Once again, the same situation I've had in with fighters has reoccured in
So far only tested with ISC, will test with other races later (once son's asleep and not on top of me...)
Skirmish: Pick CVA, Go to shipyard, fighter button
not availableCampaign: Buy CVA, Go to shipyard, buy fighters, but no fighters in mission at all. Not on shuttle panel, nowhere. Forfeit mission, go to shipyard, fighters gone, re-buy them, go to mission, gone again.
System Specs:
Intel 900mhz
128mb RAM
Windows ME
Intel i810e grapics card sharing RAM off system memory
20gb hard drive with 4 gb free
Install: Fresh install after completly deleting the
Taldren Software Co.. Directory in Program Files, patched by 2500->2538 patch.
Mods installed: Firesoul's EAW Campaigns & Sulu bonus missions set. I have not touched the shiplist or model folders yet. Added VollyInfo & FPS lines to SFC.INI file.
And this same system runs EAW carriers perfectly fine. No fighter issues at all.
Any ideas? The only things keeping me from OP are the fighter issue & D2 things...
Oh, the DVs are behaving much better now, but a patrol against a freighter did not flip a neutral hex to my race. Next patrol with an actual warship did get me the hex...