Topic: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?  (Read 8776 times)

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Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« on: March 22, 2003, 06:31:13 pm »
This isnt a slag on HBs DOE by any means.

Its just not my cup of tea to fight 12 AI Heavy Cruisers with about 50 fighters that chuck plasma...

Just wondering when there will be a "Normal" campaign that wont be changing the shiplist/fighterlist to make it a pf/fighter fest.

I miss the 1v1 2v2 straight fights that used to dominate.  


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 06:39:30 pm »
i ran a few missons before i was killed, and i agree with what you said not going to play on a server with these types of missions in place.sorry but it just seems like work.of course i do no speak for anyone else in my fleet.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2003, 06:40:43 pm by Pardek »


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 08:21:16 pm »
Hey Ming, have you seen/heard from Skull or BBJ? We are WAY overdue for a Pub night.  


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 08:21:52 pm »
If I may make a humble observation, on nearly every campaign that has had custom missions that I've seen so far (IDSL, AOTK) there is always an outcry at the beginning that the server settings are too difficult, the missions too hard etc. Yes, they are harder than the stock missions. Why? Because once we are a few weeks into a campaign, people have found their starship feet again. Everyone is 'rusty' at the beginning of a campaign, but by the end of it, the missions seem too 'easy' and people start complaining that they can't be bothered with another boring AI patrol that offers no challenge.
Its a learning curve and these things take time to settle. If you are finding the mission difficulty 'normal' at the beginning of a campaign, its almost guaranteed it will be far too easy once its been running for awhile. Also, there are a large number of players with different skill levels who play on a server and you can't please everyone. Some will always say its too hard and some will always say its too easy. Regardless, however, it should be enjoyable, nonetheless. All I say is, give it a chance, try to see if you can find ways to beat those 'difficult' missions, its a strategy game after all, not just a 3D shootemup. At the end of the day, the true measure of success is if you've had fun or not, nothing else. If it becomes work for you, then by all means, dont play. But winning all the time isnt much fun either. Just my thoughts on the subject, hope no one is offended by anything I've said.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 08:51:57 pm »
SG3 is about as 'normal' as they come. Standard F&E alliances and map setup. Minor tweaks to the shiplist, with very few ships added.

SG3 is gonna be a big mainstream server with hopefully high player numbers.

There are 4x VC locations to make PvP very hot.

Other than that, ck out the SG3 thread on Mb look up all my posts I started on this forum for more info. There is a roleplay story and more info on here:


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2003, 09:09:07 pm »
Agreed Pardek.

Far: Hey. Havent spoke with BBJ/Skull in quite some time. Dont even know if they are still around to be honest.

Tracey: Well Tracey its not that i dont mind the challenge. I quite enjoy a good fight. However when it all boils down to a pf/fighter fest, Ill leave my captains chair at home. I think there is a fine line between a tough match and insanity. with a light cruiser and with 1 light cruiser as an ally, going up against 12 HC with so many fighters it took me a full minute to cycle through the target list....
Im not a bad pilot and i can handle most sane situations and even some borderline insane missions(BBJ knows what im talking about here...). I guess i just wanted to find a campaign that wasnt over the top(IMO only..)

Dizzy: Good to see your still around. Look forward to SG 3!

Anyways as I stated earlier this wasnt a point the finger post, It was intended to ask the question as im itching to fly.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2003, 10:27:52 pm »

If I may make a humble observation, on nearly every campaign that has had custom missions that I've seen so far (IDSL, AOTK) there is always an outcry at the beginning that the server settings are too difficult, the missions too hard etc. Yes, they are harder than the stock missions. Why? Because once we are a few weeks into a campaign, people have found their starship feet again. Everyone is 'rusty' at the beginning of a campaign, but by the end of it, the missions seem too 'easy' and people start complaining that they can't be bothered with another boring AI patrol that offers no challenge.
Its a learning curve and these things take time to settle. If you are finding the mission difficulty 'normal' at the beginning of a campaign, its almost guaranteed it will be far too easy once its been running for awhile. Also, there are a large number of players with different skill levels who play on a server and you can't please everyone. Some will always say its too hard and some will always say its too easy. Regardless, however, it should be enjoyable, nonetheless. All I say is, give it a chance, try to see if you can find ways to beat those 'difficult' missions, its a strategy game after all, not just a 3D shootemup. At the end of the day, the true measure of success is if you've had fun or not, nothing else. If it becomes work for you, then by all means, dont play. But winning all the time isnt much fun either. Just my thoughts on the subject, hope no one is offended by anything I've said.  

Tracy...May I also remind you that many of those missions where WAY too hard even for vets......thus,the reason they were toned down a bit or even removed....

If it becomes work for  everyone then it wont be played much...


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2003, 10:37:14 pm »
I agree Crimnick, if its no fun for anyone, then, yes, you change things, part and parcel of testing things to see what is fun and what isnt and finding the best balance. I guess, what I'm saying is don't give up on things just yet...


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #8 on: March 22, 2003, 10:48:14 pm »
well the way i see it missions are a way to make PP.back on some really good servers we all started a fair distance apart, ran missoins built up our empire and evenually meet up with you nearest enemy.thats where the fun starts pvp!its just what i like, heck i would like a stock shiplist and all empires with one homeworld!

  no flames please


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2003, 10:53:02 pm »
he he, well, 7.25 was a stock shiplist and just one homeworld per race, and no one played it...  
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Tracey Greenough »


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2003, 11:00:10 pm »
I didnt hear anyone complain that 7.25 sucked, Tracey... I just never really saw it advertised.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #11 on: March 22, 2003, 11:03:22 pm »
Agree with Pardek 110% on that. If there was a stock shiplist campaign going, I was there!  


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2003, 11:17:26 pm »
My favorite campaign thus far has been AOTK....I even liked the Evil dave missions......just not in every hex..heh


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #13 on: March 22, 2003, 11:51:55 pm »

No funny ultra-hard missions like first two weeks of AOTK monster mash in the center of the loan sharking on the spare parts.  Just cream them Feds the old fashion way.  Or, run over them Klinks  and leave  a blue streak on their back.  

Of course, then there are those Frogs...  


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2003, 12:25:32 am »
ya know... when I see these posts... I don't know if I should laugh at the posters... or get angry with the host....

Yeah, I don't like being raked over the coals for spares or told, "sure you can fly escorts" only to find that they are defanged....

But then I look at the other side....

The missions are too hard?   ROFL.... yes, they are supposed to be....

But have you tried Cooping?  

I lost my first mission.  Lost my second mission..... won my next 3 then hooked up with TraceyG.  We went on to trash a LOT of opposition.  (though that neutral co-op bug stopped us from claiming territory)

And we did quite well as a team until we ventured into Tholian space.  (Burt, those things are just MEAN!!!)  So we ended up running away... we lost 2 of 3 or 3 of 4 missions against the Tholians (we won the one where you have to read the observation post)

But we are better pilots for our efforts.  I think you need to re-examine your tactics.   This is NOT a server where you can go willy nilly on your own.

It will result in a quick death.  So make your choice....  But I can assure you, those who stick around for this server will be better pilots for it.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2003, 12:28:47 am »
I belive Herr Burt is making changes to the settings currently, I'd advise waiting and seeing what the server looks like after the changes.    I will reserve my judgements until then.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2003, 12:34:48 am »
Re-examine my Tactics??? Read my post more closely and you will see that tactics has nothing to do with 12 HC and 50 + fighters vs 2 light cruisers...Especially when you spawn right beside 5 of them.

I think if you ask some of the regulars on this board, I can handle myself quite well. Anytime you wish to test my "tactics" let me know and we can jump on gspy for a bit of 1v1 (friendly challenge of course)

I wasnt wanting to get into a flame session here. All I am asking is if there will be a normal campaign coming soon for me to look forward to.


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2003, 12:43:40 am »
How many ships were your flying? Two? Three?

If you were, then that is your fault.  Examine your tacitcs.  If you have 3 ships... it brings THREE TIMES as many enemies.

If you had ONE ship and were bringing TWELVE HC's into a fight with you, then you are running a different mission pack than I am.  

B/c after running over 20 missions on the DOE test server last nigh, I never saw that many ships.  But I always had about a  4 to 1 ratio of AI enemies.  



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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #18 on: March 23, 2003, 01:52:31 am »
Read my above posts...

I know how the missions work thanks...

Lets end the disparaging remarks shall we?  


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Re: Any Normal campaigns coming soon?
« Reply #19 on: March 23, 2003, 04:32:44 am »
Well, the very brief time I've spent with these missions, they haven't been too hard at all. It does help if you play patiently and not charge right in to mix it up. The over-anbundance of carriers does sound a problem, and it also sounds like Herr Burt is going to try and fix that. For me, it certainly has not been as hard as 4 Powers - at least we are now in ships that have been designed for the War. Play patiently and you will succeed.