I had the same questions/confusion Guderian. And though HB did note that a carrier can't take a drogue, he didn't note (or the more likely situation - I missed) which were drogues and which were fighters.
I went through the ftrlist and shiplist, figured it would be easy to tell what was what, unfortunately some seem to appear in both (i.e. the SF)
But from what I can determine ...
GI, GII, GIII are plasma F fighters
F, SF, FSF are phaser fighters
HVY, AWS, PLD are the drogues.
The HVY has 3 Fs (per HB's previous post). The PLD I assume is a plasma D drogue. Haven't figured out what the AWS is yet. If you know, please note it.
Edit: Some day, hopefully before this server is over, I'll learn how to spell drougu .. druoghu ... droge ... the little towed thingies that HB created for us to use.