Topic: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..  (Read 3993 times)

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Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..
« on: January 17, 2003, 11:39:40 pm »
If I'm going to have to run with my firewall down just to post.. then I might not post any more here at Taldren.  Can't stand the new look and this invalid host thing hasn't got me impressed either.



TheStressPuppie's K'Tinga

TOS kitbash of DarkDrone's Armada to SFC converted TMP FFA with Anduril's TOS warp nacelles

Lord Schtupp's TOS 1 pod tug

SBLoyd's Hospital Ship

More to come when new shots are done...or not if I can't get this to post.  

(Okay..I got it to post by pulling down my firewall.  Not happy about that..)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2003, 11:48:13 pm by atheorhaven »

Clark Kent

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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2003, 12:01:14 am »
No cool...thank you

Lord Vader

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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2003, 12:38:59 am »
Good job man, keep it up  


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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2003, 04:28:15 pm »
Nice going Alec

I agree about the forums though, what really bugs me is only having 20 threads per screen, annoying  


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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv..
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2003, 06:02:47 pm »
That you can change at least in the "My Home" part... but to even post here, I have to open up security holes in my system by dropping my firewall *and* running Internet Explorer (which is tied into my system at an OS level) instead of my usual Opera (which is not).  It's like shooting up a big friggin flare saying,"Take me down!".  And *not* being able to modify the colors or look to resemble the old style really cheeses me off.  Even if I could get rid of the incredibly irritating borders would help.

The only reason why I'm still over here at all is because I'm dedicated to the SFC community, but if my system gets hacked/fragged because of having to run like this, I won't be back, and will only post over at (which still allows me to run my firewall/Opera combination, at least for now).


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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv
« Reply #5 on: January 21, 2003, 02:20:09 am »


I was having similar problems posting with a firewall or some such thing.  I emailed David Ferrell and he seemed to fix it.  As far as I can tell security is in no way compromised with the current set up.  Hope that helpd.  

I'm about to try the same thing myself.. I'll be glad if I can ditch having to use IE.

Okay, I'm uploading (as I type this) the first of the completed conversions.  And I have some new pics as well..

First of all, here's the new Trek SFC 1 conversion shots:

TOS Davids

-LB- and Ravennx's Scorpion

And here's some of the Babylon 5 SFC 1 conversion shots as well:

DarkB5's ISA Bluestar

Eternity's Technomage ships- the Parian and the Sceptre

and the Earth Alliance (ISA) Victory Class Excaliber

And finally, the first download links:

Mackie's kitbashed TMP David's Class for SFC 1
Mackie's kitbashed TMP Belmont Class for SFC 1
Mackie's kitbashed TMP Behmoth Class for SFC 1

Redragon's TNG Akira Class for SFC 1
Redragon's TNG Ambassador Class for SFC 1

My rexture of Moon/Lansing's TOS FMS "Galileo 7" for SFC 1

My own creation - Doctor Who's TARDIS, now for SFC 1

And lastly, DarkB5's ISA Bluestar for SFC 1

There we go.. hope this all worked, or I have a lot of retyping in IE.


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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2003, 07:13:56 pm »
I've got Zone Alarm and Mozilla 1.2.1 and they work fine for posting. Models look great btw.  


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Re: Attempt #2 at this..pix postings of SFC 1 conv
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2003, 01:01:02 am »
I disbaled my firewall because one day it went dulally and blocked every single page I tried to load in Internet Explorer (that includes certain files viewed in regular Explorer eg pictures, txt files etc on my HD ). Restarting/resetting did not help any. I was all ready and set to do a system restore when I noticed that I couldt access the firewalls set up, and after putting 2 and 2 together in a  last ditch attempt to fix things I uninstalled the blasted thing and all was dandy.

Im too nervous to try the bloody thing again, and if anyone tries anything Ill just have to hunt them down and show them what its like to be beat with a Rangers Mimbari staff weapon (well so Id like to think anyway )