am »
I had a very good time playing on DoE last night.  I now feel comfortable giving the campaign a "thumbs up."

The missions are challenging and at times, even dangerous to one's ship's well-being.    The occurance of the big carriers seems to have been cut down a bit, though I haven't captained a carrier myself, yet.  Doing so may cause those ridiculous behemoths to start showing up again.

A couple of my SOS compatriots and I had some rousing matches against our rivals, the GDA.  We got the better of them this time, but they were, in some cases, overmatched and so that is to be expected.  In every case, everyone fought honorably and had a good time.  Quarter was granted when requested.

At the risk of seeing the pendulum swing to far the other way, the Alliance could use a few more players.  Sometimes the sides were fairly even, but there was a significant amount of time last night where the odds were 2-1 in favor of the Romulans.  It may actually all even out since whenever I log in during the day, it is the Alliance that has the 2-1 odds.  Other's mileage may vary, of course.

VGG, so far!  I want a SuperHawk-K really bad, but when you're only netting 100-200 pp per mission and missions are taking 10 minutes a piece, or more, 25K+ seems like a very long way away.