If there is to be a new patch for SFC3 it should include some new ships. Each one should add some of that ?racial flavor? so many have ranted about. The Prometheus would make a good Federation Advanced BCH, that B-11K (I don?t know the class name) to be an old school DN for the Klingons, sort of what the Excelsior is to the CA. I?m not sure what can be done with the Romulans or the Borg. The Borg could have as a new ship that beastly thing from ?Descent?, or, to be a bit more extreme, transporters that can go through shields. I personally would settle for having armor as an in-flight repairable asset like any other system. Romulans might benefit from a phase cloak, very heavy, impossible to detect, and no collisions.
One thing that I would really be jumping up and down for is some improved explosions. I like the slow burning that SFC3 has, but I also like the rapidly flying and tumbling pieces from EAW. Could there be a combining of the two? Maybe some parts of the ship are gone entirely, just flying blobs of plasma, while other chunks fly off with trails of various colors and sizes, one piece could have one small trail coming from a hole, while another will look something like that saber from FC that completely burst into flames in the opening part of the battle, it can be viewed in the bottom left corner of the view screen. On other occasions a ship could just start spitting out gasses and hull plating for a second or two before blowing up. One last interesting tid-bit, what you could be hit by the floating debris? Anyone remember that first Valdore in Nemesis?