Topic: DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!  (Read 1347 times)

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DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!
« on: March 22, 2003, 02:32:44 am »
Can someone give me a sense of the expectaions for this server?  Never have done a D2 campaign before.  Is it just expected that you have three ships in your fleet and that you are going to be losing some of them?  Getting jumped by I think more than 6 ships consistently.  After my KVL blew up, I said ok that's enough for now.  And what the heck is a VLV anyway?  There are a couple of ships I have never heard of in the shipyard.  Makes it kind of dicey to just pick one.  I guess if someone could clue me in I would be grateful as I would love to participate in this server, but I am feeling out of my depth.

Herr Burt

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Re: DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2003, 03:08:40 am »
If you right click on any ship in the shipyard, it will give you the display of everything it carries.  (the outline of the ship might not appear if it is a carrier that I had to 'donate' to a PF race, but all the weapons and stats will appear).

The VLV is the carrier version of the KVL  It has 24 fighters all full of plasma love.  It also costs two arms and half a leg.

Getting jumped by six ships sounds harsh, unless you were in one of the fleet action missions.  Also, the more ships you have, the more you will face.  If a mission seems really whacked, note it here.  I'll check back.

-Herr Burt


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Re: DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2003, 03:17:02 am »
I am certainly not the most knowledgable person around but I'll try to help. Doe uses a unique shiplist, which every one is trying to figure out what works best for them. Your best bet is to hook up to one of these hard core fleets, depending on what race you are playing and getting some tactics off of them. IMHO anything over 1 ship drives me to distraction... I hate it! Some folks like it, more power to them. The missions are very hard, but once you get used to them they will be a piece of cake.
Tonite is just a test run anyway, so errors are the norm.
Best of luck!


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Re: DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2003, 12:21:08 pm »
One of the best thing is to try to hook up with a veteran or a fleet member. For exemple, if the Romulan existed (not confirmed), they would claim that a fleet of dedicated players have banded together to form the SPQR fleet (denied). Their call sign usually start with those letters unless they try to be sneakier than usual.

If you show up as a Romulan player, they will try to get in touch with you on general chat to ask you to go to race chat or even better: Roger Wilco.

If someone from SPQR existed, he would say that the SPQR fleet is a dedicated fleet of Romulan players that like to roleplay paranoid spies. Their goals are: focus of goal for a campaign, training of newcomers (such as yourself), roleplay and FUN. However, remember that he lies. Trust me on that one!!!!!

If you see me online, get in touch

SPQR Losiack
Correspondant for the Internal Romulan Information Service
The IRIS sees all

P.S. I'll fly under the name of SPQRLosiak because having a call name of 10 letters will add numbers after your name preventing direct chat.

P.S.2 The previous post scriptum denied

P.S.3. It is confirmed that post scriptum #2 is an official denial


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Re: DOE: Boy, am I confused??!!
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2003, 12:47:07 pm »
As someone who has always been a Klingon, I thought I would try Rom for this campaign.  I could really use some help, as all I seem to be able to do is get wacked and rather quickly!  Last fleet action waves of F14s came at my fleet and wacked most of it in one pass.  I think I lasted about another 20 seconds!