Topic: Lack of variety in SFC3  (Read 7561 times)

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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #20 on: January 23, 2003, 11:48:14 am »
If you're talking about the Evil Dave missions for EAW, they were awesome when properly balanced. Challenging, but not over the top. IDSL used them and after a little tinkering in the first couple of weeks, it turned into the best campaign I've ever played in. The problem was that if you didn't get the settings right, they were waaaay over the top for some races(ask any Klink who flew Ragnarok or Fed about the beginning of AOTK). Right now, ClintK, Tracey, and a few others are working on some new ones that are hopefully more stable.  


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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #21 on: January 23, 2003, 12:03:01 pm »
Sfc3 is a good game but is in real need of more races and missions
P vs P can be hard to find due to the loss of all your PP points once you have been killed so most wont risk it
Missions are to few and too easy sorry but the planet assault is a joke
P vs P make the game for me and the best server I played on for that was rooks3 (kling mirak border changed about
every 30 minutes you would come out of a mission to find your self behind enemy lines)  

Son of Technobabble

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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #22 on: January 23, 2003, 03:53:23 pm »

P vs P can be hard to find due to the loss of all your PP points once you have been killed so most wont risk it

Do you lose all your PP no matter how much you had? Hmm I thought it had something to do with all that disrepute stuff which I never understood very well...


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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #23 on: January 23, 2003, 04:07:21 pm »
No, you dont lose it all. You lose your ship and lose 7,000-10,000 pres, enough to buy a starting ship again. If you have 50,000 pres and you die, you should only go down to 40,000.


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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2003, 04:20:50 pm »
Just make sure you always win, a good captain knows what he can and cannot pull off with his ship. And with a warbird, there's quite much you can pull off in 1v1, against a sovereign it is almost a certain win........even now. (they could use a bit more engine room though, just to get a bigger impulse engine, but that is another thread).

Be vigilant, be stealthy, be cunning, be strong
be loyal, and have honour in yourself,
those are the principles of the Rishannu



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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2003, 04:28:02 pm »
Discretion is the better part of valor

hit the w key when outmatched, you deserve to die if you're outmatched and remaining at knife fighting range (brave yes, but foolish).

Even so though, i'd vote that CL and under classes when destroyed lose no prestige nor crews.  CA and above classes lose prestige as the system goes AND at least half of their officers.

Once you get in a decent sized ship there should be no benefits.


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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2003, 05:20:22 pm »

No, you dont lose it all. You lose your ship and lose 7,000-10,000 pres, enough to buy a starting ship again. If you have 50,000 pres and you die, you should only go down to 40,000.  

Ah I have only died once on the d3 and did not have many points after upgrading  my ship (lost my raptor to a cube )
Most of the time I run if I take a pasting (a lot of the time I haveleft the map with less than 5% hull left)


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Re: Lack of variety in SFC3
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2003, 06:05:36 am »

 those are the principles of the Rishannu

Oops, i think i made a typo, it is actually Rihannsu (that's what you get when you post at midnight)

« Last Edit: January 24, 2003, 06:06:09 am by Aenigma »