Topic: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs  (Read 6884 times)

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Klingon Fanatic

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Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« on: March 21, 2003, 10:13:04 pm »
I have become intrigued by the SFB Andromedans and P81?s [TMP Cobra and Imposer] and Darkdrone?s reinterpretation of them [Kitbashes].

Aside from a handful of sites that make custom ships for SFB, I can no longer find SFB to SFC stats anywhere. I figured I?d try my hand at making stats for an Andromedan battleship. I started with Darkdrone?s four-engined, kitbash of P81?s Imposer and the auxiliary carrier ISC BB listed on FireSoul?s latest OP+ shiplist. ALL the opponents used in my experimenting came from FireSouls OP+ shiplist as well. This is what I came up with:

PA PANELS: No real way in SFC:OP to implement them. So I upped the hull points and armor to 50 points each using SHIP EDIT.  I also upped the labs to 25 and upped the base repair parts. I also gave the three shields where the PA panels are supposed to be the highest shield strengths [150 points each]. In regards to marines being absorbed by the PA panels when attempting to board an Andromedan ship, I simply upped the security number to the maximum and maxed out the number of marine defenders on board the ship. As the emphasis was on defense, I left the number of transporters at 10. Against the AI this is fine; in single player games as I have yet to see the AI attempt to capture any ship I?ve played.

TRBs: we now have Tractor-Repulsor beams in heavy and light flavors in SFC: OP. They seem to work fine and I have found that 12 light TRBs and 6 heavy TRBs are more than enough to destroy a FCA in a couple of passes! I read somewhere that there is a custom Andromedan ship for SFB that could wipe out a starbase in a single pass using a mauler weapon! They sound pretty good to me too. There is something eerie about that blue energy beam?

SATELLITE SHIPS: In the past, I have used P81? Cobra as an Andromedan Frigate. Today I inserted it into the Fighter list, as an ISC shuttle, the ship materializes, like regular shuttles do, in the APPROXIMATE fashion SFB veterans have reported that satellite ships are supposed to appear. This works cosmetically but the satellite ships appear to be limited by what the Fighter list dictates for maximum speed, allowable shots fired, etc. I also changed the ISC BB base launch rate from 2 to 3 and removed all the fighters for this experiment. I do note that I?m not 100% sure how big a given satellite ship is supposed to be in relation to the mother ship carrying them; the pics I have here show them a good comparable size IMHO to what I have read on these forums about SFB Andromedans. One thing I did notice; the AI doesn't like to launch offensive shuttles
at least from what I've seen and I'd had to see a Satellite ship launched as a mere glorified Wild Weasel.

BALANCE ISSUES: I have played against a mixed group of drone armed and non-drone armed, Federation and Klingon ships. Against less than 6 ships I rarely took any internals; against 9 ships I got my arse kicked and I once went against two Klingon supercarriers and a B-10k and the skirmish was over very quickly as the Andromedan couldn't repell two carriers worth of fighter power and three capitol ships bearing down on it. From what I have read here on the forums this is what SFB players needed to do against the Andros; overwhelm their PA panels with too much energy coming at them!

Finally, as a non-SFB player I really would like to see somebody come up with stats or post links to stats already made for SFB to SFC Andromedans AND Tholians. I, myself, have no problem with the idea that these two extra-galactic races are cut off from their former home resources and have to make due with what is available to them in our galaxy. If I recall correctly there are SFB rules for doing things like adding non-Tholian weapons, such as photon torpedoes, to Tholian ships. I even use the Lyran slots for the Tholians  and I pretend the ESG is a limited time Tholian Web, LOL. I suppose the Andromedan Invaders are not above cannibalizing the wreckage of those they fight looking for things they can use either given their own logistical concerns.


Rogue NineCH

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2003, 11:21:34 pm »
Haev you tried the site called "The Tholian Will"?

Rod O'neal

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2003, 11:51:32 pm »

Haev you tried the site called "The Tholian Will"?  

The Tholian models at Brezgonne's sight also include ShipEdit.exp files that have the Tholian ships spec'd
out using SFB rules replacing Webcasters with Disruptors and Websnares with Ph3s. There are rules in SFB
for this for players who don't want to deal with the mechanics and complex rules for web. It's not the same
thing as web, but is balanced for their BPV and keeps the basic racial battle flow of the Tholians intact.
Some people replace the Webcasters with Plasma Snares in OP. This IMO also gives an interesting and playable
balance. My $.02  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 12:18:31 am »
Check, I've been to the Tholian Will recently in fact, LOL. Brezgonne did  a Stellar Job there! I'll have to dig out the Tholian fleet download now. My real preference for the Tholians revolves around the Klingon Academy ones that were ported over to SFC2 by Darkdrone...

RE: The AI not launching Satellite ships; I moved the base number of shuttles to zero with a max of three and I then added three (3) fighters [with a max of three; ISC Cavaet IIIs] back to the BB. This gives the Satellite Ships more speed at least. I set their ability to take damage to 24 and armed them with 1 heavy TRB, 2 light TRBS, 4 fusions and 4 phaser 1s. I figure if I can't give the Satellite ships PA panels they should have a BIG bite before they get taken out.

Qa Pla!

« Last Edit: March 24, 2003, 06:33:29 pm by Klingon Fanatic »

Chris Jones

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 01:59:06 pm »
Looking mighty fine!  

Light and Heavy TR Beams..



Rod O'neal

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2003, 10:46:53 pm »
I put the Andros into the pirate race that has pfs for SatShips, *Tiger Heart* I think, it's
been awhile. If you make them PFs but change the hull type from fighter to FF or DD and use
the FF DD UIs as well you can even fly them through fleet control and the AI is smarter. They
still blow up though if the Mother Ship gets Nuked.
Since there's no Andro systems, except TRs, I use a cloak instead of DisDev and EngDbl for PA
panel battery interactions. Doubling engines to recharge the massive battery capacity
then using them, bateries, to reinforce shields for attack runs. Andros don't deal out a lot
of damage per pass. TRs are awesome but you don't get a lot of them per hull and only Ph2's.
Then use the cloak, make it cheap to use 2pts. for example, to get out of harm to rearm.
I gave FF and DD SatShips 24/18pt. shields front/rear, per arc. DW and CL/CW hulls 36/24, CA/BC
hulls 48/36, DN 78/48, and BB 96/72.
I've played a lot of Andros in SFB and this is just my suggestion for SFC Andro loadouts.
I remember someone else doing Andros and having a Shiplist available. I want to say it was
SFCx, but I might be wrong. Sorry to those involved if that's incorrect.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2003, 08:27:43 am »

I put the Andros into the pirate race that has pfs for SatShips, *Tiger Heart* I think, it's
been awhile. If you make them PFs but change the hull type from fighter to FF or DD and use
the FF DD UIs as well you can even fly them through fleet control and the AI is smarter. They
still blow up though if the Mother Ship gets Nuked.
Since there's no Andro systems, except TRs, I use a cloak instead of DisDev and EngDbl for PA
panel battery interactions. Doubling engines to recharge the massive battery capacity
then using them, bateries, to reinforce shields for attack runs. Andros don't deal out a lot
of damage per pass. TRs are awesome but you don't get a lot of them per hull and only Ph2's.
Then use the cloak, make it cheap to use 2pts. for example, to get out of harm to rearm.
I gave FF and DD SatShips 24/18pt. shields front/rear, per arc. DW and CL/CW hulls 36/24, CA/BC
hulls 48/36, DN 78/48, and BB 96/72.
I've played a lot of Andros in SFB and this is just my suggestion for SFC Andro loadouts.
I remember someone else doing Andros and having a Shiplist available. I want to say it was
SFCx, but I might be wrong. Sorry to those involved if that's incorrect.  

Wow! Can you tell I never played SFB? I went to a site and found a CUSTOM Andro BB its loadout was:

 4 TRBH FH, 4 ph1LS/RS, 1 TRBH RS, 1 TRBH LS, 1 TRBH RH, 4 Ph1 RH, 1 ph3 ALL, ARMOR 120 pts total, 9 labs, 6 sensors, 5 probes, repair 12, cargo 9, aux power 2, hangar 9, R/L Warp 30, Impulse10, Excess damage 18,  Center Hull 40

Guess I have a lot to learn about andros.



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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2003, 08:43:49 am »
Yo KF - where are P81's Andros and DD's kitbashes of them - I used to have them but must have lost them during a reinstall

Also as you seem to be the resident expert on the subject - are there any models of the FASA Babcock or Lenthal, preferably old one's with oky meshes that need retexturing?

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2003, 11:33:22 am »

Yo KF - where are P81's Andros and DD's kitbashes of them - I used to have them but must have lost them during a reinstall

Also as you seem to be the resident expert on the subject - are there any models of the FASA Babcock or Lenthal, preferably old one's with oky meshes that need retexturing?  

I sent Darkdrone the whole kitbash collection of P81's Andromedans. Darkdrone is working on TOS/SFB versions. If you catch me on MSN I'll be glad to help.

RE: the Babcock and the Lenthal, nobody has made either FASA ship to my knowledge. MIA are two of Scott Hunters TMP FASA Romulans and Darkdrone' FASA Gorn BB. BTW: How soon before we can get the Kiev of yours?



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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2003, 03:05:11 pm »
I've got modules C2 and C3 at home. If it's stats you're looking for I can post them for any Andro, Tholian, or Neo-Tholian ship in those modules.  

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #10 on: March 24, 2003, 04:42:51 pm »

I've got modules C2 and C3 at home. If it's stats you're looking for I can post them for any Andro, Tholian, or Neo-Tholian ship in those modules.    

Er, I don't think that woul be a good idea as ADB might have a problem with that if you print SFB stats.  SFC stats for them are a different matter... If you want to share that privately please do or better yet, I'd love to see some Andros done in SFC given the tools we have at hand.

I guess my idea of Andros power/stats in SFC is WAY OFF then... In SFC3 I use them as replacements for the BORG  (minus the displacement and the PA panels naturally). Once the Core Editor for SFC3 becomes available I'll be able to do better specs I'm sure.



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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2003, 04:53:02 pm »
Most of the classes of the SFB version Andromedans were done and used to/may still reside at Fleetdock 13.  At the time there was...../me holds fore finger and thumb about an inch and a half apart...  this much interest in them.

Klingon Fanatic

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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2003, 05:05:28 pm »

Most of the classes of the SFB version Andromedans were done and used to/may still reside at Fleetdock 13.  At the time there was...../me holds fore finger and thumb about an inch and a half apart...  this much interest in them.  

Times change Anduril, I have your Andro collection too. A lot of folks I chat with are sick of the more of the same syndrome and I think there is renewed interest in them. Darkdrone is working on more TOS style Andros too. I love P81's Andros and Darkdrone's kitbashes of them.  

As a TMP fan, I like the concept of the TMP Era Andros. We need a uber enemy that doesn't get castrated a la the BORG.

Maybe I should be more of a rebel/rabble rouser and continue my non-SFB oriented ideas on TMP Andromedans? There are a few SFB fansites with TNG Andro Concepts out there so why not a TMP spin off?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Klingon Fanatic »


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Re: Looking for more Andromedan/Tholian Specs
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2003, 06:20:35 pm »


I've got modules C2 and C3 at home. If it's stats you're looking for I can post them for any Andro, Tholian, or Neo-Tholian ship in those modules.    

Er, I don't think that woul be a good idea as ADB might have a problem with that if you print SFB stats.  SFC stats for them are a different matter... If you want to share that privately please do or better yet, I'd love to see some Andros done in SFC given the tools we have at hand.

I guess my idea of Andros power/stats in SFC is WAY OFF then... In SFC3 I use them as replacements for the BORG  (minus the displacement and the PA panels naturally). Once the Core Editor for SFC3 becomes available I'll be able to do better specs I'm sure.


I didn't mean I was gonna post the SSD's or anything. I just meant that I could tell you what weapons they have, amount of PA panels, and that sort of thing. Anyway, e-mail me if there's a specific ship you'd like info on.