Topic: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD  (Read 15755 times)

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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #60 on: March 23, 2003, 11:05:49 am »


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2003, 03:27:37 am »
I'm hosting the server.  You'll need the 4 files from (also found in smaller peices for 56kers on the link KaBoom gave you, which is the official Mega Mod website).  


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2003, 09:47:42 am »
  Praxis  some of the missions on the TNg server were causing me errors. The patrol mission would immediately turn the ship I was facing into an ally, so I couldnt complete the mission... Also the scan misisno but I think that has been covered .... But I did get on and had a lot of fun. I got smacked around pretty good using theKlingon Stealth cruiser, I had never ever used it before... dont know what to think of it... And is just me or were the AI really juiced up.... I got killed because I didnt give them any respect or my complete attention,, thank s for  all the fun  


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2003, 10:50:51 am »
There is no such thing as a patrol mission, "Patrol" appears when you face an enemy ship, it MUST NOT be listed in the campaign 1.mct folder, it is referred to in the "" file.


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2003, 12:52:36 pm »
  Pelican, you are the skilled one at scripts, I could be confused, I try it again tonight... In fact I remember Sat night I was confused...  


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2003, 01:46:50 am »
DOH!  Okay i'll fix it.



I am unBELIEVABLY stupid.  (Please don't answer that :P )  I put one of the two Hail missions (NWHail) in the campaign 1.mct file.  I ALSO have it in the MissionMatching file.  How stupid is that?

Patrol bug is now fixed.

For other missions that are bugged, the NW ones weren't specificly designed for mods and are a tad bit unstable.  I've done NWEmergency about 6 times, twice it crashed, 4 times it worked fine.  SurpriseR always works, BUT when its vs Borg the borg have pirate ships.  A few other missions are a bit buggy but since you don't lose anything if it bugs out on you, you can do them at your own risk as they are optional  In the next Chris Jones' Mega Mod update we'll have the 2.0 pelican scripts, that oughtta work better.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2003, 02:02:48 am by Praxis »


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2003, 05:52:03 am »
Cirius, you may want to read this


There are 3 rules.

1) LoS rules apply when attacking enemy sectors but you can move through neutral sectors at will (meaning you have to own a sector next to an enemy sector before you can attack that sector).

2) You may Alt-F4 when you die due to a bug vs AI- ESPECIALLY THE TORPEDO BUG!*  That is the worst bug on this server (its not just this server, happens often in TCP/IP and GSA games too).

3) You may NOT Alt-F4 vs a Player unless he tells you too (meaning he knew it was a bug).  If you see the other player blow up due to a bug, tell him to alt-f4 immediately.

*The torpedo bug is a very annoying bug that I have seen happen with K-Photons, Polarons, and Borg Torpedoes.  The bug is where when a torpedo hits your hull through an open shield, sometimes your ship will instantly blow up, even with full hull and full armour.  Dominion ships usually have a lot of torpedoes instead of primaries- that means this bug is VERY common vs Dominion.  This bug doesn't always happen- sometimes you may get hit by a torpedo in the hull, and take a small bit of damage, then you take a second hit on the hull, another bit of damage, then another hit suddenly kills you when you have very high hull still left.

Cirius thats probably whats happening to you.  You can alt-f4 when that happens.  I had one guy i was playing with get blown up by a photon from a Cardassian Galor LIGHT while he was in a Sovereign during a planet assualt- obviously a bug.  Grr.  Luckily he had the sense to Alt-F4 when i told him to

Remember- don't alt-f4 if you die fairly.  And don't alt-f4 vs a player.  But if its a bug, do it, and save your ship.  It stinks to lose a ship to a bug.

The scan/survey mission bug is well know, a real pain, it doesn't


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #67 on: March 25, 2003, 06:58:19 am »
Thank you Praxis, you know I remember someone posting about the torpedo bug ... I just forgot about it... I do remember getting killled once or twice by Jem Hadar fighter just like that...I shall return to battle tonight armed with this knowledge. I was assuming it was LOS but then again I was forced into interior once I started losing ships...    


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #68 on: March 25, 2003, 09:17:14 am »
yep beware the Jem Hadar fighter cruisers with their twin polarons and twin 5F disruptors.  They can wear down your shields quickly and they just need one shot through the shield to envoke the Torpedo bug (if you get unlucky lol).

BTW my recommended tactic is NOT to boost shield facings vs Jem Hadar because their shots can usually punch through a single shield facing in one volley- if you reinforce one, one volley can knock out all your shields.  Also they are nearly impossible to hit.  The trick?  Level 3 tractor is almost unbreakable for a Jem Hadar fighter, you may need 4 for a Fighter Cruiser.  Since they are so difficult to hit, grab them in a tractor beam (level 1 at least, it lasts only a few seconds though) just before you fire- then almost all your shots will hit.  And Jem Hadar have weak shields, they rely on evasion.  Tractor them and they have no evasion


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #69 on: March 25, 2003, 10:08:15 am »
Thanks for the advice they are tricky little Bast#$&s....  


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #70 on: March 25, 2003, 11:09:50 am »
Tell me about it

I recommend you get a USS Defiant.  They are EXTREMELY good vs Borg.  Pulse phasers are nearly as powerful as photons but WAY less accurate...but Borg ships are huge and slow, very difficult to miss

Also USS Defiant does good vs Jem Hadar...while your pulse phasers almost *never* hit, you're nearly as maneuverable as the Jem Hadar and just as fast- a nice level 2 tractor plus a full pulse-quantum volley REALLY hurts their weak hulls  And if you're in trouble, cloaking time


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #71 on: March 25, 2003, 11:13:35 am »
The torpedo bug - I think I know why this occurs, it's because the damage values have been cranked up, certain torpedoes have armour piercing capabilities, and with the damage so high, you can destroy a ship in a single hit. The Gravimetric torperdo has been known to take out both the shields, AND the hull in a single blow.....

It's never happened to me when playing on default settings, but does happen to me when you pump up the damage, the more you increase it by, the more frequently it occurs.

One solution is to give all ships more cargo space, as that helps to absorb damage.

Captain KoraH

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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #72 on: March 25, 2003, 12:29:13 pm »
Cargo space doesn't add any hit points to a ship's hull. Cargo space is for adding weight to a ship without increasing it's hit points. Base weight is the equivalent of hull hit points. If you want a Light cruiser to move like a DN, but still have the hit points of a CL, then add a lot of cargo space.  


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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #73 on: March 25, 2003, 12:36:21 pm »
That's basically what happened to the borg ships and freighters. They had their cargo space increased much, so they wouldn't dart around like flies, because they lack shields. When Cue and I were debugging the Battleclinic, we noticed that the Borg vessels could go extremely fast, faster than they actually can. Of course we overlooked the cargo space, which after a few calculations became a new factor in the mass calculation.



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Re: C Jones Mega MOD v.s. TNZ MOD
« Reply #74 on: March 25, 2003, 02:01:35 pm »

What's gone wrong?

I've downloaded the MOD, but it won't run.  When I click on it in my sfc3 folder, it says Windows doesn't recognise the file and select a file from the list to run it.

How do I run it?


I'm running Windows XP Home Edition by the way.

Angry Azrael


Chris Jones

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File name
« Reply #75 on: March 25, 2003, 02:17:23 pm »

Did you download the single file version..

or did you get it in parts?

for that matter which mod did you download, mine or TNZ?



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Re: File name
« Reply #76 on: March 25, 2003, 02:35:04 pm »
Hi Chris,

I downloaded the file in one go.  The first "Big Verson".  I'm on a 600kbs cable modem.

I've downloaded TNZ and played on it, but that server is shutting down.

I'd be foolish to download your MOD on top of a MODed game.

I Downloaded the Single Version on a fresh sfc3 with the patch.


(and thanks for the help)


Chris Jones

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Re: File name
« Reply #77 on: March 25, 2003, 03:57:51 pm »

What is the exact filename -- I just checked the filename on the server and it is an exe, which should open up.

There's a chance that your download somehow got saved wrong.

try this direct link to the file..

this bypasses the Mod Directory structure and goes right to the file..

Let me know..



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Re: File name
« Reply #78 on: March 25, 2003, 04:10:38 pm »

Thank you for trying to help me run this.  The file was saved in my sfc3 folder in program files in my C drive.

The file name was:  734

As nothing has run, I have deleted this file, flushed the recycle bin, and am downloading from your direct link.

Even with Cable it's a big download, so I'll let you know how things go when it's complete.

Thanks for making the MOD and for taking the time to try and help with these difficulties.

Back in just under an hour.




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Re: File name
« Reply #79 on: March 25, 2003, 05:15:58 pm »

The good news:  The download worked correctly.  I installed the MOD and have the new Icons on my Desktop.

The Bad News - And this is a Biggie - My Game won't play!

Double click on the MOD Icon on desktop, breif flash of DOS text (or at least I'm presuming it's that), then nothing.

Go to start, all programs, sfcIII, play sfcIII and I get the Starfleet Command logo popping up for a second, as per normal, then a whole lot of nothing.

Help again!

