I tried out the ED missions on DOE, and found them to be tough but manageable. However, I did NOT try a base defense. I recall those beastly missions from another server: quite evil.
In the situation you found yourself in, you had no choice but to die. Partly this is due to the fighters, partly to the evilness of the mission itself. Herr Burt is working to redress the carrier issue, and when DOE returns, there should be far fewer of them showing up as AI (unless you run a carrier yourself). This will ease the task significantly. I have flown with and against you before, and have no doubts as to your skill. This was not an 'adapt or die' situation, just a 'die' one

Perhaps, if these missions continue to be impossible, they can be pulled from the queue. If not, then I'm sure they aren't mandatory, so simply avoid them entirely.
Also, to everyone, please realize that as nasty as plas F toting fighters CAN be, they have a blaring weakness. The AI is none to smart about how it fires them. I have watched fighters fire plas F from range 10 at a (quickly) retreating enemy. Getting the AI to release its one and only plasma shot is fairly simple, after which their teeth have been pulled. Just mentioning this for those that didn't now.
Even though I didn't fly much in AOTK, I have toyed with the shiplist. The plasma PF's that everyone disliked so much are, in reality, no worse then the stock ones. Indeed, I prefer the Rommie CENL to any of the new ones. The 2036 patch made plasma PF's from a joke into an overpowering Juggernaught for the unwarry. Were the BCHV's a bit on the cheddary side? Probably, but the plasma races really had nothing to match the firepower of the other races BCV's (an ever popular ship, seen with some frequency on other, stock servers).
While the ED missions might interefere with PvP some, I have to disagree that they have passed their useful life. The stock missions are, frankly, ridiculously easy. We all recall the reason why Dave was encouraged to toughen them up, don't we? To slow down those races that could turn those stock patrols around in 2 minutes and swamp a slower opponent.
Well, they worked, didn't they?
Yes they are difficult, and often need constant adjustment. But I'll take the increased challange (and risk!) any day of the week. If they are balance with cheaper repair and, perhaps, better PP payoff (or conversely cheaper ships in the CA and under range), then where is the real problem? Herr Burt will be lowering the difficulty and decreasing carrier frequency. This will do wonders for making the missions playable.
As to the idea of using CnC on fighter loadouts, I am all for it. I have tried using the 'carrier size' field in shipedit to see if fighters can be restricted by hull size, but the game doesn't appear to recognize this field as being useful, at least in skirmish mode. Perhaps it would be different on a campaign server. Has this been tried? If not, would some enterprising soul be willing to test it? If it works (or can be made to), that would make CnC a server-side issue, and easily implemented.
Well, thats about enough typing for one sitting. Share and Enjoy!