Topic: Re: The Return of Evil Dave  (Read 1872 times)

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Herr Burt

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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« on: March 22, 2003, 03:24:43 am »

Read this thread for a rundown on what each drogue has.

Remember that drogues can't move (much) on their own, and that towing them will slow you down.  Tow them to where (or save them until)  you need them.

I should probably put this up on the web page.  I hope the evil wasn't "too" evil.  But then, after putting up a digit of my phone number, you probably deserved it.  



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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 04:01:32 am »
I had no idea just how evil NW was until I saw J'inn after he got out of that Fleet Action.

Look what you did to the poor guy, Dave!!!

MAAANNNNN, you're EVIL!!!  


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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 10:12:56 am »
Does DOE have Tholians too? I though so far they were exclusive to SG3.


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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 10:27:19 am »

    Good News: Drafting seems to work well so far.  Ally that is.  Didn't try enemy drafting.

Cool!  I haven't had a chance to get on the server yet, this is definitely good to know!


AI:  Is it my imagination or is it smarter.  Lots more T-Bombing and they even tried to SS me several times.

Even cooler!  There are a couple of experiments in there to brighten up the AI a bit, glad to hear it might actually be achieving something   Actually I meant to ask HB if he boosted the AI glicko range as well.


 Did I mention Dave is Evil??  

Now now, I have to share credit with the EHB, (or should that be HEB, Herr Evil Burt?) setter of the difficulty level


 Bottom Line:   Gonna be one fun server!!!      




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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 10:51:31 am »

Jumped on and played a lot this morning trying out the different ships and getting use to the missions again.  I'd buy a ship play a couple of missions, sell it, buy another, etc ... Fun.

Had one problem though.  I was flying a rom SKB which is listed as a carrier and comes w/ 8 fighters.  When I go to "buy" my fighters my selection includes the HVY (thought that was a drougue).  No matter, I launch a Patrol (type 6) mission and launch my 2 squadrons of fighters.  Everything sounds sounds right (the little 'launching' noise is made) ... but they don't appear on the screen.

They do appear on the control screen as being deployed, and I can issue them commands and I get the proper response ("Begining attack run" etc).  Finally I give up and order them to return to base.  Wait a while at speed 1 nothing happens, forget about it and go off to blow-up some gorn AI.

Mission finishes, I check the supplies, and there are my 2 little squads (drogue?) of fighters looking up at me from the screen as if to say "What?  We were with you all along."

Anyway, don't know if that is a problem with a script, the ship, or something to do with your drogue code.


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Re: The Return of Evil Dave
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2003, 11:19:37 am »
Use of drogues on carriers has been disabled. Although, you can still buy them, you just cant launch them.
See Herr Berts thread on things he was supposed to say.