yeah yeah yeah...Server ran fine for about 7-8 hours and then got stuck. I checked the log viewer and i got an unhandled exception in tThread or something. This brings us to Flatfile vs SQL.
Flatfile advantages:
1) If something gets really messed up you can jump back to your previous save.
2) Its WAY more stable, i've heard of people running two weeks without one crash.
Flatfile disadvantages:
1) It saves every 5-15 minutes depending what you select. It can be a HD space eater if you're not careful. And if you have a crash people lose everything they've done since the last save about 5 minutes ago lol
2) Its uneditable. It just runs. If someone loses prestige to a bug, he loses it, it can't be fixed. If a hex won't turn, too bad. If a player's account gets messed up, his only choice is a new account, instead of asking the admin to fix it.
3) You have to reboot the server to change server settings and you can't specific things (see 2).
4) Its slower than SQL.
SQL Advantages:
1) Real-time saving. It saves things when they happen. So if you have a crash, when the server comes back up you'll have exactly what you had pre-crash, not what you had 5-10 minutes ago like in flatfile.
2) Real-time editing. In flatfile you can only edit the general server settings and have to reboot the server. Not in SQL- you can change things while it runs, you can add or take prestige from a player, change the color of a hex, etc etc, WHENEVER you feel like it, assuming you're the host.
3) It's faster than flatfile.
SQL Disadvantages:
1) Is far less stable. If you have SQL with server build 504 you'll probably have a crash once per day or two requiring a reboot. No data is lost but its annoying to be constantly after the server making sure you reboot it all the time and its annoying for the players when the server gives them unknown errors.
I'm running SQL. Faster, and i can edit things, but it crashes often.
The bad CRC on Meta Distress call is a mistake- Chris Jones forgot the original Distress call. Don't worry, it will be fixed in the bug fix Chris will release. If you want to fix it yourself, pop in your SFC3 disk. Open the disk (if it does the autorun instead of opening, right click on the disk and choose Open), and look around until you find somewhere on the disk the original distress call, then go to your SFC3 folder, find the agt folder, go in there, go to the Orig folder, and copy the original distress call into there. Then run the Orig batch file again. Ta-da!