Wow. I post some polls to see if people would like certain things done in an SFCX OP server under a test kit, and it becomes a Dizzy hate thread? Thank you to all who actually discussed the topic.
Dizzy, I don't know why you seem to be dead set against the SFCX group even hosting a server. Even if you have a problem with me or one of our group members, why do you think it affects you if we host a server? Certainly, I'm not out to torpedo SG -- I'm not even aware of anything about it other than a name and that it seems to be in the final planning stages. Seriously, I don't read EAW campaign threads, and haven't for some time. I don't play EAW campaigns (not enough time), so I don't read threads about them. If someone asked me about SG, I'd guess it was an EAW campaign run by Dizzy that is due out "soon," though I would also have wondered why it's taking so long to get started, since it seems to have been in planning for some time now. I really don't know anything about it, and don't really care. I also have not even glanced at this supposed "schedule" that seems to exist (I didn't know about it until I read this thread).
"Coming soon" means "coming soon." There is no target date, though I generally like to get things done ASAP. In my experience, it tends to take between 2 weeks and 3 months to plan, test, and begin a campaign, depending on how complex the VCs and map design are. I even mentioned in an email to the SFCX crew we could conceivably get something running by the weekend -- but I didn't realistically expect to be able to roll out by then. We usually take a few weeks to get things done, due to people's schedules, time for planning/design/testing, etc.
So, would I push to roll out a campaign during SG's run (or any other campaign, EAW or OP)? Yes, because we have been waiting for a usable OP D2 for a year, and we've waited long enough. This test server kit seems to give us workable DV changes for the first time since OP was released. We have a kick-butt custom shiplist the community enjoys. There are custom missions for OP now. With a working D2, what is left to test and wait for? Testing can basically happen during campaigns, as long as people understand that we might find more bugs.
Dizzy, you do what is best for you and your players -- if that means getting a copy of the OP test kit and making SG an OP campaign, then great! If it means sticking with a proven platform and running it on EAW, then that's great, too! I hope and expect you'll get a lot of players, except of course for those who hate you enough to avoid anything your name is attached to -- though I bet most people are indifferent and just want a good campaign.
I personally don't care how many people play on an SFCX server. If it's more than 1 per empire, then that would be cool. If not, at least we would have offered OP players something.
If someone could give me a clue as to how many players the EAW servers have been drawing at peak hours, I'd appreciate the insights. I really don't know if there are enough for even one campaign, or enough for a dozen. Are campaigns using a player limit of 32? 48? whatever? Are they getting filled at peak hours? Also, are there still more EAW diehards than people who would consider playing OP?
The bottom line for me is OP needs to be played, or it won't get further fixes -- there's no need to fix it if nobody will play it. SFCX has been wanting to do a number of OP campaigns for the past year and been unable to do so thanks to the D2 bugs. If someone asks us to wait, I'll tell them I'm sorry, but we won't let others dictate our schedule. We were more than giving in our delays when there were 3 competing OP campaigns, plus EAW ones, and we tended to get pushed back and back until there wasn't a game left to host. While I think schedules are a good thing, I don't think anyone or any group has the right to dictate when the other admins can or can't host a server, or what form it should take.
Dizzy, if you want to continue your flames, please start a new thread for it. Our plans don't revolve around you, and we don't answer to you. If you insist on seeing us as enemies or competition, then that's your problem. I'm more than willing to work with or talk to anyone who wants to see OP become the game it can be and serve the players.
One last thing: Castrin has said it before, and I think it's true: ALL servers should be "FUN" servers. Regardless of what level of VCs or rules are used, if they aren't fun, they're just a waste of time and effort. We'll make whatever sort of campaign we feel like making, and either people will have fun or they won't go there. "Fun" doesn't mean trivial, second-rate, or filler. At least, it doesn't to me.