Well Herbert, hate to be the only one with this problem, but here I am.
When I try to log in, I get the message that a bunch of .scr files are not found. The message lists "doe_nw10patrol.scr", and a bunch of other files with names of the same form.
Here's what I did
1. Approx 36 hours before the server actually started downloaded your 9mb package (A.convert.zip) from
http://www.fourpower.com/Downlaods.html. Followed instructions and ran the "Z_To4Power.bat" batch file. Then ran the Z_From4Power.bat file as well, to go back to stock.
2. When server was announced running, I ran the "Z_To4Power.bat" and tried logging in. It gave me the error of file not found.
3. I re-downloaded the zip file from your site and repeated. Expanded it into the 4PowerConverter folder.
4. Ran the "Z_FromPower.bat" file to remove the older version (assuming the package had changed between downloads). Then ran the "Z-ToPower.bat".
5. Tried logging on, but got the same error.
I also noticed that as soon as I had run the To and From bat files once, when I then switched to sfc2.net 7.35 shiplist and ftrlist and tried to log on to that server, that log in failed. Please note that before running the "To" bat file, I always switch back to original shiplist/fighterlist. What must I do? A complete reinstall? (!)