Hello all,
. Well, I felt it was about time that I gave people an update on my progress, so here goes....
. The program now successfully opens and displays all of the information in the DefaultCore.txt file. It loads the appropriate UI image from the game's directory and positions the hardpoint buttons on the UI using the data stored in the vessel's *.gf file. The user can select various hardpoints and have the appropriate information (such as the arc, and whether or not the hardpoint is enabled) displayed. A sample screenshot follows....
. As you can see, I have had to remove the images from the hardpoint and empire selection buttons. This was because of some large problems with the image loading code, and so I decided to continue on with the main part of the program rather than fiddling with the buttons. Hopefully I will be able to come back to it later and fix some of the problems.
. The next step is to write the code to save changes to the spec file, and to cut/copy/paste/delete ship entries. After that I will get started on the DefaultLoadOut part of the program.
. Finally, I have added a page on CoreEdit to my web site:
Xhalon Media. To access the CoreEdit page, either click on the link in the top news item or click on 'CoreEdit' on the bar at the left-hand side of the site.
So long for now,