Taldrenites > General Starfleet Command Forum
How do I add ships to my server??
I have added several ship models to my single player game and they work fine, however I can't get them to work on my server. How do I do this? Any help is appreciated!
Dont one of you taldern bigshots know?
You have to add them to the right shiplist, I would guess. It's been a while since I took a look into the files, so I couldn't tell you exactly what to do with any sort of accuracy, sorry. There are a number of guides in various places that have information on modding the game, and adding things. We have a number of them available at:
This is a direct link to the SFC3 guides section, but there may be info in other places as well.
SFC3 Guides Downloads
Hope that helps. I'll see if I can dig up some more info on it. I'm just blankin' on the process of gettin' a ship to work on a server.
Do you know anyone who might help me? I am desperately in need op help. My ships work fine in single player, but I can't get them to work in multi, even when i edit the core and loadout defaults
Yeah, I know a few admins. I'll direct a few to this thread to see if they can give you some help.
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