Well that just about did it for me, feeling a bit stressed this morning I figured I should take to blowing up some some nice ships in SFC3, this will make me happy for sure.
Well there I am, I struggled to get into a Norway, loading myself out with what I thought was a clever 2 foward IXF, pulse phaser and 1 Quantum. This ment I didnt have to upgrade the warp core and could have a nice zippy manouvarable ship as was I am sure, intended.
Playing on GFL 4 corners, I set about finding some AI to take on, finding a wingman instead it isnt long (5 mins or so ffs) before I find someone of comparable size to fight again, Borg Diamon isnt that much of a push over. Anyway the damn AI leaves my fleet for no reason and will not return, what the fecking hell is up with that?
Anyway I leave the fecking moron behind and go off in search of some more competition, finding a K'tinga, mmm nice, gona be a good fight thats for sure. Anyway I get into the match, to my delight he has 2 foward level 3 dizzies and 2 foward Ion cannons, alls I have to do is stay out of his forward arcs and Im ok.
About a minute later he has me in a level 3 tractor, somehow managed to get too close to him as my ship was slower than his, I was now in his forward arcs and with 2 vollys my ship was a goner. This sucks just about here, my hull was somthing like 75% in the green and one volly of Ion cannons tears me apart and Im dead.
Well feck this I think what kind of lame as excuse for a game is this, I mean it was hard enough getting here in the first place, why has it gota be so harsh? Rather annoyed I get back ONLY TO FIND 5000+ DISREPUTE. That was it for me, back in a FF, officors hadnt advanced at all despite my best efforts, according to the server rules its against the rules to start a new account so you guys can kma.
I really do have better things to do than run scan missions all day, this game used to be far more fun before the patch even though it wasnt as hard you had more PvP and less messing around. I dont want to have to fight for 6 hours straight to get an even remotly competitive ship, the game has too many hang ups to make the effort worth it anymore so Im gona go.
So long to you all, thought I had found myself a nice forum where I could talk about a game I really liked, but that game just isnt what i thought it was. I would detail everything I find wrong with it, but needless to say, its taken a bit too seriously with these server set ups, it no longer rewards it punishes the none great players. Sorry I dont measure up but Ill take my time elsewhere, an important thing I think developers/server admin should remeber for the future is, the best games ever were always easy to get into. Taldren tried to do that with SFC3 but experts seem to take offence at that.
Anyway, later all have a good one!