Topic: Drouges  (Read 1237 times)

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« on: March 23, 2003, 12:21:47 pm »
um ok, i rally cant fiqure this out.......what are they, how do u use them?


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Re: Drouges
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2003, 06:26:38 pm »
What little I do know.

For the rommies, we have:

HVY - 3 x F-plasma
AWS - no bloody idea
PLD - some sort of plasma D ship

How to use them:

Carriers can't use them.  But they can buy them so be carfeul and if you have a V ship don't accidentially buy a drogue.
They move only at speed 1.0
You can give them orders (attack, defend me, return, etc)
The best way to get them where you want them is to tractor them.  Unfortunately this will slow you down a good deal
To tractor them, I recommend getting a level 1 tractor full loaded first, go to an appropriate view (I use F2), launch and right click when it appears.
Another way to use them is to drop them on an overrun (this worked pretty well against AI, haven't tired it on a human)
Another way to use them is to drop them when being chased by an enemy at your six while at high speed and not too much distance (this worked 'ok' against AI, won't be using it on a human though)
Another way to use them, if you desire, is to castle with them (I won't be trying that tactic) or to drop them near the fight and then run-away back to them as you need to (i.e. try to bait the enemy towards the drogue).  That worked pretty well amazingly enough.
Another way to use them is to tractor them, move them around to your 12 o'clock, and let the drogue eat whatever initial weapons the enemy wants to fire.  Only good against AI, kind of expensive (but hey, 20 PP, no biggie).