Topic: Thumbs up on DOE  (Read 1929 times)

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Thumbs up on DOE
« on: March 23, 2003, 12:21:01 am »
Despite some of the missions being over the top, and a few issues here and there, i have to give Herr Burt's Day of the Eagle a thumbs up.  It's just refreshing to play on a server with a more themed approach.  That means no more servers full of prestige grubbing followed by uber ship invasions.  

I like it most for the following reasons:

1.) The Fed ships i've been flying suck hard.  They just suck.  I didn't want to spend all of my prestige in one go, but all those CL's and CA's are sub-par. I hate romulans, I hate the fact that they can charge seeking super plasma while going speed 31 (even their frigates can do this) AND they can cloak.  And i've got no drones, and the worst weapons in the galaxy (photons).  And I can't afford nor am given the chance to get a good ship if I wanted to.  

2.) The fighter swarms are just cool.  Of course, obviously facing 4 CVA's, or in my case, 4 Romulan super carriers, is a little over the top.  Thats' just a lot of fire power, and of course, I had NO escorts.  Quick death.  But if Herr Burt can arrange it so that I don't have to fight carriers like that, then I think the fighter idea is cool.  It looks cool.  It's hard to handle.  

3.) If we're going to survive the carrier nuisance, then we're going to have to start buying escorts, which of course no one had thought to do during the war games.  Then again, no escort is going to protect you against 4 CVA's ; ).  I like a server where if anyone is going to get along, their going to have to buy or team up with ships other than their favorite BCH.  

4.) The drogues are cool, too bad i forgot how to hop in them and use it.  

5.) The theme of it is cool.  The missions are challenging.  The ones I flew without fighters were okay (although my gorn wingmen were entirely useless, and need i mention again that I hate what Taldren has done with plasma races?  If someone can tell me any good strat for going up against that stuff, besides keep your distance and run around desperately with phasers till you die, i'm all ears ; ).  Grr.)  

6.) Even if some people don't like it, and prefer the standard style (aka Gamespy with hexes), let's face it, it's better than a game of SFC3 any day.  SFC2 fo' life.  

7.) It's got tholians in it (though I can't figure out what their purpose is at all, since they just seem to hang out in a corner.  What do i do, go over there for an exhibition or something?)  

Hopefully you iron out some of the issues Herr Burt, I look foward to keep playing.    


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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2003, 10:06:10 am »

2.) The fighter swarms are just cool.  . .  

Do you inject or smoke your heroin?    

KOTH-Steel Claw

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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2003, 11:12:22 am »

 Do you inject or smoke your heroin?  

DH, that was uncalled for. You know he prefers crack.

EDIT: The games got potential!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2003, 11:13:20 am by KOTH-Steel Claw »


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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2003, 12:17:35 pm »
I smoke and inject my heroin.  

I don't know, it's just something different.  I do realize that the swarms have to be seriously toned down, but like Steel Claw said, it's got some potential.  It's something for me to do.  

I already flew on the 7.25, that was quite vanilla, and it was fun, it helped me get back into the game, relearn some skills, etc.  I didn't fly 7.35 much, not because it was bad, but because i just wasn't interested.  DOE, while having some serious balance issues, has that little thing going for it.  

Either way, for some odd reason, I didn't mind getting smoked hard by 40 fighters during the test run.  It was.... both comical and interesting.  


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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2003, 06:34:45 pm »
I agree Romulan (or do you prefer The Romulan?).   Yes, the days of the 3 minute mission are gone, but hey, I have no problems playing a 7-20 minute mission where I have to work my butt off and get my victory.


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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2003, 07:27:00 pm »
But ....... the home worlds ..... in nebulas, so you can't capture them. Where will we be without the one hex wide line to Earth.
No pages of rules, no stomping on earth, at least we have fighters to confuse the hell out of people.

"Ops, deploy drogue"

"We just released a single fighter sir"



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Re: Thumbs up on DOE
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2003, 08:02:11 pm »

But ....... the home worlds ..... in nebulas, so you can't capture them. Where will we be without the one hex wide line to Earth.
No pages of rules, no stomping on earth, at least we have fighters to confuse the hell out of people.

"Ops, deploy drogue"

"We just released a single fighter sir"
