Topic: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)  (Read 13126 times)

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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #40 on: March 24, 2003, 10:05:54 am »

JD, I'm sure I speak for everyone in saying this. We ALL support OP. We all want to see it work. And furthermore, we all want to see some really good campaigns being played. However, we all have to get along, and I would ask you to reconsider your stance on ignoring everyone else's wishes. Please read the campaign schedule at the top of the D2 forum. The people who have been working on these campaigns have done so arduously and with great effort and time. It is unreasonable to undermine the playerbase and force people to choose between major campaigns as I have outlined in earlier posts. OP and EAW are virtually the same game and I see no reason for rivalry between the two. Cooperation is the key here and if we don't all get along, then we are shooting ourselves in the foot. I cannot stress this enough. Now that the OP patch is out, yes, we'd like to see some OP campaigns in that schedule. But work with the rest of us. Anything else is untenable and not only unfair to the players, but also to the server admins as well. Please don't bully your way and do what you like. I have already discussed with members of SFCX how best we can fit some OP campaigns into the schedule to benefit everyone for the greater good of the community. So please talk to them, in particular Moggie. We want to see everyone gets a fair go and equal treatment. Thankyou.  


What you have to take in to consideration is that we as a group of OP admin can't fit in to the EAW schedule the way it is set out, When would  a OP campaign have time to fit in ???

There are 4 EAW campaigns back to back ????

ISC one (Soz can't remember name)
Return of Doc Strange Love  

Like Doug says we OP players have been waiting for the D2 to be fixed so that we could bring some fun back to the game, Now what Dizzy and yourself are saying is that they should wait even longer because of a GENTLMENS agreement between the EAW admin.....

Now every one knew that OP was ready to be patched and knew that this patch would hopefully brings some Campaigns to life in the OP word, But who ever drew up the Schedule never contacted SFCX as the Primary OP Admins group or even  took in to consideration the OP side of things at all.

There maybe a player base involved in this , and I do not want to split the player base in half ......

But the facts of the matter is Interplay did it for us.

The Old chestnut go's is Interplay made 2 games that should have been 1 and a add on, Now there are people like myself that when OP was released moved on to a sequel witch I will still defend as a better game.  

Think of it like this :

I Brand New server admin comes in to the forums and announces a server that he has been working on for ages and it go's up tomorrow, Would you in all honesty tell them to take it down ??? Could you...No one could do any thing.

The one thing in this world I hate more is being told when I can do things and this is what is being said in this tread. And I Tel ya know when some one do's tell me what I can and can't do I go out of my way to do what the hell I like.

So I ask now are any of the other Admins in the schedule willing to move down and let a OP campaign in before it ?????

But then would a server be put up just for the EAW people that don't have OP , Seen it happen before I bet it would again, but then should not the same curtsey be shown to the OP players that don't have EAW ??


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Re: SFCX OP Campaigns
« Reply #41 on: March 24, 2003, 10:07:16 am »
I'd just like to say that "comming soon" means nothing in terms of when we'd run a campaign. If anyone tries to read into the "comming soon" statement that we are going to try and userp a planed campaign's time slot they are saddly mistaken.

It's one of the founding tenants of SFCx that we are here to help (by hosting files, support tools, promote cooperation, orhelp coordinate) ALL campaigns that are in D2 (and to a degree D3) as best we can. Frell look at our site, most of the recent posts have been on EaW campaigns, and none of them ours.

Diz, your fear that a SFCx will try and take SG3 time slot can be put to rest. There is no intent to do so and if anything I will be sure that it doesn't happen (and I DO have that power). Certainly I'm sorry that you took Nomads "comming soon" statement out of context but you really should be less defensive about this. We are all here for one reason and that's to try and have some fun and make it fun for others in EaW and OP.

Now a quik note about those servers that are "listed" on SFCx:

Badlands - has been a non-serious campaign server and will continue to be. Yes, there were plans at one time to make it serious but those were moved to ToW (some what). Very soon the SFCx test server will be replaced with Badlands and it will use the OP+ shiplist and ED missions (when released).

Rook's Tavern 4 - in theory this is a major campaign but work on it was stopped because of the OP DV problems. There are no current plans to revive it but we hold the option open if we feel that it can be done justice to (considering the name and history of RT).

Tides of War - was and still is our "big" campaign that in theory will encompase several servers. It was originally intended to address the severe short commings of OP D2. I think that mostly our work will focus on this however I don't feel that we'd be ready for even a beta server for a few months and given the current schedule I don't see a need to hurry. I'd rather get it right then rush to get something up, especially when there is no immediate need.

There, all our current cards are on the table. Tracy feel free to contact me with any questions on times / dates (not that we have any right now) and I'll be sure to keep in the loop. Could you email me so I have your addy? Mine is linked above (cptcastrin[2] or is that below? Don't know anymore with this new board.

Thanks for all the input guys please add your comments or vote on / in the polls that Nomad put up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by CptCastrin »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2003, 10:15:15 am »
One more thing: I can't "bully" people into doing anything. I don't host any campaigns on my own equipment. I don't even decide how SFCX chooses what it wants to do. I'm not in charge, and I am not in the business of insisting that it's my way or the highway. Please refrain from characterizing me as a bully or troublemaker when you don't know the story. If you want cooperation with people, I suggest treating them with respect.

Please understand that I've been in the business of keeping SFC going for a long time now, and I have the utmost respect for anyone who helps improve the games or host servers. Your contributions to the community have been above and beyond the call, and I thank you. Hopefully we will have a chance to work together in the future.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2003, 10:47:16 am »
Thanks JD, I agree with everything you've said there.
The server schedule doesnt actually belong to anyone, not or GFL or anyone in particular.
Its the product of a democratic process where many people discussed various issues and interests. Its not set in stone, and it certainly isnt held as a monopoly by anyone in particular and, anyone who wants put up a campaign has the right to do so. Its the beginning of an orderly process by which all of us can coordinate together to bring the best of campaigns to the D2. Now, with the OP patch out, we need to take that into consideration and start working in some OP campaigns. I am all for seeing a major OP campaign soon, its been too long between drinks as they say. The task then is not so much whether or not we can accomodate that, but how. I appreciate your past problems as you describe of campaigns being put off etc. and I'm sorry to hear things havent worked in the past. I'm confident, however, that we can overcome that and ensure everyone gets a fair deal. Personally, I don't want to see OP have to wait 6 months for a major campaign as the above schdule suggests, and various good ideas have been put forward on how we can get an OP campaign up soon, without stepping on toes, as you say. I might add, this democratic scheduling is something that we, as a community, are doing together, and that means all of us. No one is more important than anyone else, and we all have the same goal, to have fun playing a game we all love. There arent any bosses here, just indians. I kind of like that way... lol!!
Feel free to add me to your MSN contact list if you use MSN.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2003, 11:22:21 am »
JD, I apologise if I characterised you 'as a bully. My comments were reffering to actions only.
Castrin, Can-able (who I have on my MSN contact list), I agree with all there as well.
I think we're batting on the same team here, I dont see it as being a big problem to incorporate OP campaigns into the larger scope of things. All we have to do is sit down and work out how to do it.
Please dont give up and say its too hard. One thing everyone agrees upon is our playerbase needs to be accomadated for. I think, that with all our combined efforts, we might see that player base expand, however, all I'm asking is that we conduct things in an orderly fashion. Yes, we want an OP campaign up soon as possible, and I thank the SFCX team for all the hard work they are doing and plan to continue to do. No EAW campaign is going to undermine an OP campaign, and I'd like to think the converse is also true. Unto that end, we will find a way to accomodate the needs of both games, thanks to the legacy, as you say, left behind with us by Interplay. I, myself, am looking forward to playing on a major OP campaign, and I'm sure many others are as well.
So, lets return this thread to its original purpose, and get some feedback on what we'd like to see in an OP campaign and when we have an idea of how to implement that, we'll find a way to see it happen. I'm sure we can come up with something that we're all happy with. Again, please add me to your MSN contact lists, thankyou, chat is much easier medium to discuss things with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2003, 11:58:34 am »
Now young lady, didn't I tell you to get to bed? Instead, you're still up, posting away. Well don't blame me for you being cranky at uni :P


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2003, 12:00:15 pm »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2003, 12:32:36 pm »
Tracey, at this point I'll beg off adding you to a contact list -- my wife might kill me if she saw that sig and that I was chatting with you.

Seriously, I really just want feedback about what sort of campaign people might like to see as a first "return engagement" to OP from the SFCX team. ToW is down the road quite a long way. While testing the new kit is a prime concern, I want to see an OP campaign people can have fun with. Castrin has said Badlands will return as a non-VC server on OP. I think that may help serve as a testbed. Most of all, I'd like to see if a decent, if scaled back, OP campaign can survive under the new kit. I think it can, but before we pull out all the stops, a first run needs to happen.

I understand from Moggy that the player base really can't handle more than one big campaign at a time. While I hope that doesn't remain the case for too much longer, I know it means there will need to be some give-and-take to keep everyone somewhat approaching happy. I endorse any scheduling effort made, but I do want OP to be a part of the plan, and not an ugly cousin. It has the potential to be great, and I think the people who shelled out for OP and got shafted the past year and a half deserve a place to play. Let's work together to get the best possible playerbase we can for both platforms.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2003, 12:43:43 pm »
I will add my endorsement right next to Nomad's.  

SFCX was founded on a basis of cooperation and goodwill -- we support all three games, incidently.  We have even ran two major SFC3 campaigns (Assimilation and Praxis Redux) and have a presence in the D3 as well as the OP and EAW D2.

There is no wish to undercut anybody or any campaign in this game we all play, but as Doug said, many players shelled out money for OP, and they have been deprived of a decent place to play for over a year now.  It is time to see if we can finally unleash some of these great plans we have on the burners.

And Tracey, I would like to also state that although I am a minor member of SFCX (I do planning, storyline, and some other stuff -- I don't run any of our servers) if you need something or think I can assist you or your group with an issue, feel free to contact me.  I can't add you to my contact list either (my wife is INCREDIBLY jealous, and Koreans can have a nasty temper LOL ) but I can be contacted through any of the SFCX guys or here.





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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2003, 12:50:45 pm »
I used to only play OP.  I only went back to EAW because of the RP threads for AotK.  As for gameplay... ick, I wish I'd've stayed with OP.  I just gave up on Herr Burt's server.  I don't think things are going to change much as it's only supposed to go for 2 weeks.  So, as far as any OP server goes, count me in!


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2003, 01:59:44 pm »


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #51 on: March 24, 2003, 02:06:10 pm »

thx, can't wait to give it a spin.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #52 on: March 24, 2003, 02:20:12 pm »


thx, can't wait to give it a spin.  

You'll like it. It contains the entire original shiplist, except for some adjustments or fixes, then some additional 1205 (or so) ships from SFB..

.. best way to describe it:
1- you have to relearn the shiplist. The cheese you knew isn't so cheesy anymore.
2- the game sudden gets that new car smell again.
3- sometimes, I think I've changed the basic hardware requirements of the game.

-- Luc


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #53 on: March 24, 2003, 03:05:19 pm »
FS, I'm sending you a question about a broken firing arc in OP (LWX). Forgive me if my ignorance is a waste of your time, but I wanted to ask how you dealt with it.

Now, back on topic, people still seem to want a fairly full-fledged VC campaign with teams, the OP+ list, and a combination of missions. Does anyone have a preference for teams (empires only)? I'm thinking a 3-team setup would be nice, splitting it so that each team has one drone and one plasma race, but then where do the Hydrans and Lyrans go? Frank opinions are welcomed, but don't expect the SFCX crew to follow the majority rule.

Also, it now looks as if Tempest, Mog, and Emerald Edge will be leading the charge to come up with a campaign design for our first full effort under the new patch. Castrin, Capt. Stumpy, Can-able, and I will all have our say, but those three guys seem to be putting forth the most effort right now. I'll leave it to Tempest to fill you all in when we have a story to tell.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #54 on: March 24, 2003, 03:40:00 pm »

Also, it now looks as if Tempest, Mog, and Emerald Edge will be leading the charge to come up with a campaign design for our first full effort under the new patch. Castrin, Capt. Stumpy, Can-able, and I will all have our say, but those three guys seem to be putting forth the most effort right now. I'll leave it to Tempest to fill you all in when we have a story to tell.  

If the DV issue is sorted, like I said, thats the only real issue from me not doing SG3 on OP.

You guys have that fixed, then SG3 will be ready to go when DOE is over.

Course, I expect this idea to be certainly rejected because of the strangle hold sfcx seems to exhibit over OP D2. Why let anyone else (especially me) on your turf?

Its just such a clean exit for me, but I'd wager you wouldn't allow me the dignity to leave like this...

Oh and to sweeten the deal, how about I turn the whole project over to you guys? It's about done. I just need to do a few more things and it'll be finished.

Ahhh, and to sweeten the deal even further, I'll just kinda fade away into space never to be seen again? Eh... sounding better?

In fact, you'll never hear another stfu again.

How's that sound?  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #55 on: March 24, 2003, 04:00:10 pm »
Diz, you want to move it to OP, absolutley no problem with me. In fact, you'd save me a load of bother


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #56 on: March 24, 2003, 04:07:22 pm »
Diz, did you not get the gist of all the above posts? We want MORE servers, more admins, not fewer. The only reason SFCX appears to corner the market on OP D2 is because everyone else essentially gave up on it. JS had the Triangle there, plus you had SG, followed by another SG that several current SFCXers worked on to help Max Torps. Outside of those and RT, I'm not sure of any other regular recurring campaigns.

If other admins like you come back to the OP fold, then we wouldn't be hard pressed to push something out just to fill the void. By all means, take center stage. We have other things to do. But, that doesn't mean we won't put up campaigns just because you get your shorts in a bunch.

Really Diz, why do you seem to feel like we're all out to get you? Personally, I think you're quite valuable to the community, even if you leave a poor taste in most people's mouths.

Why don't you ask Taldren or a tester to get you the test server kit for Then you can evaluate it for yourself while you still have time to change gears to OP.


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #57 on: March 24, 2003, 04:26:38 pm »

Stop taking Amphetamines they screw ya mind , make ya Paranoid !!!! Trust me i am a Doctor !!!  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #58 on: March 24, 2003, 04:29:47 pm »
I assume that most people realise that OP-D2 is "still broke", just maybe not as much as before, but probably still unplayable in the EAW-D2 sense. Until the D2 patch appears I suspect that modifed missions may be the only way to get something happening on the devils own two layer map. But we need to see the results of stock mission tests first before letting the coders loose on the OP missions. Until then I don't see a campaign being possible.  


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Re: SFCX OP Campaign: Your Thoughts? (Polls)
« Reply #59 on: March 24, 2003, 04:36:07 pm »
Cleaven, have you been on the SFCX test server under

In short, it handles DVs much better, and does not seem to have nearly the amount of problems with the cartel/empire interaction. It may not be perfect, but we can at least see hexes boosting when they should and empires not actually hurting themselves when the cartel layer is neutral under their space.

Try it out.