Topic: Pirate minesweeper?  (Read 2192 times)

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James Formo

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Pirate minesweeper?
« on: March 27, 2003, 10:29:15 pm »
Ok well, I am not sure what direction I am going with this ship yet. But I will unleash it upon the community. So you are warned

I am sure that it is a detroyer specially designed to clear a path thru a minefield.  This is because of its V-shaped deflector dish. Started out thinking Fed but like I said- not sure yet. Just playing around.

Any ideas- I need input cause I start going off on tangents and pretty soon it will be purple with pink polka dots



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 10:42:03 pm »
Intriguing design.  If you want to make it pirate, are you going to use different textures?  

James Formo

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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 10:55:09 pm »
See the thing is I have no plan. Just gotta go with it. Sometimes it works and sometimes it goes  south. Everthing goes better with feedback though. I got alot of help with my Black Elk and Persuasion.

Texturing takes time and I like meshing much more. However if I go the pirate route I think I should make it fit in with the other pirate ships. Are they still purplish/grey in SFC3 still?

 I will use the SFC2 ones as a guide. Might even use Taldrens  textures depending on how much time I have.  I may also try Fed textures just to see how it looks.

Say if its pirate what color should the warps be?  Pirates don't seem to have them, just yellow orange in the stearn.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2003, 10:56:49 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 10:58:20 pm »
You're askin' me??

SFC3 can't run on my system!


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2003, 11:16:51 pm »
I'm sure that the poka-dots will be use for psychological warfare.    I think the hull design is very cool and I do like the pod thingy under the saucer, but the nacel placement seems off.  Don't ask me where they would look better because I have no idea.  (Gee I'm not much help.  Stop talking to yourself weirdo.  Oh, sorry.   )

I have been looking for a Fed ship that has integrated nacels.  The Defiant has integrated nacels but it dosent look very Federation...ish.  At least not in the traditional means.  For this model you might just be able to slope the back side of the hull down further or add some sore of extension and make it encompus all of the nacel.  It would look a little like the Romulan Warbird without the bottom part of the hull.  Is this making any sense?  Is this anywhere along a semi decent idea or am I just considered a loon?

Also the bridge sticks out way too much.  For any TNG ship and beyond the bridge should probably be more fluid with the hull.  Again just my opinion and I hope it helps in some small way.      

Rod O'neal

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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2003, 12:26:42 am »

Is this making any sense?  Is this anywhere along a semi decent idea or am I just considered a loon?


You ask this question like the answers have to be opposing? Yes, it makes sense, and yes, you are a loon! LOL  

Seriously, it does make sense. I just could't resist the ribbing.    


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2003, 01:02:24 am »
It's always a good idea for people in my condition to make sure.

O   o

James Formo

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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2003, 01:04:32 am »
Ok some good ideas Vichama. I had thought about just texturing in the nacels like on the delta. Trouble is they look way to small on the back of the hull for the length I have the ship. Then I just kinda made wing struts and stuck on the nacels.

Shortened up the ship. Well from certain angles it looks good and from others not so good. But it looks more like a fighter now. And a fighter wouldn't have that huge deflector. So I kinda am stuck again.

On the bridge- my trouble is I already deleted the back faces under it. So I can't move it forward without making a hole in the mesh. (course I can start over) Because I have the saucer so rounded if I lower the bridge to much. People in it wouldn't be able to see over the saucer.  Think I can lower it some and perhaps slope it more in front.

I actually like the nacels like I had em except maybe they could be shortened. With the length of the ship it looks more like a destroyer with external nacels.  This is fun anyway. This all started from a shpere.

This is going to take longer than I thought but I enjoy it so much more then following schematics.

ooh  a lightbulb just came on. Perhaps I raise up the struts and have them meet over the hull, miranda style. Then put some pod above and struts to attach the struts to the hull - hehe.  


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2003, 02:14:10 am »
NO PODS!!!  Everything should be able to flow across the surface of the ship.  I like where you are going with the pic you just posted.  Do you have a view looking down onto the top of the ship?

I just checked the Sov and Galaxy models out and noticed that the bridges are almost non exsistant.  Then I remembered.  They don't need to see outside, they have view screens!    I also checked out the Delta Flyer and relized that that ship is just about what I'm looking for.  Thanks for pointing that out James.  I wish I could model or draw to show you guys what I have in my mind.  Maybe I'll just build it with my old legos take a pic and post that!  Man did I build a really cool Fed ship back in the days.  I wonder if its still in one piece.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by Vichama »

James Formo

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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2003, 02:40:23 am »

NO PODS!!!  Everything should be able to flow across the surface of the ship.  I like where you are going with the pic you just posted.  Do you have a view looking down onto the top of the ship?  

Well perhaps I build 2 versions. The way I see it a minesweeper should have sensor pod.   I'll try to work the integrated nacel way into a frigate.  btw RavenNights's furious appears to be an excellant integrated nacel design.  I will drop the mod down so it is in middle of top rollbar.

Pod  pics MUahahahahahaha

Vichama if you need a good Delta flyer. I think there is one at DarkMatix's site



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 pm by James Formo »


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #10 on: March 28, 2003, 02:46:57 am »
Hey that pod doesn't look bad at all.  I thought you were talking about one of those blocky ones from TOS or TMP.  And the nacels are attaced to the thing-a-ma-bob that the pod is on.  Not integrated but probably better for this hull design.  Very impressive.  I really like the side view.    


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #11 on: March 28, 2003, 02:55:48 am »

 Vichama if you need a good Delta flyer. I think there is one at DarkMatix's site  

I have a Delta Flyer (its probably that one too), but its just kinda small.  I'm looking for a ship similar to that except in the Destroyer to Battle Cruiser range.  I want to make a ship whose ONLY purpose was to attack.  So I wanted the nacels integrated for better structural integeraty.  At least thats the way it is in my strange mind.  By the way, James, if you have MSNM try looking me up with


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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2003, 07:29:30 am »
Not a pirate minesweeper...I see it as a Fed fast attack frigate, or maybe something alomg the lines of a PT, sleek and able to cripple a battleship with a few fast torpedo runs. Please no more psychedelic paint jobs!!!! You're giving me bad flash backs!


James Formo

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Re: Pirate minesweeper?
« Reply #13 on: March 28, 2003, 01:18:24 pm »

Not a pirate minesweeper...I see it as a Fed fast attack frigate, or maybe something alomg the lines of a PT, sleek and able to cripple a battleship with a few fast torpedo runs. Please no more psychedelic paint jobs!!!! You're giving me bad flash backs!


You don't like my textures. I'm crushed .  Well I always just throw something on because it helps me bring the design out of the ship. Believe it or not I didn't grow up in the psychedelic era.  No I don't use lds or any other drugs or stimulants other than caffeine .

I really want to make a pirate ship but they always end up being fed   What puzzles me is why people do not add more depth to there textures. I mean aztec textures look cut and pasted. Don't even feds have a slightly rough detailed surface rather than completely flat and smooth?   You will see this texture again. Muahahahahaha. It is for my Norway, but I haven;t gotten back to finish it.