Topic: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)  (Read 13128 times)

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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2003, 04:38:26 pm »
Not every one who has op has eaw vice verse so why should they have to wait. There is a soild op base  just like eaw  has a soild steady player base and i know a bunch pepole that would move back from sfc3 in a heart beat to play on the op d2 .As far as not having a enough pepole to go around start pushing the campaigns all over on sfu and here and other forums there will be more than enough to go around when i ran triangle 2.0  R.T 3.0 was in full swing and there was a eaw campaign going on to and i still had a soild 35  pepole on 75% of the time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by kosh2000 »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2003, 05:16:25 pm »

Ahhh, and to sweeten the deal even further, I'll just kinda fade away into space never to be seen again? Eh... sounding better?

In fact, you'll never hear another stfu again.

How's that sound?    

OMG!! Everyone's fondest dream come true? Wait, let me call Brezgonne, he won't want to miss this!  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2003, 05:41:59 pm »

Cleaven, have you been on the SFCX test server under

In short, it handles DVs much better, and does not seem to have nearly the amount of problems with the cartel/empire interaction. It may not be perfect, but we can at least see hexes boosting when they should and empires not actually hurting themselves when the cartel layer is neutral under their space.

Try it out.  

No I haven't yet. Still going through the single player (EAW) campaigns just to (re)familiarise myself with the OP+ shiplist and the stock OP missions. I can see that the interactions in single player campaign mode are still terrible, but this probably has no real significance on how the D2 would behave, so I will get on that test server soon. I am also hoping that the shiplist will change over to OP+ sooner rather than later. It's not that I don't know how to change shiplists, it's just that given the choice I would rather stick with the current one I'm using, and wait for the mountain to come to Muhammad.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2003, 05:47:37 pm »

Course, I expect this idea to be certainly rejected because of the strangle hold sfcx seems to exhibit over OP D2. Why let anyone else (especially me) on your turf?    

We have no more a strangle hold on SFC:OP then has on EaW ... unless you'd like to comment on that?

Your running SG3 in OP has no impact on us save that we will plan around it ... with your input or just winging it. We're here to run campaigns and have fun, the more the marrier.

If you run SG3 in OP I'll be glad, hell I'd welcome it openly, just like I did when you announced it for EaW. Whether it's in OP or EaW is totally up to you Diz.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2003, 07:07:37 pm »


Stop taking Amphetamines they screw ya mind , make ya Paranoid !!!! Trust me i am a Doctor !!!  

It's not that, canable...


Really Diz, why do you seem to feel like we're all out to get you? Personally, I think you're quite valuable to the community, even if you leave a poor taste in most people's mouths.

Actually, I kinda do think you are out to get me. Not directly of course, but still. Ever since Rook left and he gave me you and EE the reins to RT3, you guys quickly created an RT3 team and left me out. It just didn't seem to me that you thought of me as 'valuable' to the community back then. Do you know how pissed off I got? I went and hosted SG. Then I just freaked out when some of my ideas ended up in RT3. The irony of it all...

I dont really think you know how much that SG RT3 rift really affected me, do you? It wasn't pretty to see how I was damn good friends with you and EE through all those servers we were on then get the welcome rug yanked out from under me when time came for RT3 development. I felt er still feel betrayed, angered and resentmentful toward you all for that. Recently Castrin and I buried the hatchet, but the wounds still open.

And it felt like round 2 all over again with you opening post about that OP server 'comming soon' poll you have on the opening thread. I guess you never expected a knee-jerk reaction like that from me did you? Well, as the emotion pot boiled over for me after reading that, I never expected to post what I did either. I mean, I feel like you dont really care how the rest of us have been working together to make sure the servers dont overlap and split the player base. I feel like you dont care about how hard Tracey has worked for this community to cement it all together. I feel like if it's my toes you are stepping on then you would go out of your way to step on them.

And especially when you backhand me with comments like, "... even if you leave a poor taste in most people's mouths", doesnt really help anything and goes on to further fan the flames. I feel that when you say things like that, you just further illustrate to me your willingness to invalidate my 'value' to the community and trash all the work I have done not to mention the damage to my reputation.

And I have seriously done a lot of work. Hours and hours and hours and hours I have spent going over SG3 to make sure it fits the current player base and communities wishes like a glove.

After putting all the time into designing this server, I just dont have the heart to go on with it after getting trashed like I did on this thread.


Dizzy and STFU go together like cream in coffee

Don't you mean like stink on sh*t?

I'm just too burned out to handle all of this. Thats why I just want to go away.




Course, I expect this idea to be certainly rejected because of the strangle hold sfcx seems to exhibit over OP D2. Why let anyone else (especially me) on your turf?    


We have no more a strangle hold on SFC:OP then has on EaW ... unless you'd like to comment on that?

Your running SG3 in OP has no impact on us save that we will plan around it ... with your input or just winging it. We're here to run campaigns and have fun, the more the marrier.

If you run SG3 in OP I'll be glad, hell I'd welcome it openly, just like I did when you announced it for EaW. Whether it's in OP or EaW is totally up to you Diz.    


Castrin, I think it has been amply stated that the OP crowd will host what they want when they want damn everyone else. To that effect, you will find it litters this thread.

So as for "Your running SG3 in OP has no impact on us save that we will plan around it..." makes me think no matter what I do wether it be to  give you SG3 so we satiate the hunger for an OP campaign so that at the same time keep the current server schedule so as not to split the player base or simply shelving the SG3 server so you guys have a slot for your OP idea wont make any difference.

At this point, I have little left in me to fight for the community. I am just too burned out from having to do it last time and this is  deja vu all over again.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2003, 08:15:31 pm »




Course, I expect this idea to be certainly rejected because of the strangle hold sfcx seems to exhibit over OP D2. Why let anyone else (especially me) on your turf?    


We have no more a strangle hold on SFC:OP then has on EaW ... unless you'd like to comment on that?

Your running SG3 in OP has no impact on us save that we will plan around it ... with your input or just winging it. We're here to run campaigns and have fun, the more the marrier.

If you run SG3 in OP I'll be glad, hell I'd welcome it openly, just like I did when you announced it for EaW. Whether it's in OP or EaW is totally up to you Diz.    


Castrin, I think it has been amply stated that the OP crowd will host what they want when they want damn everyone else. To that effect, you will find it litters this thread.

So as for "Your running SG3 in OP has no impact on us save that we will plan around it..." makes me think no matter what I do wether it be to  give you SG3 so we satiate the hunger for an OP campaign so that at the same time keep the current server schedule so as not to split the player base or simply shelving the SG3 server so you guys have a slot for your OP idea wont make any difference.

At this point, I have little left in me to fight for the community. I am just too burned out from having to do it last time and this is  deja vu all over again.  


Dizzy, as we have burried the hatchet let me say you have things 180deg around.

The point I made about working around SG3 is this: you have first call IF you are running the server in OP. Plain and simple. If your running it in EaW then I'd expect that you'll hold to the original schedule that Tracy put out. It's a good schedule btw, I just wish some one from had taken a few moments out to contact us. Then again we really don't (or didn't till recently) have anything planed so the point is moot.

Anyway the point is that if you stay with the current schedule then cool. We'll contact Tracy when we're ready to offer something. Right now we've been discussing a non-campaign server just so there is a home on D2 for OP. That still leaves SG3 as the go to campaign currently for OP if you so choose.

As for "taking over" SG3 .. sorry it's your baby not ours. I'd be glad to play on it though. We wouldn't begin to know what to do with it so the choice is yours, run it or shelve it as you wish. We have nothing serious to offer the OP players right now so it'd be a shame to shelve it though.

As for spliting the player base, that's the last thing we wish to do. In fact we've strived to do the oposite but I have to say in all honesty that there are those that I feel would be just as happy to see OP D2 die. I beg you not to feed into that, your better than that. Yeah, maybe we will run something in OP despite the EaW centric schedule but if SG3 moves back to OP then your first up. You have been working on SG3 longest and were first to declair so it's only right you have first crack for a OP campaign.

Sufice it to say that SFCx will strive to fit in to the current schedule as best as possible but there are those that play OP that are now looking for a serious campaign and as we are all here for the players I think that should be taken into account. I'd also like to go over the current schedule with Tracy (or whoever) to see if anything can be done to get an OP server (hopefully SG3) up in shorter order than is now scheduled.  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2003, 08:35:30 pm »
Btw Diz, do you have the newer OP server kt? it was just ok'ed for general use by Dave and you can grab it here:

Try it out.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #67 on: March 24, 2003, 09:09:13 pm »
I'll be deleting this thread tomorrow morning, because it obviously has become more about Dizzy's problems with me and others than about actually helping the community. In the meantime, I would like to say a few things.

First, Dizzy, nobody usurped Rook's Tavern from you. A number of people, mainly RMs, were told by Rook that he would be stepping away from hosting. Before he made that decision, some people were approached about helping him to design the next RT. Some of these people ended up on the RT3 team, others came into the team other ways. Specifically, Castrin had been hosting a server, and showed not only an interest in continuing the RT tradition, but a willingness to use his own equipment and resources to do so. Max Torps was also considering picking up the RT name. How Castrin inherited it I don't know -- I always thought Max preferred at the time to stick with his own plans, but you'd have to ask Max about that.

Regardless, Castrin ended up with Rook's OK to use the RT name, and some of us joined the team because we wanted RT3 to live up to Rook's reputation for groundbreaking campaigns. We very seriously considered inviting you, Dizzy, to join us. We discussed it looking very frankly at what good you could bring to the team vs. the flame wars that usually got attached to your name, whether you started them or not. In short, you were potentially more trouble than we thought you were worth to the team. Were we wrong? Maybe, but here we see that even after all this time, you hold unfounded grudges, tear into people with no concern for THEIR feelings, and generally attract a negative air to anything associated with you.

I'm sorry if our decision not to include you hurt you that much. I certainly didn't think you were so mortally wounded by it. In fact, I thought when you went on to do Slave Girls that your ideas were great strides forward in campaign design. I didn't agree with all of them, but you were among those admins who were trying new things to make the game better. We all learned from each others' experiments, or at least I hope we did.

I'll say again, and it's true, that I have not paid one bit of attention to the plans for the latest SG server. I had no knowledge of the schedule that people have been talking about. I simply wanted to get feedback from the players on what they might like to see from SFCX on OP, and suddenly the thread degenerated into fits and accusations.

I'll also say again that I would welcome a move to OP for SG. It's where SG started, and I think it should continue there.

For me, I'm only still here to try to make the OP D2 playable, fun, and deep. I think we are approaching the day when that will be true. The rest of the SFCX team shares that goal, that dream. Most, even all, of us would have given up on SFC at one point or another if it had not been for the rest of the group pushing us to keep going, to keep trying to find ways to earn the game the respect it can live up to given a chance.

Dizzy, you are a lightning rod, and that won't ever change. You DO leave a bad taste in some people's mouths, because they can't stomach your style and persona. You invoke bile, and sometimes it's pretty foul. You aren't the first person on these boards to cultivate a reputation for being harsh and even heartless toward others, only to then play the victim when you feel the least bit slighted. I'm sorry if our "snub" hurt you, and still does, but I can't do anything more to make things right with you. Someday you will have to forgive us for it, or you won't. It's your choice. If you want to move forward in goodwill, we will be there with you, despite our differences, for the good of the players and the game. If you prefer to turn your back on us and blame us for an old wound forever, then we can only go our separate ways and pay you no heed. We can't continue to be adversaries, because we just don't hate you that much. So, either we become allies, or we become indifferent towards you. Either way, we will continue to work on campaigns for the players.

Douglas McKinney

PS to the SFCXers: I'm sorry if I spoke for you out of turn. Feel free to correct me if my reading of the group's feelings on this are wrong. Either way, I speak for myself, and I stand by my words and actions.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #68 on: March 24, 2003, 10:09:30 pm »

 I'll be deleting this thread tomorrow morning, because it obviously has become more about Dizzy's problems with me and others than about actually helping the community.

Ya, you should delete this thread. I didnt catch a glimpse of an apology in there anywhere. I knew you wernt man enough to suck it up and say sorry for being a dick.


 PS to the SFCXers: I'm sorry if I spoke for you out of turn. Feel free to correct me if my reading of the group's feelings on this are wrong. Either way, I speak for myself, and I stand by my words and actions.  

Keep your mutt on a tighter leash, Castrin. j/k  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2003, 10:19:30 pm »

Btw Diz, do you have the newer OP server kt? it was just ok'ed for general use by Dave?
Try it out.  

It's a sticky issue, Castrin. If JD deletes this thread, I may lose that link

Anyway, I'll chat with Tracey and see what she has to say.

Now that all the mess is over with, that is if JD can control his tongue from here on out, I'd like nothing more than to use OP for the SG3 server. I'd like to have your help, Castrin, to use it as the full blown test server leading up to its launch.  I think I may be ready for prime time next week so that would give us lots of time to toy with it. But with the switch to OP, my mission packs would have to change, and I'll need to do the map over...

Regardless of where SG3 ends up, I'd like it to be OP. I always wanted it to be OP. There are so many more things I can do with it if it were on OP!!! And the nebulas are so much more pretty

But if that DV issue is still fubared.. I'll talk to u and Tracey about it in the comming week. We will see.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #70 on: March 24, 2003, 10:31:08 pm »
I also hope that an effort can be made to use DV steps of 1, and ownership of hexes changing at zero DV so that the D2 will work in a similar way to that experienced in EAW-D2. This gets rid of hex sniping rules etc.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #71 on: March 24, 2003, 10:32:10 pm »
already talking to castrin about it cleaven...


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #72 on: March 24, 2003, 10:38:03 pm »
Dizzy, Dizzy, can't seriously think I was trashing you with the "like stink on sh*t" thing.....your coffee and cream analogy was a Dean Martin straight line begging for a Jerry Louis comeback if I ever saw one.

I wasn't even sure you where serious about all this crap (and the whole Tholian thing), but couldn't for the life of me figure out why you were being so hardcore about the whole thing.  That is until you explained yourself, and now while I understand you were serious I find it hard to sympathize. One reaps what one sows.

Having gotten to know you a little better corresponding about SG3 I have continued to note your improved attitude as of late, but you have to realize that just because you have decided to clean up your act as of late you can't expect everyone to forget your past just like that. Heck anyone whose tag line is STFU ought to realize that he is going to have a bit of baggage to carry around even if he is truly reformed. It's just going to take a while through continued good behavior before you undo the poor first impressions that have been made.

I for one commend you for trying to mend the fences and think the best thing you could do to undo others impressions of you is to bring out a fun server that is free of flames instigated by you (Let me a DH handle that), Besides the whole idea of being worried about who is going when seems kind of ridiculous considering all the dead time that usually ends up between servers, since they inevitably run in to various delays getting off the ground. Thus I would think that reasonable adults should be able to find a way to get them all scheduled in a timely fashion.

Sleep on it and comeback with a cooler head tomorrow, as I would sure hate to see SG3 sh*t canned cause it is looking to be a way cool server EAW or OP.


PS, If you do leave can I have STFU? I would henceforth then be known as "STFU Kroma".....hmmmm....that doesn't sound as good out loud as it did in my head. Sounds too much like my old ladies pillow talk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Kroma_BaSyl »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #73 on: March 24, 2003, 11:48:16 pm »

  From JDMcKinney's post:

PS to the SFCXers: I'm sorry if I spoke for you out of turn. Feel free to correct me if my reading of the group's feelings on this are wrong. Either way, I speak for myself, and I stand by my words and actions.  

I support this post and am in agreement with it.  Having been part of the process to some extent (I was also on the RT3 design team), I know a bit about this.

And the "leash" comment, as well as the way you put other comments, Dizzy, was neither needed nor warranted.  The "j/k" is not meant, and I recognize that fact.  I could care less if I make an enemy of you.  Your petty and aimless hatred is not worth considering.  So flame away with your inane comments.  I could care less.  I won't lose any sleep over it at all.

In our group, we are truely friends, and there is no such thing as "putting a leash" on someone for expressing a viewpoint, or for innocently asking the community what they want in an OP server -- a long overdue OP server.  This whole thing you have started is a can of worms that has been festering inside of you for a very long time now.  Sad that it has to come out into the community in this way.  Nomad is a very valuable member of SFCX.  Dissing him in the way that you just did is not something to be proud of, and not something that I can stand by and watch without some sort of comment.  

I defended you when you had your disagreements with Brezgonne, you know.  I even saw your point on some issues.  It is too bad that you are so uncompromising on what is essentially a non-issue, and that you appear to bear hatred and discontent for such a long time over an issue that is long past.    

Good luck with SG3.  I doubt you will see me in there.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2003, 12:15:30 am by ZTempest »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #74 on: March 25, 2003, 12:14:51 am »

Keep your mutt on a tighter leash, Castrin. j/k  

Tacky Diz.

Ater thinking about it I have to comment. "j/k" or not this was not called for. SFCx is a team, there are no leashes or "mutts" here, only good friends that have a common bond.

You wonder where the apology is in Doug's post but from what I've read here there are several people that could (maybe should) apologize, you included.  

Seems that this thread has lost it's original meaning so I'll welcome it when it is deleted. Too bad really.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2003, 12:59:21 am »
Until I am apologized to, they wont hear an apology from me.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #76 on: March 25, 2003, 03:22:16 am »

I don't want to hear any apologies. I want the matter to be dropped.
Commenting further is pointless.

.. IT'S JUST A GAME. .. and all the work we ALL have done has been for JUST A GAME.

Get some perspective:
I'm currently recovering from stress and depression, away from work.
My father's body can no longer recover from his heart attacks. He visits (via ambulance) the hospital 3 times a week to stabilize him.
My Grandmother is slowly deteriorating via cancer.
My SO, the mother of my month-old son, said this to someone ELSE on irc:
  "Sleep well my love..sweet dreams. Ack! 2am...I should go to appt tomorrow"
The landlord is coming by with inspectors tomorrow (today). She decided that she's gonna sell the place.
I'm not collecting enough insurance money to pay for rent and eat. I have to beg off of other people.
It's 4:30am.


-- Luc
« Last Edit: March 25, 2003, 03:27:41 am by FireSoul »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2003, 03:22:27 am »

I will be the first then ....I AM SORRY for telling you to STFU

Also i belive you should be the first to say sorry to Doug, espesilly Doug there is not need for the way that you have attacked him.

So  please  do not verbaly attack my friends, i m very protectve over them

Also thy don't have a lead long enough to keep me under control

And i just want you to know that SFCX is not just the RT3 team, orignalley when we first formed it was the SG2 team and the RT3 team and Kosh as well (He was invited ) So don't blame SFCX, And don't blame the individules, for the past....Becuse i can throw things at you about you actions as well mate.

And Dizzy I always belive what you did with SG was amazing......I allways did I thought you did a grate job in the develpoment.    


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #78 on: March 25, 2003, 06:32:22 am »

Ya, you should delete this thread. I didnt catch a glimpse of an apology in there anywhere. I knew you wernt man enough to suck it up and say sorry for being a dick.

Does anyone else find this sad? Dizzy, I suppose you forgot that it was I who most backed your inclusion in the RT3 team. I wouldn't do so today, but I did then. Apologies are for people who've done something wrong, and yet several times I have said I'm sorry here. You, however, persist in treating people like garbage while hypocritically demanding respect, apologies, and for others to "hold their tongue." That last is particularly funny coming from you.

I've done all I can do. The olive branch only reaches so far -- it's your choice to step forward and take it, or to reject it. I think you've made your choice clear.

I think I'll leave the thread up for now, to see if it just quietly dies off. Perhaps before it does, Diz, you should get in the last word. I expect it will be "STFU."