Running around on DOE talking to a few people in chat, I realized there were a few finer points about DOE that I forgot to tell people:
1) If you are in a carrier, don't waste money buying drouges. They won't luanch. (This is intentional, I call it "cheese prevention")
2) Don't be surprised when the DV drops by 5 (or more). I wanted people to be able to see quick changes during the Wargames phase. This will go back to unity when we start for real
3)You'll see a few "embassy" hexes on the map for the Mirak, Hydrans, and BlueFeds. They should be well away from any action. Leave them alone, OK? The server gets confused when it can't determine the economic status of an empire.
4)The draft radius is currently 1. Mea Culpa. This one was a mistake. I'll fix it later.
5) You have to log on as Lyran to play Fed. I apologize for teh brown, but at least if you use the conversion scripts you get to look at a Federation cursor.
Have fun storming the castle, boys.