Topic: Have a basic site back up again...  (Read 1942 times)

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Have a basic site back up again...
« on: March 27, 2003, 07:41:40 am »
... and it was an all-nighter.

This is really basic basic basic.. but it's a bit better looking than before.  As I go along, I'll be adding some downloads and various links, so think of the current state as an "alpha" site.
Currently, it's a showcase of most of the ships and stuff that I've worked on since Dec 2001.  

Thanks muchly to Mackie, I have some space and somewhere stable for hosting.. now it's just getting all the stock menus and stuff worked on and replaced with something useful.

But here's the link (verified working with Internet Explorer 5, 6, and Opera btw).

Let me know what you think (besides "fix the content dude, it rots!").  


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Re: Have a basic site back up again...
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2003, 08:38:55 am »
Good to hear! With your skill with Photoshop (I think you have that?), do up an image and then throw it into image ready and make an image map for your interface. But hey, looks good now too, so just tell me kiss off.



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Re: Have a basic site back up again...
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2003, 10:25:54 pm »
cool another site for my cool model favorites    

James Formo

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Re: Have a basic site back up again...
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2003, 10:31:30 pm »
Great news atheorhaven. Rock on!


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Re: Have a basic site back up again...
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2003, 10:29:19 am »

Good to hear! With your skill with Photoshop (I think you have that?), do up an image and then throw it into image ready and make an image map for your interface. But hey, looks good now too, so just tell me kiss off.  

Well, it sure looks better than what I had before.. (which I haven't been able to access over at Nightsoft for a bit, hopefully Raven hasn't taken it down because I need those ships from there to backup).  I'm just not too hot at all with HTML, which is why my old pages just blew chunks.  :P

(ps: btw, I don't use Photoshop either.. Pataflafla and I as well as WZ45 are all PaintShop Pro users.  The one thing that I do differently is that I also use a couple of other programs in the mix for some of my layering, et al, before it goes into PSP for the final touches.  

Image mapping is a great idea.. and if I do it, I've even seen the font that I'd like to use over at Project 90: ST vs SW... getting things to look like I used a label maker all over the place would just be my idea of fun.    Needless to say,  not using PhotoShop means that I also don't have ImageReady though..  


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Re: Have a basic site back up again...
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2003, 10:35:48 am »

cool another site for my cool model favorites


Great news atheorhaven. Rock on!  

Thanks guys.. it'll be a lot better when I have it as more than a picture gallery though.. my intention is to try and modify things so that when you click on a picture, you'll also get the option to download the ship in the picture.  Plus I want to link it all up so that it'll work non-JAVA as well.

(ps: James, I think I've figured out the problem with your lighting on the nacelles of the Black Elk and Persuasion.. looks like Milkshape isn't mapping illumination properly for you.  I've corrected that with the download versions of the ships and can send you the fixed .MOD files if you want them.  But think I should also confer with the |\/|4(k0r and see what he's done to iron out the crinkles and then build on it from there so that we can send you a refined fix.