Topic: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments  (Read 3063 times)

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Herr Burt

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DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« on: March 22, 2003, 08:23:03 pm »

Hi all:

The time for the promised reset and end of the Wargames phase has come.  I know I said this would happen at 8PM, but my flu medication put me to sleep and I let the deadline slide.  Fortunately, J'inn was <cough> kind enough to call and wake me.  (Just kidding!  It was good you called)  Sorry for the delay.

I just spoke with the people on the server in chat, and they requsted a little more time to run a few more missions.  So, the server will come down a 9:45 Eastern.  I'll make the changes I mentioned in my other thread, and then bring it back up for the real war.  Hopefully this will give easier mission matching and fewer AI carriers.  (Unless, of course, you yourself are in a heavy carrier.)

Look for it at around 6PM EST tomorrow.  That will give me time to test the changes and make sure they all work as I hope.  The last thing I want to do is have to take it down several times for several small changes, so hopefully this will be the one and the only down period.

Happy Warmongering.

-Herr Burt


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 08:36:01 pm »

Unles si. mistaken, there may be a Fighter Bug with respectto ignoring cloaks.  I cloaked at mission start, before the F-18's were out.  Theye flew to my area, launched all their drones at me, amd they all impacted.  Every time (until I blew up).  They alos had no ECM shift aginst their attacks, even when I was cloaked, with 6 ECM.  I know ECM and claok are not cumulative ( I think) but this all seems weird.    How can you even fire a seeking weapon against a cloaked ship?


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 08:36:41 pm »


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 08:44:20 pm »
Thats a weird one. I've seen fighters launch drones at cloaked ships, if they had a lock on and were in range at the time you cloaked, but I havent seen them do that the way you describe. I have seen them on rare occasions continue to launch drones after a ship has cloaked, and I have also noticed if you drop a scatterpack at a ship that is in the middle of cloaking and it goes off very close to the cloaked ship, the drones will still hit ( a bit like firing drones in a nebula)


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 09:08:13 pm »
I haven't had this happen to me yet but have read 2 posts from different players in the koth forums saying the exact same thing ... fighter drones hitting while cloaked.


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2003, 09:18:56 pm »
Will there be a new download to fix the Gorn fighters and escorts?


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2003, 09:25:20 pm »
     Noticed the drones hitting cloaked Romulan's also tonight. It was a very interesting experience though, good work Herr Burt!


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2003, 09:54:18 pm »
Just wait 'till the Tal Shiar, I mean if such a group exists, hears of this...


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2003, 10:21:59 pm »
The drones seem to be very fast so is it the fighters lauching drones while the ships are cloaked or if they are just cloaking? I've seen drones hitting cloaked ships as well, but they were always launced while the ships were cloaking. Maybe the comp is faster than the eye? The problem miht not be fighters launching the drones while cloaked but maybe drones launced while a ship is cloaking still all hit for full damage? Plasma doesn't do squat vs a cloaked ship even if launced while cloaking are drones different in this regard?

So far the cloak has worked like it always has in my games vs the AI fromwhat I see


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2003, 11:15:26 pm »
Seeking weapons (plasma and drones) have a chance to lose lock on a cloaked target and also a chance to do no damage, half damage or full damage if they hit the cloaked target. Drones can actually disappear off the map when they lose lock. I don't recollect plasma doing this in SFC.    


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2003, 12:59:33 am »
as far as I've seen plasma fired at a cloaked target simply hits for no damage


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2003, 07:41:04 am »
It seems that the Romulan Advanced Logic Enhancer chip (Romulan ALE for short) installed free of charge on Herr Butt's computer is suffering from an unforseen malfunction. That problem will be addressed shortly with our usual discretion. (We need to modify HB flu medecine again to have time to work)

SPQR Losiack
Correspondant for the Internal Romulan Information Service
The IRIS sees all

SPQR Renegade001

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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2003, 02:54:50 pm »


Unles si. mistaken, there may be a Fighter Bug with respectto ignoring cloaks.  I cloaked at mission start, before the F-18's were out.  Theye flew to my area, launched all their drones at me, amd they all impacted.  Every time (until I blew up).  They alos had no ECM shift aginst their attacks, even when I was cloaked, with 6 ECM.  I know ECM and claok are not cumulative ( I think) but this all seems weird.    How can you even fire a seeking weapon against a cloaked ship?  

There is a long standing bug in the cloak that will periodicly allow the AI to gain a lock on you. The effect is less noticeable against the direct fire races (it just looks like a bad round of dice rolls), but this is most irritating for the Eagle jocks when they try to slink off the map in Ambushee vs Gorn. Your cloak and ECM will protect you from the phasers and plasma MOST of the time, but on the 5th Friday in February when the moon is blue, something in the code allows those Gorn to dump all their plasma into you. I've never seen a human who was able to take advantage of this bug, but with all races deploying carriers while the Romulans are still making heavy use of the Eagles, I'm sure we'll see this one quite a bit more.  


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2003, 05:51:57 pm »

Here's a wild guess.

I have also noticed that some Romulan ships don't seem to have their nuclear space mines.  So . . .   perhaps those new Rom ships that HB used other races interfaces for (ISC mainly I think) are missing a few things.   They may "claok" but they don't get the benefits of cloaking.

If this is true we may have a real problem.


i was able to use a nsm in mission w/ another rom pilot.  after i lost that ship every other ship i bought i do not have nsm's anymore.

aka Fremen Messiah  


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Re: DOE Coming down for the advertised reset and adjustments
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2003, 06:58:26 pm »
ok, it's 8pm EST and DoE is still down.  <taps foot impatiently>