Topic: Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.  (Read 5748 times)

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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« on: March 24, 2003, 08:54:28 am »
I still can't get the Fed drogues to do much of anything.  Though they to serve as a decoy which Rom AI just love to unload their Plasma on(all of it) which is nice.

Also, on a planetary assault I had a Pirate Cruiser added to my fleet which was a droner.  I remember this had been disscussed as a help for the Lyrans in planetary assaults.  Is this a carryover from using the Lyran UI??  Or does everyone get this??



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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2003, 09:05:08 am »
Had a mission in neutral space and got a Lyran CL as an AI ally. Bad craziness.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2003, 09:25:26 am »

Also, on a planetary assault I had a Pirate Cruiser added to my fleet which was a droner.  I remember this had been disscussed as a help for the Lyrans in planetary assaults.  Is this a carryover from using the Lyran UI??  Or does everyone get this??


Ick and yup - that'd be a side effect of using the Lyran slot for Feds ... there is also a possiblity that some of the defense missions will generate Lyran shipyards etc for the Federation player to defend

« Last Edit: March 24, 2003, 09:35:15 am by NuclearWessels »


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2003, 09:29:39 am »
I have had a different experience.  The average matchup in my frigate is a CLC.  So far I have managed to get off the map, once with 4 power and another with 5 power.  Then I get to spend all my money on repairs.

I am not happy with the matchups.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by KOTH-Kortez »


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2003, 10:28:03 am »
Me too.  A WER will spawn a Heavy Command Cruiser (CB or CCH), a SKE will spawn a CL+, but a BHR will spawn a FFB???  If I can get my Battlehawk back I'll pp farm in that.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2003, 11:02:12 am »
Can people make a note of which missions they are in, when they are having mission matching problems.
The patrol missions I wrote use BPV as a base for generating AI ships with a random modifier and a difficulty modifier.
Dave's Missions are similar I think.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #6 on: March 24, 2003, 12:03:57 pm »
That's weird.   In fighting the Gorn I have had fair match ups.    FFs draw FFs (an occasional DD).  DDs draw DDs and an occassional CL.

Granted the DDs and CL drawn have been of the tougher variety.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2003, 01:43:40 pm »
Just got on this morning, but I've found the matching pretty decent so far, flying assorted smaller Gorn ships.

I only ran into one really tough matchup when flying solo - my CL+ vs a R-KVL in an EnemyPatrolA.  It took a good 45 minutes, but I do love my S-torps  All of the coop missions I've been in so far have been on the easy side of reasonable.

Love the new patrols Tracey -  the taunts are a nice touch!




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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2003, 03:19:27 pm »

Can people make a note of which missions they are in, when they are having mission matching problems.
The patrol missions I wrote use BPV as a base for generating AI ships with a random modifier and a difficulty modifier.
Dave's Missions are similar I think.  

 While i was on last night (sun) I ended up in a couple missions where I (in an SKA) was given two other DD companions against 3 CL's from normal to Battlecruiser variety.  Although it was doable if I didnt do anything stupid.  Which happened often enough.  1 out of 3 times i manager to pull out a win, 1 escape and 1complete spanking.  Although all 3 were at the cost of my ai escorts.  The way I look at it, it makes me a better player cause im learning (relearning)  Although one thing i didnt exactly enjoy was getting drafted into a mission while im sitting in a FFE waiting for a new ship.  It was not going well, but as i was trying to make a last stand after the drafter was quashed, I ended up chasing the enemy off the map, winning the mission, only to find that my connection had been lost.  Guess i should count my blessings....    All in all, im having fun, and thats what really counts.  Thanks Herr Burt!




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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2003, 08:33:58 pm »
Missions are perfect now.  Difficult, but winable.  

Flying a SPA I typically run into a CLC, CB, or BCG in the one one one.   Makes for and Interested fight that's never a cakewalk.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2003, 08:57:52 pm »
Agree w/ DH.  

No I do not win every fight and need to run 1-2 out of every 10 if going solo.  But they are a great challenge.  And if you wing-up then you can run sub 3 minute missions even as a rommie.  Tho I admit, the PP payoff is around 50-75, but it does allow a concentrated effort to make a change in the strategic map, you've just got to accept you won't make much in doing so.

btw - Tracey I like the "aid an ally" title for missions where you are drafted.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2003, 10:06:06 pm »
Well I was 0 for 7 last night.  Lost 3 ships.  And left with 600 prestige. Not fun at all.  My very first missions was my SKA vs a G-CCH in a nebula.  28 mins later I came out with half a hull, 300 in repairs and supplies.  No fun at all.  I probably wont be back.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2003, 10:10:06 pm »
My only complaint is that the payoff can be pretty stingy in a coop. In some missions, I've had bonus prestige deducted, even if though I completed the mission.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2003, 10:37:26 pm »
A note about bonus prestige. Its calculated as a 'reward' for what you do during the mission ie destroying ships etc. Its also weighted by the total BPV ratio of opposing sides. This means, if you draft a friemd into a mission, and only have 1 AI opponent, you've probably got roughly a 2 to 1 advantage, and therefore, will only get half the bonus prestige. Here is a run down of the calculation.

For every enemy ship ship you get:
Internal Hits: 10% of BPV
Forcing to Disengage: 25% of BPV
Destroying it: 100% of BPV
Capturing it: 150% of BPV

This total is then multiplied by the fleet strength ratio calculated as follows:
Total Enemy BPV/ Total Allied BPV.

The more you are outnumbered, the more bonus prestige you get. Even just damaging several ships if you are heavily outnumbered can generate quite a lot of prestige. It can also be seen that where the opposite is true, ie. where you heavily outnumber your opponent, you're prestige is going to be reduced.

For allied ships, a negative modifier is applied. That is, you loose prestige for taking damage, being destroyed, again according to the above calculation. For allied ships other than your own, this modifier is halved, however, so you don't loose as much. Again, this figure is further modified by the fleet strength ratio, in this case it is calculated as:
Total Allied BPV/Total Enemy BPV

For example:

3 Allied Ships: Total BPV = 300 (say 100 each)
1 Enemy Ship: Total BPV = 100
In mission, you destroy your opponent but two of your ships take damage.
Bonus prestige calculation:
100% of 100 * 100/300 - (10% of 100 + 10% of 100) * 300/100 = 100 * 0.33 - 20 * 3 = 33 - 60 = -27.

In this example, whilst you won mission, you lost -27 points in bonus prestige. Why? Because you outnumbered your opponent 3 to 1, yet still two of your ships were damaged. Conversely, you can loose a mission against superior odds, but still rack up quite a lot of prestige if you managed to damage or destroy a few ships before disengaging for instance. Imagine a daring destroyer captain harrasing an enemy fleet taking pot shots and damaging a few ships before getting killed.

As a last note, the bonus added for damaging/destroying enemy ships is multiplied by 5 if your enemy is a human player. The negative modifer is not mulitpled by 5, so no need to worry there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2003, 10:54:06 pm »
That's all fine and well, but then the "Intercept the Courier" Mission is screwed. Ran it about 5 times today: 2 coop and 3 solo. 4-5 missions, I(we) killed the courier and left, and were given a grand total of 50 points each time. Needless to say, you're likely to get shot up getting to the courier ship, and that's all you get for achieving the primary objective?

BTW: the first time I ran it was solo. Killed all the AI except the courier, took minimal damage, and was rewarded for nearly half an hour of effort with a -50pp total, and 100 taken off my glicko. It's a different mission, but it's showing up about 40% time I take a mission in neutral or enemy hexes. That's a lot of grief for a mission that may or may not affect the dv.  


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #15 on: March 24, 2003, 11:07:48 pm »
I don't know how the Courier mission's prestige is calculated, need to ask Dave about that one.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #16 on: March 24, 2003, 11:13:20 pm »
Well I had a hard time of it at first.  I then teamed up with DH123 and we had a ball.

Definetely noticed the PP bonus Tracey taks about.   In one mission we got 450 bonus each.

The courier one is screwed.   We were out numbered, killed everything and still got a very low bonus.   THe others seem okay.


Never fight Gorn in a nebula.  It means death.  LOL.   They have more Ph1s than you and can phaser boat you to death while their hull can take your pounding.   Also,  I have noticed that in nebulas I tend to draw really tough AI.  Is this my imagination or on purpose?

Also,   Fed Ai is easier than Gorn AI as long as you don't run into Fed fighters.   I did once.  Died soon there after.

Personally I like the server.  It is fun and the missions seem to work.   However, some are having a really hard time.   Maybe thought should be given to lowering the difficulty just a tad.

My only regret tonight was that no GDA blood was spilled.    Ah well,  you can never have a perfect night now can you?


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #17 on: March 25, 2003, 12:04:05 am »
Courier is giving pretty low payouts.  Can't remember off the top of my head what the equation in that one was, but I believe it was minimal if you just got the courier and somewhat more if you got both the courier and it's support group.



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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #18 on: March 25, 2003, 01:03:04 am »

Never fight Gorn in a nebula.  It means death.

Never fight ME in a nebula.  Please take special note of my avatar  I kill CLC's and NCA's in 6 minutes.


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Re: One Happy Kitty - D.O.E.
« Reply #19 on: March 25, 2003, 07:17:01 am »

Well I was 0 for 7 last night.  Lost 3 ships.  And left with 600 prestige. Not fun at all.  My very first missions was my SKA vs a G-CCH in a nebula.  28 mins later I came out with half a hull, 300 in repairs and supplies.  No fun at all.  I probably wont be back.  


I [censored]-canned the server with it's original settings.  It is much better now.   The AI fights are a blast now.  In my SPA, I typically draw a CLC, CB, BCG which gives me a long but winnable fight.  Does usually take 10-12 minutes though.

Yesterday myself and Nero (both in SPA) had to fight a BCF, CB, and CA+ in an EmemypatrolB.  We had a KVL for AI support.   What a blast this mission was!  And the payoff was close to 600 each.

These missions are PERFECT now.  Use the same settings for all servers.  Great job everybody.