In dim recollection, the base placement mission seemed a bit skewed to me.
Firstly, the fleet that's sent to destroy the base is kinda large. Perhaps a bug, perhaps I am simply an initiate of Jinn's school of pure suckiness, but a fleet of three heavy cruisers, three escorts, and a fleet equal to my own fleet's bvp was a bit too much to handle.
(I had a pair of F-DDGs and the station was a BATS, I think. I faced a K-D7C, K-D7, K-D7 Drone variant, a frigate drone variant, and four other frigates I didn't pay attention to. (I hope I'm not whining about this...) )
Less a suckiness vs. bug issue and more a bug issue is the fact that you can disengage from this mission and still net a win; If the base blows up, and you escape, you still win. I was pleased with THAT particular bug at the time, but it is a bug no less. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that the base is a part of the player's fleet, and can be accessed from the fleet panel. ( I wonder if you still win if you're utterly gutted...).
Though this mission isn't technically bugged, the recovery mission seems a tad easy.
I remember this mission even less than the base placement mission. I'm not even sure it's name is 'recovery.' I DO remember that all you do in the mission is look at a bunch of space boxes, do something (anything actually; leave, destroy the boxes, take the parts inside and leave, tow a box off the map, etc.) Although the mission hints that there could be enemies about, I never encountered them on this mission ever.
In any event, I haven't played OP D2 in quite some time (I usually play skirmish to avoid evil OPD2 bugs.) so I don't *know* if this is still there or not.
I hope i'm not sending anyone on a wild goosechase,
PS: If you want, I could muck around OP D2 looking for that recovery mission and do a base placement mission if you want...
PPS: Apologies in advance if you already know about these.